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Last active March 13, 2023 14:14
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  • Save nabily4e-dev/19bccfc55f341024e5e3aa96a46ec60d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nabily4e-dev/19bccfc55f341024e5e3aa96a46ec60d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Possible feature branch names are:
* `feature/add-login-form`
* `feat/fix-bug-123`
* `f/improve-performance`
Feature branch naming convention is a way of naming your feature branches in a consistent and meaningful way. There are different ways of doing this, but some common elements are:
* Using a prefix to indicate that the branch is a feature branch, such as `feature/`, `feat/`, or `f/`.
* Using a descriptive name that summarizes what the feature does or what problem it solves, such as `add-login-form`, `fix-bug-123`, or `improve-performance`.
* Using hyphens to separate words in the name, and avoiding spaces or underscores.
* Using lowercase letters and avoiding special characters or punctuation.
Possible commit messages are:
Add login form with validation and error handling.
Fix bug 123 where login form crashes on invalid input.
Improve performance of login form by caching results and reducing queries.
The messages for commits in feature branches should be clear and concise, and describe what changes you made and why. Some tips for writing good commit messages are:
* Use the imperative mood, such as “Add login form”, “Fix bug 123”, or “Improve performance”.
* Start with a capital letter and end with a period.
* Limit the first line to 50 characters or less, and use additional lines if needed to explain more details.
* Use bullet points or lists to separate multiple changes or items.
* Reference the issue number or the feature name if applicable, such as “#123” or “[login-form]”.
* Avoid using vague or generic terms, such as “Update”, “Refactor”, or “Fix”.
* Avoid repeating information that is already in the branch name or the file names.
Implementing git-flow in your project:
1. Install git-flow on your computer. Depending on your operating system, you can use different commands or tools to do this.
2. Go to your project folder and run `git flow init`. This will create the `main` and `develop` branches for you and set up some options.
3. Whenever you want to work on a new feature, run `git flow feature start feature_name`. This will create a new branch from `develop` for your feature.
4. Work on your feature and commit your changes as usual. You can test your changes locally or on a preview server if you have one.
5. When your feature is done, run `git flow feature finish feature_name`. This will merge your feature branch to `develop` and delete it.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each feature you want to add.
7. When you are ready to make a new release, run `git flow release start version_number`. This will create a new branch from `develop` for your release.
8. Make any final changes or fixes on your release branch and update the version number if needed.
9. Run `git flow release finish version_number`. This will merge your release branch to both `main` and `develop`, tag it with the version number, and delete it.
10. Push your changes to the remote server with `git push --all` and `git push --tags`.
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