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Last active July 15, 2019 02:42
Show Gist options
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Save nabbynz/11f2a4a74723c7cb33cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Scoreboard Position Recorder
// @description Records everyone's position on the end-of-game scoreboard.
// @version 0.3.2
// - Made compatible with new TagPro site design (again)
// @include*
// @exclude https://tagpro-maptest**
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @author nabby
// ==/UserScript==
console.log('START: ' + + ' (v' + GM_info.script.version + ' by ' + + ')');
var options = {
'SBPR_ShowOnPages': { display:'Home,Profile,Joiner', value:'Home', type:'checkbox'},
'SBPR_MinimumGameTime': { display:'Minimum Game Time Needed:', value:50, type:'range'},
'SBPR_AuthOnly': { display:'Only Save Authenticated Players', value:true, type:'checkbox'},
'SBPR_HideSomeBalls': { display:'Hide Some Balls (1-20)', value:true, type:'checkbox'},
'SBPR_HideLowly': { display:'Hide Players Below: ', value:0, type:'range'},
'SBPR_ShowPlayer': { display:'Show Selected Player Table', value:true, type:'checkbox'},
'SBPR_ShowMiniInGame': { display:'Show Mini Table (in game)', value:false, type:'checkbox'},
'SBPR_Pause': { display:'Pause Recording', value:false, type:'checkbox'},
'SBPR_ShowBorder': { display:'Show Border', value:true, type:'checkbox'},
'sortby': { display:'', value:10, type:'script'},
var SBPR_Options;
var SBPR_Data = {};
var $uHome = $('#userscript-home');
var $uTop = $('#userscript-top');
var $uBottom = $('#userscript-bottom');
var PageLoc = WhichPageAreWeOn();
function getAllPlayers() {
let players = [];
for (let playerId in tagpro.players) {
if (tagpro.players.hasOwnProperty(playerId)) {
return players;
function getResult(player, winner) {
if (winner === 'tie') {
return 'tie';
} else if ( ((winner === 'red') && ( === 1)) || ((winner === 'blue') && ( === 2)) ) {
return 'win';
} else if ( ((winner === 'red') && ( === 2)) || ((winner === 'blue') && ( === 1)) ) {
return 'loss';
} else {
return 0;
function savePlayerData(playersdata) {
$.each(playersdata, function(key, player) {
if (SBPR_Data.hasOwnProperty( { //player already exists
} else { //first time
SBPR_Data[] = {};
SBPR_Data[].positions = {1:{count:0,win:0,loss:0,tie:0,timePlayed:0,score:0,points:0,'s-tags':0,'s-pops':0,'s-grabs':0,'s-drops':0,'s-hold':0,'s-captures':0,'s-prevent':0,'s-returns':0,'s-support':0,'s-powerups':0},
SBPR_Data[].playedCount = 1;
SBPR_Data[].auth = player.auth;
if (player.result) SBPR_Data[].positions[key+1][player.result]++; //win/loss/tie - can't do save attempts as data not available for other players.
GM_setValue('SBPR_Data', SBPR_Data);
if (GM_getValue('SBPR_Data')) {
SBPR_Data = GM_getValue('SBPR_Data');
SBPR_Options = $.extend(true, {}, options, GM_getValue('SBPR_Options', options));
$.each(SBPR_Options, function(key, value) {
if ( (SBPR_Options.hasOwnProperty(key)) && (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) ) {
SBPR_Options[key].display = options[key].display; //Make sure menu description is always the same as in the script
if (GM_getValue('SBPR_Options') === undefined) { //first time
GM_setValue('SBPR_Options', SBPR_Options);
let SBRegExp = /^Some Ball ([1-9]|1[0-9]|20)$/;
let secondHighestCount = 0;
let secondHighestCountName = '';
let SBPR_length = 0;
for (let playerName in SBPR_Data) {
if (SBPR_Data.hasOwnProperty(playerName)) {
if ((playerName != '♥') && (!SBRegExp.test(playerName)) && (SBPR_Data[playerName].playedCount > secondHighestCount)) {
secondHighestCount = SBPR_Data[playerName].playedCount;
secondHighestCountName = playerName;
let lowlyCutoff = Math.floor(secondHighestCount * SBPR_Options.SBPR_HideLowly.value / 100);
if ( (PageLoc === 'server') ||
((PageLoc === 'profile') && (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowOnPages.value.indexOf('Profile') >= 0)) ||
((PageLoc === 'joining') && (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowOnPages.value.indexOf('Joiner') >= 0)) ||
((PageLoc === 'ingame') && (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowOnPages.value.indexOf('Game') >= 0)) ) {
//Setup the main div location depending on which page we are on...
let SBPR_Div = '<div id="SBPR" style="position:relative; margin:20px auto 0; width:700px; padding:10px; font:10px Arial; color:#fff; text-align:center; border-radius:8px;' + (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowBorder.value ? ' box-shadow:#fff 0px 0px 10px;' : '') + ' background:rgba(0,0,0,0.9); white-space:nowrap;"></div>';
if (PageLoc === 'server') { //Chosen server page
} else if (PageLoc === 'profile') { //Profile page
} else if (PageLoc === 'profileNotOurs') { //Someone else's profile page
} else if (PageLoc === 'joining') { //Joining page
let SBPR_Header = '<div id="SBPR_Options_Button" style="display:inline-block; font-size:11px; text-align:center; margin-left:10px; height:17px; width:17px; border:2px solid #808; border-radius:8px; cursor:pointer">&#8286;</div> Scoreboard Position Recorder';
$('#SBPR').append('<div id="SBPR_Header" style="margin-bottom:5px; font-size:14px;">'+SBPR_Header+'</div>');
$('#SBPR').append('<div id="SBPR_Main" style="display:flex; max-height:300px;"></div>');
$('#SBPR_Main').append('<div id="SBPR_Players" style="position:relative; margin:0 auto; padding-right:3px; overflow-x:hidden; overflow-y:auto"></div>');
$('#SBPR_Main').append('<div id="SBPR_Player" style="margin:0 auto; display:none"></div>');
$('#SBPR_Options_Button').after('<div id="SBPR_Options_Menu" style="display:none; position:absolute; width:350px; margin:-25px 0 0 90px; padding:10px 10px 15px; font-size:12px; text-align:left; background:linear-gradient(#e00, #555); border-radius:8px; box-shadow:0px 0px 8px #fff; z-index:6000"></div>');
let $SBPR_Options_Menu = $('#SBPR_Options_Menu');
$SBPR_Options_Menu.append('<div style="margin:0 auto; padding-bottom:5px; font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; color:#000; text-align:center; text-shadow:2px 1px 2px #aaa;">ScoreBoard Position Recorder</div>');
GM_addStyle('#SBPR_Players::-webkit-scrollbar { width:3px }');
GM_addStyle('#SBPR_Players::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background:#b0b; }');
GM_addStyle('#SBPR_Players::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background:#ddd; }');
if (SBPR_length) {
$('#SBPR_Players').append('<table id="SBPR_Data_Table" style="margin:0 auto; line-height:10px"><thead><tr>' +
'<th>Player <span id="SBPR_PlayersCount"></span></th>' +
'<th>1st</th>' +
'<th>2nd</th>' +
'<th>3rd</th>' +
'<th>4th</th>' +
'<th>5th</th>' +
'<th>6th</th>' +
'<th>7th</th>' +
'<th>8th</th>' +
'<th>Total</th>' +
'<th>Ave</th>' +
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Table th { text-align:center; background:#fff; color:#000; cursor:pointer }");
let $SBPR_Data_Table = $('#SBPR_Data_Table');
let keyCounts;
let trCounter = 0;
$.each(SBPR_Data, function(name, data) {
keyCounts = 0;
if (name === '♥') { //us
$SBPR_Data_Table.append('<tr id="SBPR_'+trCounter+'" class="SBPR_HighlightSelf"><td id="SBPR_♥" class="SBPR_PlayerName" data-playername="♥">Me</td></tr>');
} else if (name[0] === '✔') { //authenticated name
$SBPR_Data_Table.append('<tr id="SBPR_'+trCounter+'"><td class="SBPR_PlayerName SBPR_PlayerAuth" data-playername="'+name+'">' + name + '</td></tr>');
} else {
$SBPR_Data_Table.append('<tr id="SBPR_'+trCounter+'"><td class="SBPR_PlayerName" data-playername="'+name+'">' + name + '</td></tr>');
$.each(data.positions, function(k, v) {
keyCounts += ((parseInt(k)) * v.count);
$('#SBPR_'+trCounter).append('<td class="SBPR_Player_Total">'+(data.playedCount)+'</td>');
$('#SBPR_'+trCounter).append('<td class="SBPR_Player_Average">'+(keyCounts/data.playedCount).toFixed(2)+'</td>'); //average position
if (data.playedCount <= lowlyCutoff) {
if (SBRegExp.test(name)) $('#SBPR_'+trCounter).addClass('SBPR_someball');
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Table th { text-align:center; cursor:default; padding:1px 2px; }");
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Table th:hover { text-decoration:underline; }");
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Table td { text-align:center; cursor:default; padding:1px 2px; }");
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Table tbody tr:hover { color:#0bb; }");
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_PlayerName { font-size:10px; background:#b0b; }");
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_HighlightSelf { color:#ff0; }");
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_PlayerAuth::first-letter { color:#0f0; }");
} else {
$('#SBPR_Header').append(' (No data)');
}//if data
//Build the menu and perform saved options...
$.each(SBPR_Options, function(key, value) {
if (SBPR_Options[key].type === 'checkbox') {
if (key === 'SBPR_ShowOnPages') {
$SBPR_Options_Menu.append('<div id="SBPR_ShowOnPages" style="text-align:center; font-size:11px">Show On:</div>');
let pages = (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowOnPages.display).split(',');
$.each(pages, function(k, v) {
$('#SBPR_ShowOnPages').append('<label style="margin-left:4px"><input type="checkbox" class="SBPR_ShowOnPage" data-page="'+v+'" ' + ((SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowOnPages.value).indexOf(v) >= 0 ? 'checked' : '') + ' style="margin:3px 1px 3px 3px">'+v+'</label>');
} else {
$SBPR_Options_Menu.append('<li style="list-style:none"><label><input type="checkbox" id="' + key + '" class="regularCheckbox" ' + (value.value === true ? 'checked' : '') + '>' + value.display + '</label></li>');
if (key === 'SBPR_ShowBorder') {
if (value.value === false) {
$('#SBPR_Main').css('box-shadow', 'none');
} else if (key === 'SBPR_HideSomeBalls') {
if (value.value === true) {
$('#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_someball').hide(0);
} else {
$('#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_someball').show(0);
} else if (SBPR_Options[key].type === 'range') {
if (key === 'SBPR_HideLowly') {
$SBPR_Options_Menu.append('<li style="list-style:none"><input type="checkbox" disabled><span>' + value.display + '</span><input type="range" id="SBPR_HideLowly" min="0" max="100" value="' + SBPR_Options.SBPR_HideLowly.value + '" style="width:100px" title="As % of Next Highest Players Game Count ('+secondHighestCountName+': '+secondHighestCount+')"> <span id="SBPR_HideLowly_Value">' + SBPR_Options.SBPR_HideLowly.value + '</span>%</li>');
if (SBPR_Options.SBPR_HideLowly.value > 0) $('.SBPR_lowly').hide(0);
} else if (key === 'SBPR_MinimumGameTime') {
$SBPR_Options_Menu.append('<li style="list-style:none"><input type="checkbox" disabled><span>' + value.display + '</span><input type="range" id="SBPR_MinimumGameTime" min="0" max="100" value="' + SBPR_Options.SBPR_MinimumGameTime.value + '" style="width:100px"> <span id="SBPR_MinimumGameTime_Value">' + SBPR_Options.SBPR_MinimumGameTime.value + '</span>%</li>');
if (SBPR_Options.SBPR_HideLowly.value > 0) $('.SBPR_lowly').hide(0);
$SBPR_Options_Menu.append('<span id="SBPR_Reset" style="margin:0 32px -12px 0; float:right; padding:2px; font-size:11px; color:#000; background:#AA0000; border-radius:4px; cursor:pointer" title="Reset all values to defaults. Delete all data.">Reset All</span>');
$SBPR_Options_Menu.append('<div style="position:absolute; bottom:2px; right:5px; text-align:right"><a href="" target="_blank" style="font-size:11px; color:#888" title="Version: ' + GM_info.script.version + '. Click to manually check for updates (script will auto-update if enabled)...">v' + GM_info.script.version + '</a</div>');
//Bind Events...
$('#SBPR_Options_Button').on('click', function() {
$SBPR_Options_Menu.mouseleave(function() {
$('#SBPR_ShowOnPages input.SBPR_ShowOnPage').on('click', function() {
let newSelection = '';
$.each($('#SBPR_ShowOnPages input'), function() {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) newSelection += $(this).data('page') + ",";
SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowOnPages.value = newSelection;
GM_setValue('SBPR_Options', SBPR_Options);
if (($(this).data('page') === 'Home') && (PageLoc === 'server')) {
} else if (($(this).data('page') === 'Profile') && (PageLoc === 'profile')) {
$('#SBPR_Options_Menu input.regularCheckbox').on('click', function() {
SBPR_Options[].value = $(this).is(':checked');
GM_setValue('SBPR_Options', SBPR_Options);
if ( === 'SBPR_ShowBorder') {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#SBPR').css('box-shadow', '#fff 0px 0px 10px');
} else {
$('#SBPR').css('box-shadow', 'none');
} else if ( === 'SBPR_HideSomeBalls') {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
$('#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_someball').fadeOut(400);
} else {
$('#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_someball').fadeIn(400);
} else if ( === 'SBPR_ShowPlayer') {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
} else {
$('#SBPR_Data_Table tr:gt(0)').css('background', '#222');
$('#SBPR_Data_Table td.SBPR_PlayerName').css('background', '#b0b');
$('#SBPR_Data_Table th').click(function(e, reverse) {
if (reverse === undefined) reverse = false;
SBPR_Options.sortby.value = $(this).index();
GM_setValue('SBPR_Options', SBPR_Options); //save the header we're sorting by
$('#SBPR_Data_Table th').css('color', '#000');
$(this).css('color', '#b0b');
let table = $('#SBPR_Data_Table tbody');
let rows = table.find('tr').toArray().sort(comparer($(this).index()));
if (reverse) rows = rows.reverse();
//if (reverse) {
this.asc = !this.asc;
if (!this.asc) rows = rows.reverse();
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { table.append(rows[i]); }
//Selected Player Stuff...
$('#SBPR_Data_Table td.SBPR_PlayerName').click(function() {
if (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowPlayer.value) {
let playerName = $(this).data('playername');
let $SBPR_Player = $('#SBPR_Player');
$('#SBPR_Data_Table tr:gt(0)').css('background', '#222');
$('#SBPR_Data_Table td.SBPR_PlayerName').css('background', '#b0b');
$(this).css('background', '#f0f');
$(this).parent('tr').css('background', '#f0f');
$SBPR_Player.append('<table id="SBPR_Data_Player" data-player="'+playerName+'" style="margin:0 auto 20px auto; line-height:10px"><thead><tr>' +
'<th title="Position">Pos</th><th title="Wins">W</th><th title="Losses">L</th><th title="Ties">T</th><th title="Average Time Played">Tm</th><th title="Average Score">Sc</th>' +
'<th title="Average Tags">Ta</th><th title="Average Pops">Po</th><th title="Average Grabs">Gr</th><th title="Average Drops">Dr</th><th title="Average Hold">Ho</th><th title="Average Caps">Ca</th><th title="Average Prevent">Pr</th><th title="Average Returns">Re</th><th title="Average Support">Su</th><th title="Average Powerups">PUP</th><th title="Average Points">Pt</th title="">' +
let fields = [ 'win', 'loss', 'tie', 'timePlayed', 'score', 's-tags','s-pops','s-grabs','s-drops','s-hold','s-captures','s-prevent','s-returns','s-support','s-powerups', 'points' ];
let colors = ['#00EE00', '#007700', '#00EEEE', '#007777', '#EEEE00', '#888800', '#EE0000', '#880000'];
let WLTCount = {};
let totalGames=0, subTotalGames=0, min2=999999, max2=0;
if (SBPR_Data.hasOwnProperty(playerName)) {
$.each(SBPR_Data[playerName].positions, function(key, value) {
$('#SBPR_Data_Player').append('<tr id="SBPR_Player_'+key+'" style="color:'+colors[key-1]+'"></tr>');
$.each(fields, function(k, v) {
subTotalGames = 0;
if (value.hasOwnProperty(v)) {
if ( (v === 'timePlayed') || (v === 's-hold') || (v === 's-prevent') || (v === 's-support') ) {
$('#SBPR_Player_'+key).append('<td>'+(value.count ? secondsToHMS((value[v]/value.count).toFixed(1)) : '-')+'</td>');
} else if ( (v === 'score') || (v === 's-tags') || (v === 's-pops') || (v === 's-grabs') || (v === 's-drops') || (v === 's-captures') || (v === 's-returns') || (v === 's-powerups') || (v === 'points') ) {
$('#SBPR_Player_'+key).append('<td>'+(value.count ? (value[v]/value.count).toFixed(1) : '-')+'</td>');
} else {
if ((v === 'win') || (v === 'loss') || (v === 'tie')) {
if ( !WLTCount.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
WLTCount[key] = {};
WLTCount[key].win = 0;
WLTCount[key].loss = 0;
WLTCount[key].tie = 0;
WLTCount[key][v] += value[v];
totalGames += value[v];
subTotalGames += WLTCount[key].win + WLTCount[key].loss + WLTCount[key].tie;
if (subTotalGames > max2) max2 = subTotalGames;
if (subTotalGames < min2) min2 = subTotalGames;
//Positions Bar Graph...
let barwidth = 30, barmargin = 2;
$SBPR_Player.append('<div id="SBPR_PositionsBarGraph" style="display:flex; align-items:flex-end; width:'+((barwidth+barmargin*2)*8)+'px; margin:0 auto; border-bottom:1px solid #fff"></div>');
$SBPR_Player.append('<div id="SBPR_PositionsBarGraphXLabel" style="display:flex; align-items:baseline; width:'+((barwidth+barmargin*2)*8)+'px; margin:0 auto"></div>');
$.each(WLTCount, function(key, value) {
let thisTotalGames = ( + value.loss + value.tie);
let thisHeight = scaleBetween(thisTotalGames, (thisTotalGames?5:0), 60, min2, max2);
let positionText = nth(key);
$('#SBPR_PositionsBarGraph').append('<div id="SBPR_PositionsBarGraph_'+key+'" style="height:'+thisHeight+'px; width:'+barwidth+'px; background:'+colors[key-1]+'; display:flex; align-items:flex-end; justify-content:space-around; margin:0 '+barmargin+'px" title="'+(thisTotalGames / totalGames * 100).toFixed(2)+'% of the time you finish '+positionText+'"></div>');
if (thisTotalGames > 0) {
$('#SBPR_PositionsBarGraph_'+key).append('<div class="TTEST" style="height:'+(thisHeight*('px; width:'+((barwidth-barmargin*4)/2)+'px; background:rgb(50,50,50);" title="'+((*100).toFixed(2)+'% win rate when you finish '+positionText+'"></div>');
$('#SBPR_PositionsBarGraph_'+key).append('<div class="TTEST" style="height:'+(thisHeight*((value.loss+value.tie)/thisTotalGames))+'px; width:'+((barwidth-barmargin*4)/2)+'px; background:rgb(50,50,50);" title="'+(((value.loss+value.tie)/thisTotalGames)*100).toFixed(2)+'% loss rate when you finish '+positionText+'"></div>');
$('#SBPR_PositionsBarGraphXLabel').append('<div style="width:'+barwidth+'px; color:'+colors[key-1]+'; margin:0 '+barmargin+'px; font-size:10px" title="'+(thisTotalGames / totalGames * 100).toFixed(2)+'% of the time you finish '+positionText+'">'+positionText+'<br>'+(thisTotalGames / totalGames * 100).toFixed(1)+'%</div>');
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Player th { text-align:center; cursor:default; background:#555; color:#eee; padding:1px 2px; }");
GM_addStyle("#SBPR_Data_Player td { text-align:center; cursor:default; padding:1px 2px; }");
GM_addStyle(".TTEST { opacity:0.3 }");
GM_addStyle(".TTEST:hover { opacity:0.7 }");
let scrollToMe = function() {
if ($('#SBPR_♥').length) {
var animateTime = 0;
if ((PageLoc === 'server') || (PageLoc === 'profile')) animateTime = 600;
window.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
$('#SBPR_Players').animate({ scrollTop: $('#SBPR_♥').position().top - ( $('#SBPR_Players').height() / 2) }, animateTime, 'swing');
$('#SBPR_HideLowly').on('input', function() {
$('#SBPR_HideLowly').on('change', function() {
SBPR_Options[].value = this.value;
GM_setValue('SBPR_Options', SBPR_Options);
if (this.value === '0') { //show all
$('#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_lowly').fadeIn(400);
$('#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_lowly').removeClass('SBPR_lowly');
} else {
$('#SBPR_Data_Table .SBPR_lowly').removeClass('SBPR_lowly');
lowlyCutoff = Math.floor(secondHighestCount * SBPR_Options.SBPR_HideLowly.value / 100);
$.each($('#SBPR_Data_Table > tbody > tr'), function(key, value) {
if (parseInt($(this).find('td.SBPR_Player_Total').text()) <= lowlyCutoff) {
} else {
if (!$(this).hasClass('SBPR_someball')) $(this).fadeIn(400);
$('#SBPR_MinimumGameTime').on('input', function() {
$('#SBPR_MinimumGameTime').on('change', function() {
SBPR_Options[].value = this.value;
GM_setValue('SBPR_Options', SBPR_Options);
$('#SBPR_Reset').on('click', function() {
let response = confirm("All data will be lost, and this page will reload.\n\nOK to continue?");
if (response) {
//perform some saved options...
$('#SBPR_Data_Table th:eq('+SBPR_Options.sortby.value+')').trigger('click', (SBPR_Options.sortby.value === 10 ? true : false)); //sort the table by last saved
if (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowPlayer.value) $('#SBPR_♥').trigger('click'); //show the "Me" player data
if (PageLoc === 'server') {
if (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowOnPages.value.indexOf('Home') < 0) {
} else {
setTimeout( scrollToMe, 400);
} else if ((PageLoc === 'profile') || (PageLoc === 'profileNotOurs')) {
if (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowOnPages.value.indexOf('Profile') < 0) {
} else {
setTimeout( scrollToMe, 400);
} else if (PageLoc === 'joining') {
if (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowOnPages.value.indexOf('Joiner') < 0) {
} else {
setTimeout( scrollToMe, 400);
} //if on the selected page
tagpro.ready(function() {
function showMiniTable(spectator, message) {
let keyCounts;
if (spectator === undefined) spectator = false;
$('#exit').after('<div id="SBPR_Mini" style="display:inline-block; position:absolute; top:120px; font-size:10px; background:#000"><table id="SBPR_Mini_Players" style="text-align:center; line-height:9px"></table></div>');
$('#SBPR_Mini_Players').append('<tr style="background:#fff; color:#000"><td>Player</td><td></td><td>Ave</td></tr>');
let $SBPR_Mini_Players = $('#SBPR_Mini_Players');
let players = getAllPlayers();
$.each(players, function(key, player) {
let playername =;
if ( === tagpro.playerId && !spectator) {
playername = '♥'; //us (always)
} else if (player.auth === true) {
playername = '✔' +;
if (SBPR_Data.hasOwnProperty(playername)) {
keyCounts = 0;
$.each(SBPR_Data[playername].positions, function(k, v) {
keyCounts += ((parseInt(k)) * v.count);
if (playername === '♥') {
$SBPR_Mini_Players.append('<tr style="color:'+( == 1 ? '#ffb0b0' : '#c0c0ff')+'"><td style="border-left:1px solid #fff">'+(player.auth ? '<span style="color:#0f0">✔</span>' : '')'</td><td>'+SBPR_Data[playername].playedCount+'</td><td>'+(keyCounts/SBPR_Data[playername].playedCount).toFixed(2)+'</td></tr>');
} else {
$SBPR_Mini_Players.append('<tr style="color:'+( == 1 ? '#ffb0b0' : '#c0c0ff')+'"><td>'+(player.auth ? '<span style="color:#0f0">✔</span>' : '')'</td><td>'+SBPR_Data[playername].playedCount+'</td><td>'+(keyCounts/SBPR_Data[playername].playedCount).toFixed(2)+'</td></tr>');
} else {
if (playername === '♥') {
$SBPR_Mini_Players.append('<tr style="color:'+( == 1 ? '#ffb0b0' : '#c0c0ff')+'; background:#333"><td>'+(player.auth ? '<span style="color:#0f0">✔</span>' : '')'</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>');
} else {
$SBPR_Mini_Players.append('<tr style="color:'+( == 1 ? '#ffb0b0' : '#c0c0ff')+'"><td>'+(player.auth ? '<span style="color:#0f0">✔</span>' : '')'</td><td>-</td><td>-</td></tr>');
let rows = $SBPR_Mini_Players.find('tr:gt(0)').toArray().sort(comparer(2));
rows = rows.reverse();
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { $SBPR_Mini_Players.append(rows[i]); }
if (message) {
$('#SBPR_Mini_Players').append('<tr style="color:#f00"><td colspan="3">'+message+'</td></tr>');
//In Game...
if (PageLoc === 'ingame') {
let joinTime;
let groupPause = false;
tagpro.socket.on('map', function(data) {
if (( && ( {
groupPause = true;
tagpro.socket.on('time', function(message) {
if (tagpro.state === 3) { //before the actual start
joinTime = new Date().getTime();
} else if (tagpro.state === 1) { //game has started
if (joinTime) {
joinTime = Date.parse(tagpro.gameEndsAt) - 6 * 60 * 1000; //time game started (end - 6 mins)
} else {
joinTime = new Date().getTime(); //time we joined (mid-game)
if (SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowMiniInGame.value === true) setTimeout(showMiniTable, 500);
tagpro.socket.on('chat', function(data) {
if ((SBPR_Options.SBPR_ShowMiniInGame.value === true) && (tagpro.state === 1)) {
if (tagpro.spectator) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
} else if (data.from === null) { //system message
if ((data.message.indexOf('has joined the') >= 0) || (data.message.indexOf('has left the') >= 0)) {
setTimeout(showMiniTable, 500);
tagpro.socket.on('end', function(data) {
if ( (!tagpro.spectator) && (groupPause === false) ) {
let fullTime = Date.parse(tagpro.gameEndsAt); //expected end of game time after 6 mins
let endTime = new Date().getTime(); //actual end of game time
let startTime = fullTime - 6 * 60 * 1000; //start of game time
let fullGameLength = (endTime-startTime)/1000; //how long the whole game lasted (with or without us)
let playedGameLength = (endTime-joinTime)/1000; //how long we played for
if (playedGameLength > fullGameLength * (SBPR_Options.SBPR_MinimumGameTime.value / 100)) { //check we played for more than x% of the game
let players = getAllPlayers();
let playersSorted = [];
let result;
$.each(players, function(key, player) {
if ( (SBPR_Options.SBPR_AuthOnly.value !== true) || ((SBPR_Options.SBPR_AuthOnly.value === true) && (player.auth === true)) || ( === tagpro.playerId) ) {
let playername =;
if ( === tagpro.playerId) {
playername = '♥'; //just a special name for us so we can find/highlight it easily later (no matter what name we are using)
} else if (player.auth === true) {
playername = '✔' +;
if (data.winner === 'tie') {
result = 'tie';
} else {
result = getResult(player, data.winner);
playersSorted.push( { name:playername,, auth:player.auth, result:result, score:player.score, points:player.points, timePlayed:(endTime-joinTime)/1000, "s-tags":player["s-tags"], "s-pops":player["s-pops"], "s-grabs":player["s-grabs"], "s-drops":player["s-drops"], "s-hold":player["s-hold"], "s-captures":player["s-captures"], "s-prevent":player["s-prevent"], "s-returns":player["s-returns"], "s-support":player["s-support"], "s-powerups":player["s-powerups"] } );
playersSorted.sort(function(a, b) {
return (b.score - a.score ? b.score - a.score : -;
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
showMiniTable(false, 'Not Recorded - played < ' + SBPR_Options.SBPR_MinimumGameTime.value + '%');
}, 500);
}); //tagpro.ready
function secondsToHMS(d) {
d = Number(d);
let h = Math.floor(d / 3600);
let m = Math.floor(d % 3600 / 60);
let s = Math.floor(d % 3600 % 60);
return ((h > 0 ? h + ":" : "") + (m > 0 ? (h > 0 && m < 10 ? "0" : "") + m + ":" : "0:") + (s < 10 ? "0" : "") + s);
function comparer(index) {
return function(a, b) {
let valA = getCellValue(a, index), valB = getCellValue(b, index);
return $.isNumeric(valA) && $.isNumeric(valB) ? valB - valA : valA.localeCompare(valB);
function getCellValue(row, index){
return $(row).children('td').eq(index).text();
function nth(n) {
return n + ([,'st','nd','rd'][n % 100 >> 3 ^ 1 && n % 10] || 'th');
function scaleBetween(unscaledNum, minAllowed, maxAllowed, min, max){
return (maxAllowed-minAllowed)*(unscaledNum-min)/(max - min) + minAllowed;
function WhichPageAreWeOn() {
if (location.port || location.pathname === '/game') { //In a real game
} else if (location.pathname === '/games/find') { //Joining page
} else if (location.pathname === '/') { //Chosen server homepage
} else if (location.pathname.indexOf('/profile/') >= 0) {
if ($('#saveSettings').length) {
return('profile'); //Our profile page and logged in
} else {
return('profileNotOurs'); //Profile page, but not our one (or we're logged out)
} else if (location.pathname === '/groups') {
} else if (location.pathname === '/boards') {
} else if (location.pathname === '/maps') {
} else if (location.pathname === '/textures') {
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