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Last active August 25, 2017 23:53
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Daily Win % Timeline
// @description Shows your win/loss timeline & stats, but resets the data everyday.
// @version 0.5.0
// - 0.5.0: Added KD/Offense/Defense/Team Stat Bars and Medals to popup scoreboard
// - 0.4.1: Fixed bug (tagpro.serverHost is always null now)
// - 0.4.0: Added menu
// - 0.3.0: Added ability to change number of days the data will reset (so can be weekly now too)
// - Changed to table view
// - Added DCs (experimental)
// - Added Win % when playing as Red or Blue
// - Made compatible with new TagPro site design
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @exclude*
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @author nabby
// ==/UserScript==
console.log('START: ' + + ' (v' + GM_info.script.version + ' by ' + + ')');
var $uHome = $('#userscript-home');
var $uTop = $('#userscript-top');
var $uBottom = $('#userscript-bottom');
var DWP_NumberDays = GM_getValue('DWP_NumberDays', 1);
var DWP_ResetHour = GM_getValue('DWP_ResetHour', 5);
var DWP_ShowTimeline = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowTimeline', true);
var DWP_ShowMainStats = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowMainStats', true);
var DWP_ShowMapStats = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowMapStats', true);
var DWP_MinPlays = GM_getValue('DWP_MinPlays', 3);
var DWP_ShowAverageStats = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowAverageStats', true);
var DWP_ShowNext = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowNext', true);
var resultColor = '';
var resultBackground = '';
var resultBackgroundHeader = '';
var options = { //defaults
'Win_Color': { display:' Color for a "Win"', type:'manual', value:'#22DD22', title:''},
'Loss_Color': { display:' Color for a "Loss"', type:'manual', value:'#EE2020', title:''},
'DC_Color': { display:' Color for a "DC (Loss)"', type:'manual', value:'#FFFF00', title:''},
'SSA_Color': { display:' Color for a "Successful Save Attempt (Win)"', type:'manual', value:'#166C16', title:''},
'FSA_Color': { display:' Color for a "Unsuccessful Save Attempt"', type:'manual', value:'#157798', title:''},
'Tie_Color': { display:' Color for a "Tie (Loss)"', type:'manual', value:'#ff9900', title:''},
'Unknown_Color': { display:' Color for a "Unknown"', type:'manual', value:'#888888', title:''}, //just in case!
//These are updated by the script...
'DWPSavedGames': { type:'script', display:'', value:[] },
var DWP_Selections;
var PageLoc = WhichPageAreWeOn();
function getUsefulText(value, what){
if (what == 'gamemode') {
if (value === 1) {
return 'CTF';
} else if (value === 2) {
return 'Neutral Flag';
} else {
return '';
} else if (what == 'outcome') {
if (value === '10') { //value must be passed as a string ('outcome'+'saved')
return 'Win';
} else if (value === '20') {
return 'Loss';
} else if (value === '30') {
return 'DC';
} else if (value === '41') {
return 'Unsuccessful Save Attempt';
} else if (value === '12') {
return 'Successful Save Attempt';
} else if (value === '50') {
return 'Tie';
function setNewReset() {
var nowTime = new Date();
var resetTime;
if ((DWP_NumberDays === 1) && (nowTime.getHours() < DWP_ResetHour)) {
resetTime = new Date(;
} else {
resetTime = new Date( + 60*60*24*DWP_NumberDays*1000);
resetTime.setHours(DWP_ResetHour, 0, 0);
GM_setValue('reset', Date.parse(resetTime));
if (!GM_getValue('reset')) setNewReset();
function checkReset() {
var resetDate = GM_getValue('reset',;
if ( > resetDate) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var statistic = {
min: function(array) {
return Math.min.apply(null, array);
max: function(array) {
return Math.max.apply(null, array);
sum: function(array) {
let num = 0;
for (let i=0, l=array.length; i<l; i++) num += array[i];
return num;
normalize: function(array) {
let array2 = [];
let min = statistic.min(array);
let max = statistic.max(array);
for (let i=0, l=array.length; i<l; i++) {
array2.push( (array[i] - min) / ((max - min) || 1) );
return array2;
var makeTotalStats = function(playersData) {
var i;
var stats = [ 'score', 'tags', 'pops', 'grabs', 'drops', 'hold', 'captures', 'prevent', 'returns', 'support', 'powerups', 'points', 'kd', 'score2' ];
var tStats = {
score: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, data:[] },
tags: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, data:[] },
pops: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, data:[] },
grabs: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, data:[] },
drops: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, data:[] },
hold: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:45, data:[] },
captures: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:40, data:[] },
prevent: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:40, data:[] },
returns: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:45, data:[] },
support: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, data:[] },
powerups: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, data:[] },
points: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, data:[] },
kd: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:15, data:[] },
score2: { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:15, data:[] }
for (i=0; i<playersData.length; i++) {
let player = playersData[i];
if (!player.kd) player.kd = player.tags / (player.pops || 1);
if (!player.score2) player.score2 = player.captures / (player.grabs || 1);
for (var j=0; j<stats.length; j++) {
let stat = stats[j];
if (playersData[i].team === 1) {
tStats[stat].red += player[stat];
} else {
tStats[stat].blue += player[stat];
tStats[stat].total += player[stat];
if (player.self) tStats[stat].self = player[stat];
let tStats_keys = Object.keys(tStats);
for (i=0; i<tStats_keys.length; i++) {
if (tStats[tStats_keys[i]].weight) {
tStats[tStats_keys[i]].normal = statistic.normalize(tStats[tStats_keys[i]].data);
tStats[tStats_keys[i]].normalTotal = statistic.sum(tStats[tStats_keys[i]].normal);
tStats.offense = { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, top:[], data:[] };
tStats.defense = { red:0, blue:0, total:0, weight:0, top:[], data:[] };
for (i=0; i<playersData.length; i++) {
let value = playersData[i];
value.o = tStats.captures.normal[i]/(tStats.captures.normalTotal||0.0000001)*tStats.captures.weight + tStats.hold.normal[i]/(tStats.hold.normalTotal||0.0000001)*tStats.hold.weight + tStats.score2.normal[i]/(tStats.score2.normalTotal||0.0000001)*tStats.score2.weight;
value.d = tStats.prevent.normal[i]/(tStats.prevent.normalTotal||0.0000001)*tStats.prevent.weight + tStats.returns.normal[i]/(tStats.returns.normalTotal||0.0000001)*tStats.returns.weight + tStats.kd.normal[i]/(tStats.kd.normalTotal||0.0000001)*tStats.kd.weight;;;{, value:value.o,, self:value.self });{, value:value.d,, self:value.self });
if ( === 1) { += value.o; += value.d;
} else { += value.o; += value.d;
} += value.o; += value.d;
if (value.self) {
tStats.offense.self = value.o;
tStats.defense.self = value.d;
}, b) {
return (a.value < b.value ? 1 : a.value > b.value ? -1 : 0);
});, b) {
return (a.value < b.value ? 1 : a.value > b.value ? -1 : 0);
return tStats;
function loadData() {
var data = $.extend(true, [], DWP_Selections.DWPSavedGames.value);
if (data.length > 0) {
var nowTime = new Date();
var resetTime = new Date();
resetTime.setHours(DWP_ResetHour, 0, 0);
var firstTime = new Date(parseInt(Date.parse(data[0].played)));
var difference = Date.parse(nowTime) - Date.parse(data[0].played);
nowTime = nowTime.toISOString();
resetTime = resetTime.toISOString();
firstTime = firstTime.toISOString();
$('#DWP').append('<div id="DWP_NextReset" style="color:lightgreen; font-size:13px;"></div>');
var resetData = checkReset();
if (resetData) {
GM_setValue('ResetData', true);
$('#DWP_NextReset').append('<div style="color:deeppink; font-size:13px;">Data will reset when you next complete a game.</div>');
} else {
var resetDate = GM_getValue('reset');
GM_setValue('ResetData', false);
$('#DWP_NextReset').append('<div style="color:lightgreen; font-size:13px;">Next Reset: '+new Date(resetDate).toDateString()+' @ '+new Date(resetDate).toLocaleTimeString()+'</div>');
if (DWP_NumberDays > 1) {
var diff = (resetDate - / 1000;
var toGo;
if (diff > 86400) {
toGo = Math.ceil(diff/60/60/24);
$('#DWP_NextReset').append('<div style="color:lightgreen; font-size:11px; font-style:italic;"> [' + (toGo === 1 ? 'tomorrow' : toGo + ' days to go') + ']</div>');
if (GM_getValue('lastGameCheckDC', false)) {
var game = GM_getValue('lastGameCheckDC');
if (game.hasOwnProperty('played')) {
var wasAFK = false;
if (document.URL.includes('err=afk')) { //probs afk'd the last game
wasAFK = true;
data.push( { outcome:3, played:new Date(game.played).toISOString(), mapName:game.mapName, mapAuthor:game.mapAuthor, gameMode:game.gameMode, serverName:game.serverName, afk:wasAFK } );
DWP_Selections.DWPSavedGames.value = data;
GM_setValue('DWP_Selections', DWP_Selections);
for (var key=0, l=data.length; key<l; key++) {
data[key].gameNumber = key+1; //(data.length - key);
GM_setValue('allData', data);
if ($('#DWP').length) {
} else {
$('#DWP_Messages').append('No data for Daily Win % Timeline - go play some games!');
function setTimelineCellHeights(Cell_Width) {
Cell_Width = Cell_Width || 1;
GM_addStyle('.dwp_win { display:inline-block; position:relative; height:10px; width:'+Cell_Width+'px; border-radius:2px; cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; text-shadow:none; color:#111; margin-left:1px; background:linear-gradient('+DWP_Selections.Win_Color.value+', #191); }');
GM_addStyle('.dwp_loss { display:inline-block; position:relative; height:10px; width:'+Cell_Width+'px; border-radius:2px; cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; text-shadow:none; color:#111; margin-left:1px; background:linear-gradient('+DWP_Selections.Loss_Color.value+', #a22); }');
GM_addStyle('.dwp_dc { display:inline-block; position:relative; height:10px; width:'+Cell_Width+'px; border-radius:2px; cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; text-shadow:none; color:#111; margin-left:1px; background:linear-gradient('+DWP_Selections.DC_Color.value+', #a80); }');
GM_addStyle('.dwp_ssa { display:inline-block; position:relative; height:10px; width:'+Cell_Width+'px; border-radius:2px; cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; text-shadow:none; color:#111; margin-left:1px; background:linear-gradient(white, '+DWP_Selections.SSA_Color.value+'); }');
GM_addStyle('.dwp_fsa { display:inline-block; position:relative; height:10px; width:'+Cell_Width+'px; border-radius:2px; cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; text-shadow:none; color:#111; margin-left:1px; background:linear-gradient('+DWP_Selections.FSA_Color.value+', white); }');
GM_addStyle('.dwp_tie { display:inline-block; position:relative; height:10px; width:'+Cell_Width+'px; border-radius:2px; cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; text-shadow:none; color:#111; margin-left:1px; background:linear-gradient(#f90, #d60); }');
GM_addStyle('.dwp_unknown { display:inline-block; position:relative; height:10px; width:'+Cell_Width+'px; border-radius:2px; cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; text-shadow:none; color:#111; margin-left:1px; background:'+DWP_Selections.Unknown_Color.value+'; }');
var makeBar = function(title, elementName, redStat, blueStat) {
$('#'+elementName).append('<div id="'+elementName+'_'+title+'" class="'+elementName+'_Outer"></div>');
$('#'+elementName+'_'+title).append('<div class="'+elementName+'_Title">'+title+'</div>');
if (redStat > 0 || blueStat > 0) {
if (redStat > 0) $('#'+elementName+'_'+title+'').append('<div class="'+elementName+'_Red" style="width:'+redStat.toFixed(3)+'%; ">'+redStat.toFixed(1)+'%</div>');
if (blueStat > 0) $('#'+elementName+'_'+title+'').append('<div class="'+elementName+'_Blue" style="width:'+blueStat.toFixed(3)+'%;">'+blueStat.toFixed(1)+'%</div>');
$('#'+elementName+'_'+title+'').append('<div class="'+elementName+'_Mid">&#10209;</div>');
} else {
$('#'+elementName+'_'+title+'').append('<div style="width:100%; text-align:center; font-size:10px;">-</div>'); // border:1px dashed rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
function makeEOGMessage(result, team, redScore, blueScore, spectator) {
let eogMessage = '';
if (!result) {
if (redScore === blueScore) result = 'tie';
else if ((redScore > blueScore && team === 1) || (blueScore > redScore && team === 2)) result = 'win';
else result = 'loss';
if (result === 'win') {
if (team === 1) eogMessage = 'Score ' + redScore + ':' + blueScore + (spectator ? ' | Red Won (Spec)' : ' | We (Red) Won!');
else eogMessage = 'Score ' + redScore + ':' + blueScore + (spectator ? ' | Blue Won (Spec)' : ' | We (Blue) Won!');
} else if (result === 'loss') {
if (team === 1) eogMessage = 'Score ' + redScore + ':' + blueScore + (spectator ? ' | Red Lost (Spec)' : ' | We (Red) Lost :(');
else eogMessage = 'Score ' + redScore + ':' + blueScore + (spectator ? ' | Blue Lost (Spec)' : ' | We (Blue) Lost :(');
} else if (result === 'tie') {
if (team === 1) eogMessage = 'Score ' + redScore + ':' + blueScore + (spectator ? ' | Tie! (Spec)' : ' | Tie! We were on Red');
else eogMessage = 'Score ' + redScore + ':' + blueScore + (spectator ? ' | Tie! (Spec)' : ' | Tie! We were on Blue');
return eogMessage;
function setColors(result) {
if (!result) {
let game = GM_getValue('gameData');
result = game.spectator ? 'spectator' : game.result;
let scoreboardTransparency = 1;
if (result === 'spectator') {
resultColor = '#ddd';
resultBackground = 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(34, 34, 34, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 17%, rgba(102, 102, 102, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 36%, rgba(17, 17, 17, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 87%)';
resultBackgroundHeader = 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(51, 51, 51, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 0%, rgba(68, 68, 68, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 30%, rgba(51, 51, 51, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 50%, rgba(102, 102, 102, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 80%, rgba(34, 34, 34, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 100%)';
} else if (result === 'win') {
resultColor = '#0b0';
resultBackground = 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(0, 34, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 17%, rgba(51, 119, 51, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 36%, rgba(0, 17, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 87%)';
resultBackgroundHeader = 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(0, 51, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 0%, rgba(17, 85, 17, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 30%, rgba(0, 51, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 50%, rgba(34, 102, 34, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 80%, rgba(0, 34, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 100%)';
} else if (result === 'loss') {
resultColor = '#c00';
resultBackground = 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(34, 0, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 17%, rgba(119, 51, 51, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 36%, rgba(17, 0, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 87%)';
resultBackgroundHeader = 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(51, 0, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 0%, rgba(85, 17, 17, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 30%, rgba(51, 0, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 50%, rgba(102, 34, 34, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 80%, rgba(34, 0, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 100%)';
} else if (result === 'tie') {
resultColor = '#fc0';
resultBackground = 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(51, 51, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 17%, rgba(119, 119, 51, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 36%, rgba(34, 34, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 87%)';
resultBackgroundHeader = 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(51, 51, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 0%, rgba(85, 85, 17, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 30%, rgba(51, 51, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 50%, rgba(102, 102, 34, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 80%, rgba(34, 34, 0, '+scoreboardTransparency+') 100%)';
function showGameInfo(gameNumber, top, left) {
if (!top || top === undefined || top === void 0) top = 0;
if (!left || left === undefined || left === void 0) left = 0;
var data = GM_getValue('allData', []);
var game = data[data.length - gameNumber - 1];
var text = '<div style="width:500px; margin:-20px auto 0; padding:5px 0; background:linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,1),rgba(0,0,0,0.1)); border:1px outset #bbb; border-radius:10px;">';
if (game.outcome === 1) {
if (game.saved === 2) {
text += '<div style="font-weight:bold; color:'+DWP_Selections.Win_Color.value+'">Game #' + game.gameNumber + ': Win - Successful Save Attempt! (' + game.redScore + ':' + game.blueScore + ')</div>';
} else {
text += '<div style="font-weight:bold; color:'+DWP_Selections.Win_Color.value+'">Game #' + game.gameNumber + ': Win (' + game.redScore + ':' + game.blueScore + ')</div>';
} else if (game.outcome === 2) {
text += '<div style="font-weight:bold; color:'+DWP_Selections.Loss_Color.value+'">Game #' + game.gameNumber + ': Loss (' + game.redScore + ':' + game.blueScore + ')</div>';
} else if (game.outcome === 3) {
text += '<div style="font-weight:bold; color:'+DWP_Selections.DC_Color.value+'">Game #' + game.gameNumber + ': DC' + (game.afk ? '/AFK' : '') + ' (Loss)</div>' +
'<div style="font-weight:bold">' + game.mapName + ' by ' + game.mapAuthor + ' (' + getUsefulText(game.gameMode, 'gamemode') + ')</div>' +
'<div>' + new Date(parseInt(Date.parse(game.played))).toLocaleTimeString() + ' (' + new Date(parseInt(Date.parse(game.played))).toDateString() + (game.serverName ? ') on ' + game.serverName : ')') + '</div>';
$('#DWP_GameInfo').html(text).css({top:top, left:left});
} else if (game.outcome === 4) { //Save Attempt
if (game.saved === 1) { //Unsuccessful
text += '<div style="font-weight:bold; color:'+DWP_Selections.FSA_Color.value+'">Game #' + game.gameNumber + ': Unsuccessful Save Attempt (' + game.redScore + ':' + game.blueScore + ')</div>';
} else {
} else if (game.outcome === 5) { //Tie
text += '<div style="font-weight:bold; color:'+DWP_Selections.Tie_Color.value+'">Game #' + game.gameNumber + ': Tie/Loss (' + game.redScore + ':' + game.blueScore + ')</div>';
} else { //Unknown
text += '<div>Unknown Result!</div>';
var playedFor = (game.timePlayed / game.fullGameLength * 100).toFixed(2);
if (playedFor > 100) playedFor = 100;
text += '<div style="font-weight:bold">' + game.mapName + ' by ' + game.mapAuthor + ' (' + getUsefulText(game.gameMode, 'gamemode') + ')</div>' +
'<div>' + new Date(parseInt(Date.parse(game.played))).toLocaleTimeString() + ' (' + new Date(parseInt(Date.parse(game.played))).toDateString() + (game.serverName ? ') on ' + game.serverName : ')') + '</div>' +
'<div style="font-style:italic">You played for ' + secondsToHMS(game.timePlayed) + ' ('+ playedFor + '%)</div>';
text += '</div>';
let tStats = makeTotalStats(game.playersData);
var medalColor1 = 'linear-gradient(35deg, #ff0, #f70)';
var medalColor2 = 'linear-gradient(35deg, #777, #eee)';
var medalColor3 = 'linear-gradient(35deg, #c13f08, #af824b)';
var getRank = function(stat) {
if (tStats.hasOwnProperty(stat)) {
if (tStats[stat].hasOwnProperty('rank') && tStats[stat].rank) {
return tStats[stat].rank;
} else if (tStats[stat].hasOwnProperty('data')) {
let sorted = tStats[stat].data.slice();
sorted.sort(function(a, b) {
return b - a;
if (stat === 'pops') sorted.reverse(); //pops are a negative stat (lower is better)
let rank = sorted.indexOf(tStats[stat].self) + 1;
tStats[stat].rank = rank;
return rank;
var getMedalColor = function(pos) {
if (pos === 1) return medalColor1;
else if (pos === 2) return medalColor2;
else if (pos === 3) return medalColor3;
else return 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.1)';
text += '<table id="DWP_GameInfoScoreboard" style="margin:5px 0"><tr id="DWP_GameInfoScoreboard_Header"><td></td><td>Sc</td><td>Ta</td><td>Po</td><td>Gr</td><td>Dr</td><td>Ho</td><td>Ca</td><td>Pr</td><td>Re</td><td>Su</td><td>PU</td><td>Pt</td><td class="DWP_KDCol">KD</td><td>O</td><td>D</td><tr>';
$.each(game.playersData, function(key, value) {
let a = value.o || 0.0000001;
let b = value.d || 0.0000001;
text += '<tr class="DWP_PlayerRow'+(value.self === true ? ' DWP_GameInfo_HighlightSelf' : '')+'">' +
'<td class="'+( === 1 ? 'DWP_RedTeamColor' : 'DWP_BlueTeamColor')+'">'+(value.auth ? '<span style="color:lime">✔</span>' : '')'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.score+'">'+value.score+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.tags+'">'+value.tags+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.pops+'">'+value.pops+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.grabs+'">'+value.grabs+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.drops+'">'+value.drops+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.hold+'">'+secondsToHMS(value.hold)+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.captures+'">'+value.captures+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.prevent+'">'+secondsToHMS(value.prevent)+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.returns+'">'+value.returns+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="''">''</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.powerups+'">'+value.powerups+'</td>' + //(value.powerups/game.potentialPowerups*100).toFixed(0)+'%
'<td data-raw="'+value.points+'">'+(value.points ? value.points : '-')+'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+value.kd+'" class="DWP_KDCol">'+ value.kd.toFixed(2) +'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+a+'">'+ a.toFixed(1) +'</td>' +
'<td data-raw="'+b+'">'+ b.toFixed(1) +'</td>' +
text += '<tr id="TPSR_TR_Divider"><td colspan="16"><hr style="margin:1px; border-top:1px solid #ddd;"></td></tr>';
text += '<tr style="background:linear-gradient(#522, #f55);"><td style="text-align:right">Red Total:</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>'+secondsToHMS('</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>'+secondsToHMS('</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Red"':'')+'>'+( ? : '-')+'</td>';
text += '<td class="DWP_KDCol"'+(>' TPSR_Max_Red':'')+'">'+( ? ( :'</td><td'+(>' class="TPSR_Max_Red"':'')+'>'+('</td>' + '<td'+(>' class="TPSR_Max_Red"':'')+'>'+('</td></tr>';
text += '<tr style="background:linear-gradient(#66c, #225);"><td style="text-align:right">Blue Total:</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>'+secondsToHMS('</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>'+secondsToHMS('</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>''</td><td'+(>' class="DWP_Max_Blue"':'')+'>'+( ? : '-')+'</td>';
text += '<td class="DWP_KDCol"'+(>' TPSR_Max_Blue':'')+'">'+( ? ( :'</td><td'+(>' class="TPSR_Max_Blue"':'')+'>'+('</td><td'+(>' class="TPSR_Max_Blue"':'')+'>'+('</td></tr>';
text += '</table>';
setTimeout(function() {
var $table = $('#DWP_GameInfoScoreboard'), $column, prevMax;
for (var i=2; i<=16; i++) {
$column = $('#DWP_GameInfoScoreboard tr:gt(0) td:nth-child('+i+')');
prevMax = 0;
$($column).each(function(k, v) {
if ($(this).data('raw') > prevMax) {
prevMax = $(this).data('raw');
} else if ($(this).data('raw') === prevMax) {
}, 50);
text += '<div id="DWP_Bottom_Container"><div id="DWP_Medals_Container"></div><div id="DWP_Bars"></div></div>';
text += '<div id="DWP_EOG_Message">' + makeEOGMessage(game.result,, game.redScore, game.blueScore, game.spectator) + '</div>';
$('#DWP_GameInfo').css({'background':resultBackground}).html(text).css({top:top, left:left});
makeBar('Offense', 'DWP_Bars', (*100), (*100));
makeBar('Defense', 'DWP_Bars', (*100), (*100));
makeBar('Hold', 'DWP_Bars', (*100), (*100));
makeBar('Prevent', 'DWP_Bars', (*100), (*100));
makeBar('Returns', 'DWP_Bars', (*100), (*100));
makeBar('Power-Ups', 'DWP_Bars', (*100), (*100));
makeBar('KD', 'DWP_Bars', (*100), (*100));
let tStats_keys = Object.keys(tStats);
let statsToShowFrom = [ 'tags', 'pops', 'grabs', 'hold', 'prevent', 'returns', 'support', 'powerups', 'kd', 'offense', 'defense' ];
let pos = getRank('score');
let color = getMedalColor(pos);
if (pos) {
$('#DWP_Medals_Container').append('<div style="font-size:42px; box-shadow:0px 0px 10px 1px white; border:1px outset #999; border-radius:50%; width:90px; height:90px; padding-bottom:6px; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; background:'+color+';">'+ordinalSuffix(pos)+'</div>');
$('#DWP_Medals_Container').append('<div id="DWP_Medals"></div>');
var statsToShow = [];
for (i=0; i<tStats_keys.length; i++) {
if (statsToShowFrom.indexOf(tStats_keys[i]) > -1) {
pos = getRank(tStats_keys[i]);
if (pos && pos <= 3) {
statsToShow.push({ stat:tStats_keys[i], pos:pos });
statsToShow.sort(function(a, b) {
return (a.pos > b.pos ? 1 : a.pos < b.pos ? -1 : 0);
for (i=0; i<5 && i<statsToShow.length; i++) {
color = getMedalColor(statsToShow[i].pos);
let statName = statsToShow[i].stat;
if (statName === 'kd') statName = 'K/D';
$('#DWP_Medals').append('<div class="DWP_Medals_Stats"><div class="DWP_Medals_Stat" style="background:'+color+';">'+ordinalSuffix(statsToShow[i].pos)+'</div><div style="text-transform:capitalize;">'+statName+'</div></div>');
//$('#TPSR_BottomLeft').css({ 'border':'1px dashed #fff', 'border-radius':'5px', 'padding':'5px 0', 'margin':'0 5px 0 0px' });
// Main Timeline & Streaks...
function showData() {
var timeline_MaxWidth = 760;
var cellWidth = 20; //This value will adjust (smaller) according to MaxGames & Timeline_MaxWidth. Default=10
var i, j;
var asbp = 0, thisGamePos = 0;
var maps = {};
var data = GM_getValue('allData', []);
var totals = {'all': { win:0, loss:0, dc:0, ssa:0, fsa:0, tie:0, timePlayed:0, asbp:0 },
'ctf': { win:0, loss:0, dc:0, ssa:0, fsa:0, tie:0, timePlayed:0, asbp:0 },
'nf': { win:0, loss:0, dc:0, ssa:0, fsa:0, tie:0, timePlayed:0, asbp:0 },
'red': { win:0, loss:0, dc:0, ssa:0, fsa:0, tie:0, timePlayed:0, asbp:0 },
'blue': { win:0, loss:0, dc:0, ssa:0, fsa:0, tie:0, timePlayed:0, asbp:0 },
'mystats': { tags:0, pops:0, grabs:0, drops:0, hold:0, captures:0, prevent:0, returns:0, support:0, powerups:0, timePlayed:0 },
'allstats': { tags:0, pops:0, grabs:0, drops:0, hold:0, captures:0, prevent:0, returns:0, support:0, powerups:0, timePlayed:0, count:0 },
'streaks': { win:0, loss:0, temp_win:0, temp_loss:0, last_win:0, last_loss:0 }
if ( ($('#DWP').width() < timeline_MaxWidth) && ($('#DWP').width() > 500) ) timeline_MaxWidth = $('#DWP').width();
var newCellWidth = Math.floor((timeline_MaxWidth - 26) / data.length);
if (newCellWidth < cellWidth) cellWidth = newCellWidth - 1;
if (cellWidth <= 0) cellWidth = 1;
var totalPotentialPowerups = 0;
var NF_Marker = '<div title="Neutral Flag Game" style="position:absolute; width:'+(cellWidth/2)+'px; margin:0 '+(cellWidth/4)+'px; height:1px; bottom:-2px; background:#ccc"></div>';
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
if (value.outcome !== 3) {
thisGamePos = '';
totalPotentialPowerups += value.potentialPowerups;
$.each(totals.mystats, function(key1, value1) {
totals.mystats[key1] += value[key1];
if (key1 === 'timePlayed') {
totals.all.timePlayed += value[key1];
if (value.gameMode === 1) totals.ctf.timePlayed += value[key1];
else += value[key1];
if ( === 1) += value[key1];
else += value[key1];
maps[value.mapName] || ( maps[value.mapName] = {
author: value.mapAuthor,
count: 0,
win: 0,
fsa: 0,
winp: 0,
timePlayed: 0,
asbp: 0,
red: { count:0, win:0, timePlayed:0, asbp:0 },
blue: { count:0, win:0, timePlayed:0, asbp:0 },
} );
maps[value.mapName].timePlayed += value.timePlayed;
maps[value.mapName][ === 1 ? 'red' : 'blue'].count++;
maps[value.mapName][ === 1 ? 'red' : 'blue'].timePlayed += value.timePlayed;
$.each(value.playersData, function(key1, value1) {
if (value1.self) {
if (cellWidth >= 10) thisGamePos = key1+1;
asbp += key1+1;
totals.all.asbp += key1+1;
totals[value.gameMode === 1 ? 'ctf' : 'nf'].asbp += key1+1;
totals[ === 1 ? 'red' : 'blue'].asbp += key1+1;
maps[value.mapName].asbp += key1+1;
maps[value.mapName][ === 1 ? 'red' : 'blue'].asbp += key1+1;
if (value1.tags + value1.pops + value1.grabs + (value1.captures*10) + value1.prevent + > 10) { //exclude lowly players (probably very late joiners)
totals.allstats.tags += value1.tags;
totals.allstats.pops += value1.pops;
totals.allstats.grabs += value1.grabs;
totals.allstats.drops += value1.drops;
totals.allstats.hold += value1.hold;
totals.allstats.captures += value1.captures;
totals.allstats.prevent += value1.prevent;
totals.allstats.returns += value1.returns; +=;
totals.allstats.powerups += value1.powerups;
totals.allstats.score += value1.score;
totals.allstats.points += value1.points;
} else {
if (cellWidth >= 10) thisGamePos = '&#215;';
switch (value.outcome) {
case 1: //win
if (value.saved === 2) {
if (value.gameMode === 1) {
} else if (value.gameMode === 2) {;
$DWP_Timeline.append('<div class="dwp_ssa dwp_game" data-gamenumber="' + (data.length-key) + '">'+thisGamePos+(value.gameMode === 2 ? NF_Marker : '')+'</div>');
} else {;
if (value.gameMode === 1) {;
} else if (value.gameMode === 2) {;
$DWP_Timeline.append('<div class="dwp_win dwp_game" data-gamenumber="' + (data.length-key) + '">'+thisGamePos+(value.gameMode === 2 ? NF_Marker : '')+'</div>');
maps[value.mapName][ === 1 ? 'red' : 'blue'].win++;
while ( (i > 0) && ((data[i-1].outcome === 4)&&(data[i-1].saved === 1)) ) { //unsuccessful saves shouldn't break a streak!
if ( (totals.streaks.temp_win === 0) || ((i > 0) && ((data[i-1].outcome === 1)) ) ) totals.streaks.temp_win++;
if (totals.streaks.temp_win > = totals.streaks.temp_win;
totals.streaks.temp_loss = 0;
if (totals.streaks.temp_win > 0) totals.streaks.last_win = totals.streaks.temp_win;
case 2: //loss
if (value.gameMode === 1) {
} else if (value.gameMode === 2) {;
$DWP_Timeline.append('<div class="dwp_loss dwp_game" data-gamenumber="' + (data.length-key) + '">'+thisGamePos+(value.gameMode === 2 ? NF_Marker : '')+'</div>');
while ( (i > 0) && ((data[i-1].outcome === 4)&&(data[i-1].saved === 1)) ) {
if ( (totals.streaks.temp_loss === 0) || ((i > 0) && ((data[i-1].outcome === 2) || (data[i-1].outcome === 3) || (data[i-1].outcome === 5)) ) ) totals.streaks.temp_loss++;
if (totals.streaks.temp_loss > totals.streaks.loss) totals.streaks.loss = totals.streaks.temp_loss;
totals.streaks.temp_win = 0;
if (totals.streaks.temp_loss > 0) totals.streaks.last_loss = totals.streaks.temp_loss;
case 3: //dc
if (value.gameMode === 1) {
} else if (value.gameMode === 2) {;
$DWP_Timeline.append('<div class="dwp_dc dwp_game" data-gamenumber="' + (data.length-key) + '">'+thisGamePos+(value.gameMode === 2 ? NF_Marker : '')+'</div>');
while ( (i > 0) && ((data[i-1].outcome === 4)&&(data[i-1].saved === 1)) ) {
if ( (totals.streaks.temp_loss === 0) || ((i > 0) && ((data[i-1].outcome === 2) || (data[i-1].outcome === 3) || (data[i-1].outcome === 5)) ) ) totals.streaks.temp_loss++;
if (totals.streaks.temp_loss > totals.streaks.loss) totals.streaks.loss = totals.streaks.temp_loss;
totals.streaks.temp_win = 0;
if (totals.streaks.temp_loss > 0) totals.streaks.last_loss = totals.streaks.temp_loss;
case 4: //save attempt
if (value.saved === 1) { //failed save attempt...
if (value.gameMode === 1) {
} else if (value.gameMode === 2) {;
$DWP_Timeline.append('<div class="dwp_fsa dwp_game" data-gamenumber="' + (data.length-key) + '">'+thisGamePos+(value.gameMode === 2 ? NF_Marker : '')+'</div>');
case 5: //tie
if (value.gameMode === 1) {
} else if (value.gameMode === 2) {;
$DWP_Timeline.append('<div class="dwp_tie dwp_game" data-gamenumber="' + (data.length-key) + '">'+thisGamePos+(value.gameMode === 2 ? NF_Marker : '')+'</div>');
while ( (i > 0) && ((data[i-1].outcome === 4)&&(data[i-1].saved === 1)) ) {
if ( (totals.streaks.temp_loss === 0) || ((i > 0) && ((data[i-1].outcome === 2) || (data[i-1].outcome === 3) || (data[i-1].outcome === 5)) ) ) totals.streaks.temp_loss++;
if (totals.streaks.temp_loss > totals.streaks.loss) totals.streaks.loss = totals.streaks.temp_loss;
totals.streaks.temp_win = 0;
if (totals.streaks.temp_loss > 0) totals.streaks.last_loss = totals.streaks.temp_loss;
default: //just in case!
$DWP_Timeline.append('<div class="dwp_unknown" data-gamenumber="' + (data.length-key) + '">'+thisGamePos+(value.gameMode === 2 ? NF_Marker : '')+'</div>');
//Win % Stats...
var mostPlayedMap, mostPlayedMapCount=0, mostPlayedMapCountWin=0, mostPlayedMapCountFSA=0;
var currentWinPC = (( / ( + totals.all.loss+totals.all.dc+totals.all.tie) * 100).toFixed(2);
var totalGames = data.length;
var totalCTF = ( + totals.ctf.loss+totals.ctf.dc+totals.ctf.tie);
var totalNF = ( +;
var CTFWinPC = (totalCTF === 0 ? 0 : + (( / totalCTF * 100));
var CTFWinPC_Text = (totalCTF === 0 ? '-' : + CTFWinPC.toFixed(2) + '%');
var NFWinPC = (totalNF === 0 ? 0 : + (( / totalNF * 100));
var NFWinPC_Text = (totalNF === 0 ? '-' : + NFWinPC.toFixed(2) + '%');
var totalRed = ( +;
var totalBlue = ( +;
var RedWinPC = (totalRed === 0 ? 0 : + (( / totalRed * 100));
var RedWinPC_Text = (totalRed === 0 ? '-' : + RedWinPC.toFixed(2) + '%');
var BlueWinPC = (totalBlue === 0 ? 0 : (( / totalBlue * 100));
var BlueWinPC_Text = (totalBlue === 0 ? '-' : BlueWinPC.toFixed(2) + '%');
$.each(maps, function(key, value) {
if (value.count >= mostPlayedMapCount) {
mostPlayedMapCount = value.count;
mostPlayedMap = key;
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
if (value.mapName === mostPlayedMap) {
if (data[key].outcome === 1) {
} else {
if (data[key].outcome === 4 && data[key].saved) {
$('#DWP_Messages').append('<table id="DWP_Win"><tr><th></th><th style="border-right:1px solid #999">All</th><th>CTF</th><th>NF</th><th>Red</th><th>Blue</th></tr></table>');
$('#DWP_Win').append('<tr><th class="DWP_Row_Header"># Games:</th><td>'+data.length+'</td><td>'+(totalCTF+totals.ctf.fsa)+' ('+((totalCTF+totals.ctf.fsa) / data.length * 100).toFixed(1)+'%)</td><td>'+(' ('+(( / data.length * 100).toFixed(1)+'%)</td><td>'+(' ('+(( / data.length * 100).toFixed(1)+'%)</td><td>'+(' ('+(( / data.length * 100).toFixed(1)+'%)</td></tr>');
$('#DWP_Win').append('<tr><th class="DWP_Row_Header">Win %:</th><td style="color:#3b3">'+currentWinPC+'%</td><td'+(CTFWinPC > NFWinPC ? ' class="DWP_Highlight"' : '')+'>'+CTFWinPC_Text+'</td><td'+(NFWinPC > CTFWinPC ? ' class="DWP_Highlight"' : '')+'>'+NFWinPC_Text+'</td><td'+(RedWinPC > BlueWinPC ? ' class="DWP_Highlight"' : '')+'>'+RedWinPC_Text+'</td><td'+(BlueWinPC > RedWinPC ? ' class="DWP_Highlight"' : '')+'>'+BlueWinPC_Text+'</td></tr>');
$('#DWP_Win').append('<tr><th class="DWP_Row_Header" title="Average Game Length">Ave Time:</th><td title="Total: '+secondsToHMS(totals.mystats.timePlayed)+'">'+secondsToHMS(totals.mystats.timePlayed / data.length)+'</td><td title="Total: '+secondsToHMS(totals.ctf.timePlayed)+'">'+(totalCTF === 0 ? '-' : secondsToHMS(totals.ctf.timePlayed / totalCTF))+'</td><td title="Total: '+secondsToHMS('">'+(totalNF === 0 ? '-' : secondsToHMS( / totalNF))+'</td><td title="Total: '+secondsToHMS('">'+(totalRed === 0 ? '-' : secondsToHMS( / totalRed))+'</td><td title="Total: '+secondsToHMS('">'+(totalBlue === 0 ? '-' : secondsToHMS( / totalBlue))+'</td></tr>');
$('#DWP_Win').append('<tr><th class="DWP_Row_Header" title="Average Scoreboard Position">ASBP:</th><td>'+(totals.all.asbp / data.length).toFixed(1)+'</td><td>'+(totalCTF === 0 ? '-' : (totals.ctf.asbp / totalCTF).toFixed(1))+'</td><td>'+(totalNF === 0 ? '-' : ( / totalNF).toFixed(1))+'</td><td>'+(totalRed === 0 ? '-' : ( / totalRed).toFixed(1))+'</td><td>'+(totalBlue === 0 ? '-' : ( / totalBlue).toFixed(1))+'</td></tr>');
//$('#DWP_Messages').append('<div id="DWP_MPM" style="color:#999">Most Played Map: ' + mostPlayedMap + ' by ' + maps[mostPlayedMap].author + ' (' + mostPlayedMapCount + '/' + (totalCTF+totalNF) + ' games @ ' + ((mostPlayedMapCountWin/(mostPlayedMapCount-mostPlayedMapCountFSA))*100).toFixed(2) + '% Win)</div>');
if (DWP_ShowMapStats && mostPlayedMapCount >= DWP_MinPlays) {
var mapsSorted = [];
for (var map in maps) {
if (maps.hasOwnProperty(map) && (maps[map].count >= DWP_MinPlays)) {
mapsSorted.push( { name:map, author:maps[map].author, count:maps[map].count, winp:(maps[map].win) / (maps[map].count-maps[map].fsa) * 100, win:maps[map].win, fsa:maps[map].fsa, timePlayed:maps[map].timePlayed, asbp:maps[map].asbp,
red:{count:maps[map].red.count, win:maps[map], timePlayed:maps[map].red.timePlayed, asbp:maps[map].red.asbp},
blue:{count:maps[map].blue.count, win:maps[map], timePlayed:maps[map].blue.timePlayed, asbp:maps[map].blue.asbp} } );
mapsSorted.sort(function(a, b) {
return (b.count - a.count ? b.count - a.count : b.winp - a.winp); //
$('#DWP_Messages').append('<table id="DWP_Maps">' +
' <thead style="display:block; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:hidden">' +
' <tr><th class="DWP_Maps_Large" style="border-left:1px solid #999"></th><th colspan="4" style="border-right:1px solid #999">All</th><th colspan="4" style="border-right:1px solid #999">Red</th><th colspan="4" style="border-right:1px solid #999">Blue</th></tr>' +
' <tr><th class="DWP_Maps_Large"></th>' +
' <th class="DWP_Maps_Small">#</th><th class="DWP_Maps_Medium">W%</th><th class="DWP_Maps_Medium">Time</th><th class="DWP_Maps_Medium">ASBP</th>' +
' <th class="DWP_Maps_Small">#</th><th class="DWP_Maps_Medium">W%</th><th class="DWP_Maps_Medium">Time</th><th class="DWP_Maps_Medium">ASBP</th>' +
' <th class="DWP_Maps_Small">#</th><th class="DWP_Maps_Medium">W%</th><th class="DWP_Maps_Medium">Time</th><th class="DWP_Maps_Medium">ASBP</th>' +
' </tr>' +
' </thead>' +
' <tbody style="display:block; max-height:120px; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:auto"></tbody>' +
$.each(mapsSorted, function(key, value) {
$('#DWP_Maps').append('<tr><th class="DWP_Row_Header DWP_Maps_Large">'':</th>' +
'<td class="DWP_Maps_Small">'+value.count+'</td><td class="DWP_Maps_Medium">'+value.winp.toFixed(1)+'%</td><td class="DWP_Maps_Medium">'+secondsToHMS(value.timePlayed/value.count)+'</td><td class="DWP_Maps_Medium">'+(value.asbp/value.count).toFixed(1)+'</td>' +
'<td class="DWP_Maps_Small">''</td><td class="DWP_Maps_Medium">'+( ? (*100).toFixed(1)+'%' : '-')+'</td><td class="DWP_Maps_Medium">'+( ? secondsToHMS( : '-')+'</td><td class="DWP_Maps_Medium">'+( ? ( : '-')+'</td>' +
'<td class="DWP_Maps_Small">''</td><td class="DWP_Maps_Medium">'+( ? (*100).toFixed(1)+'%' : '-')+'</td><td class="DWP_Maps_Medium">'+( ? secondsToHMS( : '-')+'</td><td class="DWP_Maps_Medium">'+( ? ( : '-')+'</td></tr>');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Maps_Small { min-width:25px; max-width:25px; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Maps_Medium { min-width:45px; max-width:45px; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Maps_Large { min-width:80px; max-width:80px; overflow:hidden; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Maps_Outer { margin:0 auto; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:auto; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Maps tbody::-webkit-scrollbar { width:2px }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Maps tbody::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background:dodgerblue; border-radius:2px; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Maps tbody::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background:#ddd; border-radius:2px; }');
//Scoreboard Stats...
$('#DWP_Messages').append('<table id="DWP_Stats">' +
'<tr><th></th></tr>' +
'<tr><th class="DWP_Row_Header">Per Game:</th></tr>' +
'<tr><th class="DWP_Row_Header" title="Average of all scoreboard stats, from all players, across all games played">S/B Ave:</th></tr>' +
'<tr><th class="DWP_Row_Header">Per Hour:</th></tr>' +
'<tr><th class="DWP_Row_Header">Total:</th></tr>' +
var s1, s2, color;
$.each(totals.mystats, function(key, value) {
if (key !== 'timePlayed') {
s1 = value/data.length;
s2 = totals.allstats[key] / totals.allstats.count;
if ((key === 'pops') || (key === 'drops')) {
if (s1 > s2) color = '#e33';
else color = '#3b3';
} else {
if (s1 < s2) color = '#e33';
else color = '#3b3';
if ((key === 'hold') || (key === 'prevent')) {
$('#DWP_Stats').find('tr:eq(1)').append('<td style="color:'+color+'">'+secondsToHMS(s1)+'</td>');
} else {
$('#DWP_Stats').find('tr:eq(1)').append('<td style="color:'+color+'">'+(s1).toFixed(2)+'</td>');
} else {
s1 = totals.mystats.captures / totals.mystats.grabs;
s2 = totals.allstats.captures / totals.allstats.grabs;
if (s1 < s2) color = '#e33';
else color = '#3b3';
$('#DWP_Stats').find('tr:eq(1)').append('<td style="color:'+color+'">'+(s1).toFixed(3)+'</td>');
s1 = totals.mystats.tags / totals.mystats.pops;
s2 = totals.allstats.tags / totals.allstats.pops;
if (s1 < s2) color = '#e33';
else color = '#3b3';
$('#DWP_Stats').find('tr:eq(1)').append('<td style="color:'+color+'">'+(s1).toFixed(3)+'</td>');
$('#DWP_Timeline').find('.dwp_game').hoverIntent(function() {
$('#DWP_Timeline').prepend( $('#DWP_GameInfo') );
showGameInfo($(this).data('gamenumber')-1, $(this).position().top+30, $(this).position().left-200);
}, function() {
tagpro.ready(function() {
if (PageLoc === 'ingame') { //in a game
var joinTime;
var gameData = {};
var mapName='', mapAuthor='', mapType='';
var pupsCount = 0;
var result = 0;
var saveAttempt = false;
var groupPause = false;
var friendlyGrabTime = 0;
var enemyGrabTime = 0;
var grabCheckFlagsDelay = 120;
var redHolder = 0;
var blueHolder = 0;
var thisGame = {};
var whoHasFlags = function() {
for (var playerId in tagpro.players) {
if (tagpro.players[playerId].flag === 1) {
blueHolder = Number(playerId);
} else if (tagpro.players[playerId].flag === 2) {
redHolder = Number(playerId);
} else if (tagpro.players[playerId].flag === 3) {
if (tagpro.players[playerId].team === 1) {
redHolder = Number(playerId);
} else {
blueHolder = Number(playerId);
if (( && ( {
groupPause = true;
tagpro.socket.on('spectator', function(spectator) {
if (!spectator) {
joinTime =;
thisGame.played = joinTime;
setTimeout(function() {
if (GM_getValue('DWP_UseDisconnects', true) && tagpro.state === 1) GM_setValue('lastGameCheckDC', thisGame);
}, 10000);
tagpro.socket.on('time', function(message) {
if (tagpro.state === 3) { //before the actual start
joinTime =;
} else if (tagpro.state === 1) { //game has started
if (joinTime) {
joinTime = Date.parse(tagpro.gameEndsAt) - 720000;
} else {
joinTime =;
setTimeout(function() {
if (!tagpro.spectator) {
thisGame.played = joinTime;
setTimeout(function() { //only count as a DC if we DC'd after 10 secs from start/join
if (GM_getValue('DWP_UseDisconnects', true) && tagpro.state === 1) GM_setValue('lastGameCheckDC', thisGame);
}, 10000);
}, 100);
tagpro.socket.on('map', function(data) {
mapName =;
mapAuthor =;
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i=0; i<; i++) { //find the flags which will tell us if it's a CTF or NF map...
for (var j=0; j<[i].length; j++) {
if ([i][j] == 16 || ([i][j] == 16.1)) { //yellow flag found
mapType = 2;
} else if (([i][j] == 3) || ([i][j] == 3.1) || ([i][j] == 4) || ([i][j] == 4.1)) { //red or blue flag found
mapType = 1;
} else if (([i][j] == 6) || ([i][j] == 6.1) || ([i][j] == 6.2) || ([i][j] == 6.3) || ([i][j] == 6.4)) { //counts the pups so we can work out potential pups later
thisGame.mapName = mapName;
thisGame.mapAuthor = mapAuthor;
thisGame.gameMode = mapType;
if (tagpro.serverHost === null) tagpro.serverHost = document.URL.replace('http://', '').replace(/:(.*)/, '');
if (tagpro.serverHost.startsWith('tagpro-')) {
thisGame.serverName = capitaliseFirstLetter(tagpro.serverHost.replace('tagpro-', '').replace('', ''));
} else {
thisGame.serverName = document.URL.replace('http://', '').replace(/:(.*)/, '');
if (!tagpro.spectator) {
setTimeout(function() {
GM_setValue('lastGameCheckDC', thisGame);
}, 10000);
}, 100);
tagpro.socket.on('chat', function(data) {
if (data.from === null) { //system message
if (data.message.includes('This is a save attempt!')) {
saveAttempt = true;
tagpro.socket.on('end', function(data) {
if (!tagpro.spectator && !groupPause) { //(!tagpro.settings.stats) &&
if (!mapType) return false;
var fullTime = Date.parse(tagpro.gameEndsAt); //expected end of game time after 12 mins
var endTime =; //actual end of game time
var startTime = fullTime - 12 * 60 * 1000; //start of game time
var fullGameLength = (endTime-startTime)/1000; //how long the whole game lasted (with or without us)
var playedGameLength = (endTime-joinTime)/1000; //how long we played for
var playerCount = 0;
for (var playerId in tagpro.players) {
if ( (joinTime+30000 < endTime) && (playerCount >= 4) && (playerCount <= 8) ) { //check we didn't join in the last 30 seconds of the game, and there was between 4-8 players
if (GM_getValue('ResetData', false)) {
DWP_Selections.DWPSavedGames.value = [];
GM_setValue('DWP_Selections', DWP_Selections);
GM_setValue('ResetData', false);
gameData.mapName = mapName;
gameData.mapAuthor = mapAuthor;
gameData.gameMode = mapType;
gameData.playerCount = playerCount;
if (tagpro.serverHost === null) tagpro.serverHost = document.URL.replace('http://', '').replace(/:(.*)/, '');
if (tagpro.serverHost.startsWith('tagpro-')) {
gameData.serverName = capitaliseFirstLetter(tagpro.serverHost.replace('tagpro-', '').replace('', ''));
} else {
gameData.serverName = document.URL.replace('http://', '').replace(/:(.*)/, '');
gameData.played = new Date(joinTime).toISOString();
gameData.timePlayed = playedGameLength;
gameData.fullGameLength = fullGameLength; = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team;
gameData.redScore = tagpro.score.r;
gameData.blueScore = tagpro.score.b;
gameData.saved = 0;
if (data.winner === 'tie') {
gameData.outcome = 5; //tie
} else if ( ((data.winner === 'red') && (tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 1)) || ((data.winner === 'blue') && (tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 2)) ) {
gameData.outcome = 1; //win
if (saveAttempt) {
gameData.saved = 2; //successful save attempt
} else if ( ((data.winner === 'red') && (tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 2)) || ((data.winner === 'blue') && (tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].team === 1)) ) {
if (saveAttempt) {
gameData.outcome = 4; //unsuccessful save attempt
gameData.saved = 1;
} else {
gameData.outcome = 2; //loss
} else { //probably an event, which we won't record...
return false;
gameData.tags = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-tags"];
gameData.pops = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-pops"];
gameData.grabs = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-grabs"];
gameData.drops = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-drops"];
gameData.hold = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-hold"];
gameData.captures = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-captures"];
gameData.prevent = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-prevent"];
gameData.returns = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-returns"]; = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-support"];
gameData.powerups = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]["s-powerups"];
gameData.score = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].score;
gameData.points = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId].points;
gameData.potentialPowerups = pupsCount * Math.floor(fullGameLength / 60); //is this right???
//save scoreboard...
gameData.playersData = [];
for (playerId in tagpro.players) {
self:(tagpro.playerId === tagpro.players[playerId].id ? true : false),
gameData.playersData.sort(function(a, b) {
return (b.score - a.score ? b.score - a.score : -;
GM_setValue('DWP_Selections', DWP_Selections);
//Get things ready and start the script...
DWP_Selections = $.extend(true, {}, options, GM_getValue('DWP_Selections', options));
GM_setValue('DWP_Selections', DWP_Selections);
$.each(DWP_Selections, function(key, value) {
DWP_Selections[key].type = options[key].type;
//Setup the main div location depending on which page we are on...
var DWP_Div = '<div id="DWP" style="position:relative; display:flex; justify-content:center; align-items:center; flex-flow:column wrap; width:700px; margin:20px auto 0 auto; padding:10px; font-size:11px; color:#fff; text-align:center; text-shadow:2px 1px 2px #000000; border-radius:8px; box-shadow:#fff 0px 0px 10px; background:rgb(40,40,40); white-space:nowrap;"></div>';
//Chosen server page...
if (PageLoc === 'server') {
//Joining page...
} else if (PageLoc === 'joining') {
if ($('#DWP').length) {
$('#DWP').append('<div id="DWP_InnerContainer"></div>');
$('#DWP_InnerContainer').append('<div id="DWP_Timeline" style="margin:10px 0"></div>');
$('#DWP_InnerContainer').append('<div id="DWP_Messages" style="font-style:italic"></div>');
$('#DWP_InnerContainer').append('<div id="DWP_GameInfo" style="position:absolute; display:none; min-width:740px; padding:5px 15px; text-align:center; font-size:11px; background:#050544; color:#eee; border-radius:5px; box-shadow:0px 0px 10px; z-index:100"></div>');
if (PageLoc === 'server') {
var optionsMenu = '<div id="DWP_OptionsMenu" style="position:absolute; display:flex; flex-direction:column; align-items:center; align-self:flex-start; font-size:11px; font-weight:normal; color:#111; text-shadow:none; background:bisque; margin:16px 0 0; top:2px; right:0px; padding:10px 20px; border:1px solid #000; border-radius:7px;">' +
'<div style="padding-bottom:5px; font-weight:bold;">Daily Win % Timeline</div>' +
' <label title="Data will be reset after this many days (1=daily, 7=weekly)"># Days:<input type="number" id="DWP_NumberDays" value="'+GM_getValue('DWP_NumberDays', 1)+'" min="1" max="365" style="width:40px;"></label>' +
' <label title="Data will be reset at this hour (5=5AM, 17=5PM, etc)">Reset Hour:<input type="number" id="DWP_ResetHour" value="'+GM_getValue('DWP_ResetHour', 5)+'" min="0" max="23" style="width:40px;"></label>' +
' <hr>' +
' <label>Show Timeline:<input type="checkbox" id="DWP_ShowTimeline" data-target="#DWP_Timeline" '+(GM_getValue('DWP_ShowTimeline', true) ? ' checked' : '')+'></label>' +
' <label>Show Main Stats:<input type="checkbox" id="DWP_ShowMainStats" data-target="#DWP_Win"'+(GM_getValue('DWP_ShowMainStats', true) ? ' checked' : '')+'></label>' +
' <label>Show Map Stats:<input type="checkbox" id="DWP_ShowMapStats" data-target="#DWP_Maps"'+(GM_getValue('DWP_ShowMapStats', true) ? ' checked' : '')+'></label>' +
' <label title="Shows stats per map. Set to \'1\' to show all maps">Min Map Plays:<input type="number" id="DWP_MinPlays" value="'+GM_getValue('DWP_MinPlays', 3)+'" min="1" max="20" style="width:40px;"></label>' +
' <label>Show Average Stats:<input type="checkbox" id="DWP_ShowAverageStats" data-target="#DWP_Stats"'+(GM_getValue('DWP_ShowAverageStats', true) ? ' checked' : '')+'></label>' +
' <label>Show Next Reset Time:<input type="checkbox" id="DWP_ShowNext" data-target="#DWP_NextReset"'+(GM_getValue('DWP_ShowNext', true) ? ' checked' : '')+'></label>' +
' <hr>' +
' <label title="Attempts to detect and record your disconnects">Use Disconnects?<input type="checkbox" id="DWP_UseDisconnects" '+(GM_getValue('DWP_UseDisconnects', true) ? ' checked' : '')+'></label>' +
' <div id="DWP_Reset" style="color:black; background:rgba(255,100,100,0.5); border:1px solid red; border-radius:4px; margin-top:10px; padding:0 2px; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; cursor:pointer;">RESET NOW</div>' +
$('#DWP').append('<div id="DWP_OptionsButton" style="position:absolute; top:2px; right:2px; display:inline-block; font:12px Arial; text-align:center; text-shadow:none; height:17px; width:17px; border:1px solid bisque; border-radius:50%; cursor:pointer" title="Options">&#8286;</div>');
var doHideShow = function() {
$('#DWP_OptionsMenu').find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function() {
var target = $('#''target');
if (this.checked) {
if ( === 'DWP_ShowMapStats') $('#DWP_MinPlays').parent().fadeIn(400);
} else {
if ( === 'DWP_ShowMapStats') $('#DWP_MinPlays').parent().fadeOut(200);
$('#DWP_OptionsButton').on('click', function() {
$('#DWP_OptionsMenu').on('change', 'input', function() {
GM_setValue(, (this.type === 'checkbox' ? this.checked : this.value));
DWP_NumberDays = GM_getValue('DWP_NumberDays', 1);
DWP_ResetHour = GM_getValue('DWP_ResetHour', 5);
DWP_ShowTimeline = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowTimeline', true);
DWP_ShowMainStats = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowMainStats', true);
DWP_ShowMapStats = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowMapStats', true);
DWP_MinPlays = GM_getValue('DWP_MinPlays', 3);
DWP_ShowAverageStats = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowAverageStats', true);
DWP_ShowNext = GM_getValue('DWP_ShowNext', true);
if ( ( === 'DWP_NumberDays') || ( === 'DWP_ResetHour') || ( === 'DWP_MinPlays') ) {
if ( !== 'DWP_MinPlays') {
}).on('mouseleave', function() {
$('#DWP_Reset').on('click', function() {
if (!confirm('All current game data will be deleted.\n\nOK to continue?\n\n')) return;
DWP_Selections.DWPSavedGames.value = [];
GM_setValue('DWP_Selections', DWP_Selections);
GM_setValue('ResetData', false);
var $DWP_Timeline = $('#DWP_Timeline');
if ( $('#DWP').length ) {
setTimeout(function() {
if (PageLoc === 'server') doHideShow();
GM_addStyle('#DWP_GameInfoScoreboard { color:#eee; width:100%; text-align:center; border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:1px; cursor:default; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_GameInfoScoreboard_Header { color:#fff; background:linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,0.3), rgba(0,0,0,0.05)); font-weight:bold; }');
GM_addStyle("#DWP_GameInfoScoreboard tr.DWP_GameInfo_HighlightSelf { background:rgba(255,255,255,0.2); }");
GM_addStyle('#DWP_GameInfoScoreboard td { padding:1px 3px; border-top:1px solid #888; border-bottom:1px solid #888; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_RedTeamColor { color:#F8B0B8; font-weight:normal }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_BlueTeamColor { color:#C9C9F8; font-weight:normal }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Max { color:gold; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px black, 0 0 8px #FF5722, 0 0 8px #FFEB3B }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Max_Red { color:gold; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px black, 0 0 3px white; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Max_Blue { color:gold; text-shadow:1px 1px 1px black, 0 0 3px white; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_KDCol { border-left:1px solid #888; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Win { table-layout:fixed; width:440px; margin:10px auto; font-size:11px; color:#bbb; text-align:center; font-style:normal; border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:1px; cursor:default; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Win th { border:1px solid #555; color:#ddd; background:#333; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Win td { border:1px solid #555; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Win td:nth-child(2), #DWP_Win td:nth-child(4), #DWP_Win td:nth-child(6), #DWP_Win th:nth-child(2), #DWP_Win th:nth-child(4), #DWP_Win th:nth-child(6) { border-right:1px solid #999; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Win th:nth-child(1) { border-left:1px solid #999 !important; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Maps { margin:10px auto; font-size:10px; color:#bbb; text-align:center; font-style:normal; border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:1px; cursor:default; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Maps th { border:1px solid #555; color:#ddd; background:#333; padding:0 2px; width:30px; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Maps td { border:1px solid #555; padding:0 2px; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Maps td:nth-child(5), #DWP_Maps td:nth-child(9), #DWP_Maps td:nth-child(13), #DWP_Maps th:nth-child(5), #DWP_Maps th:nth-child(9), #DWP_Maps th:nth-child(13) { border-right:1px solid #999; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Maps th:nth-child(1) { border-left:1px solid #999 !important; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Stats { margin:10px auto; font-size:10px; color:#bbb; text-align:center; font-style:normal; border-collapse:collapse; border-spacing:1px; cursor:default; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Stats th { border:1px solid #555; color:#ddd; background:#333; font-weight:normal; width:40px; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Stats td { border:1px solid #555; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Row_Header { text-align:right; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Highlight { color:#fe9; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_OptionsMenu label { margin:1px 0 0; color:black; font-size:11px; text-align:center; font-weight:normal; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_OptionsMenu input { margin:0; padding:0; height:17px; color:black; font:11px Arial; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_OptionsMenu input[type="checkbox"] { margin:1px 2px; width:11px; height:11px; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_OptionsMenu hr { width:100%; margin:5px 0; border-top:1px solid #aaa; } ');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Bottom_Container { display:flex; margin:10px 0; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Medals_Container { padding:10px 5px 5px; display:flex; margin:0 5px; flex-flow:row wrap; align-items:center; justify-content:center; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.2); border:1px dashed #777; border-radius:6px; font-size:15px; width:380px; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Medals { display:flex; margin:10px 0 0; flex-flow:row wrap; align-items:center; justify-content:center; font-size:15px; width:100%; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Medals_Stats { display:flex; width:72px; flex-flow:column; justify-content:center; align-items:center; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Medals_Stat { box-shadow:0px 0px 10px -2px white; color:black; font-style:italic; text-shadow:1px 1px 5px #555; border:1px outset #999; border-radius:50%; width:40px; height:40px; padding:0 2px 2px 0; display:flex; align-items:center; justify-content:center; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_Bars { width:320px; margin:0px 5px; padding:5px 20px; border:1px dashed #777; border-radius:6px; background:rgba(0,0,0,0.2); }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Bars_Outer { position:relative; height:23px; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Bars_Title { margin:0px 0 -1px; font-size:11px; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Bars_Mid { position:absolute; width:100%; opacity:0.8; font-size:10px; margin:-1px 0 0; color:#000; text-shadow:none; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Bars_Red { display:inline-block; position:absolute; left:0; text-align:left; padding-left:2px; font-size:9px; background:linear-gradient(to right, #f33, #f99 120px); border-right:1px solid white; border-radius:2px 0 0 2px; overflow:hidden; }');
GM_addStyle('.DWP_Bars_Blue { display:inline-block; position:absolute; right:0; text-align:right; padding-right:2px; font-size:9px; background:linear-gradient(to left, #33f, #99f 120px); border-radius:0 2px 2px 0; overflow:hidden; }');
GM_addStyle('#DWP_EOG_Message { font-size:12px; border:1px inset #bbb; background:linear-gradient(rgba(150,150,150,0.5),rgba(0,0,0,0.9)); width:400px; margin:0px auto -15px; height:20px; border-radius:6px; }');
}, 1200);
//helper functions...
function secondsToHMS(d) {
d = Number(d);
var h = Math.floor(d / 3600);
var m = Math.floor(d % 3600 / 60);
var s = Math.floor(d % 3600 % 60);
return ((h > 0 ? h + ":" : "") + (m > 0 ? (h > 0 && m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m + ":" : "0:") + (s < 10 ? "0" : "") + s);
function capitaliseFirstLetter(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
function WhichPageAreWeOn() {
if (window.location.port) { //In a real game
} else if (document.URL.includes('/games/find')) { //Joining page
} else if ($('#userscript-home').length) { //Chosen server homepage
} else if (document.URL.includes('/profile/')) {
if ($('#saveSettings').length) {
return('profile'); //Profile page and logged in
} else {
return('profileNotOurs'); //Profile page, but not our one (or we're logged out)
} else if (document.URL.includes('/groups')) {
} else if (document.URL.includes('/boards')) {
} else if (document.URL.includes('/maps')) {
} else if (document.URL.includes('/settings')) {
function ordinalSuffix(i) {
var j = i % 10;
var k = i % 100;
if (j == 1 && k != 11) return i + "st";
if (j == 2 && k != 12) return i + "nd";
if (j == 3 && k != 13) return i + "rd";
return i + "th";
* hoverIntent v1.8.0 // 2014.06.29 // jQuery v1.9.1+
* You may use hoverIntent under the terms of the MIT license. Basically that
* means you are free to use hoverIntent as long as this header is left intact.
* Copyright 2007, 2014 Brian Cherne
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