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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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Noobel's gaem refactored
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <thread>
#include <map>
#include <iomanip>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace std::chrono;
struct coords {
int x;
int y;
coords below(int factor = 1) const {
return {x, y + factor};
coords above(int factor = 1) const {
return {x, y - factor};
ostream & operator<<(ostream & strm, const coords & xy) {
strm << "{x=" << xy.x << ",y=" << xy.y << '}';
return strm;
bool operator<(const coords & lhs, const coords & rhs) {
return lhs.y < rhs.y || (lhs.y == rhs.y && lhs.x < rhs.x);
template <class T>
class proxy {
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & strm, const proxy & px) {
strm << '[' << px.mem << ']';
return strm;
T & mem;
bool share;
proxy(T & ref, bool shr = true) : mem(ref), share(shr) {}
proxy(const T & ref) : proxy(const_cast<T &>(ref), false) {}
proxy & operator=(const T & val) {
mem = val;
return *this;
bool operator==(const T & val) {
return mem == val;
bool operator!=(const T & val) {
return mem != val;
template <class T>
bool operator<(const proxy<T> & lhs, const proxy<T> & rhs) {
return lhs.mem < rhs.mem;
template <class T>
bool operator>(const proxy<T> & lhs, const proxy<T> & rhs) {
return lhs.mem > rhs.mem;
class Map {
static const char filler;
coords size;
map<coords, char> map;
Map(const coords & sz) : size(sz) {
coords xy{};
for(; xy.x < size.x; ++xy.x) {
for(; xy.y < size.y; ++xy.y)
map.emplace(xy, filler);
xy.y = 0;
void draw() {
stringstream frame;
for(auto itr = map.begin(); itr != map.end(); ++itr) {
for(int i = 1; i < size.x; ++i)
frame << itr++->second;
frame << '\n';
cout << frame.str();
void reset() {
for(auto & pr : map)
pr.second = filler;
proxy<char> operator[](const coords & xy) {
try {
} catch(...) {
return filler;
const char Map::filler = ' ';
class Player {
coords position{};
vector<coords> prev_positions;
int health = 100;
bool handle_player_movements(Map & map, Player & player) {
if(kbhit()) {
char key = tolower(getch());
coords newpos = player.position;
if(key == 'w' && player.position.x > 2 && map[player.position.below()] != Map::filler && map[player.position.above()] == Map::filler &&
map[player.position.above(2)] == Map::filler)
newpos.y -= 2;
if(key == 'a' && player.position.x > 0)
if(key == 's' && player.position.y < 15)
if(key == 'd' && player.position.x < 15)
player.position = move(newpos);
if(key == 'q') // Sneaking in that close key
return true;
return false;
void gravity(Map & map, Player & player) {
if(player.position.y < 15 && map[player.position.above()] == Map::filler && map[player.position.below()] == Map::filler) {
void Loop() {
static const auto time_between_frames = 100ms;
Map map({16, 16});
map[{4, 13}] = '=';
map[{5, 13}] = '=';
map[{6, 13}] = '=';
map[{7, 13}] = '=';
map[{8, 13}] = '=';
map[{10, 14}] = '=';
map[{11, 14}] = '=';
// Look at that fancy hardcoded map ^
Player player;
bool do_gravity = false;
while(true) {
if((do_gravity ^= true) % 2 == 0)
gravity(map, player);
for(auto & pos : player.prev_positions)
map[pos] = Map::filler;
map[player.position] = 'X';
cout << "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n" // Photo-realistic spikes, I know.
"Use WASD for movement\n"
"Press Q to quit\n\n"
"X: "
<< player.position.x << " Y: " << (-player.position.y + map.size.y) << "\nWatch out for the spikes below!" << endl;
if(handle_player_movements(map, player))
if(player.position.y > 14) {
cout << "You fell to your death. Game over!" << endl;
int main() {
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