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Last active June 30, 2023 19:19
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Q1: What is React?

  • A) A programming language
  • B) A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • C) A front-end framework for CSS
  • D) A back-end framework for database management

Q2: What problems does React solve?

  • A) Slow rendering of web pages
  • B) Complex manipulation of the DOM
  • C) Error-prone UI development
  • D) All of the above

Q3: What is the virtual DOM in React?

  • A) A concept for creating 3D user interfaces
  • B) A representation of the real DOM in memory
  • C) A technique for handling API calls in React
  • D) A database used for storing component data

Q4: What are components in React?

  • A) Independent modules of a React app
  • B) Functions or classes that render UI and handle events
  • C) Libraries for managing state in React
  • D) CSS stylesheets for styling React components

Q5: What is the purpose of ReactDOM in React?

  • A) Rendering React components to the browser
  • B) Handling HTTP requests in React apps
  • C) Managing state and props in React components
  • D) Optimizing the performance of React apps

Q6: What are the benefits of using React?

  • A) Easy to learn and use
  • B) Fast and efficient rendering with the virtual DOM
  • C) Modular and reusable component-based architecture
  • D) All of the above

Q7: How can you create a React app using create-react-app?

  • A) Run the command "create-react-app my-app" in the terminal
  • B) Use an online React app builder tool
  • C) Install React manually and set up the project from scratch
  • D) None of the above

Q8: True or False: React uses a declarative approach to UI development.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Q9: True or False: React is primarily used for back-end development.

  • A) True
  • B) False

Q10: What will the following code render?

function App() {
  return <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
  • A) A button that says "Hello, world!"
  • B) A heading that says "Hello, world!"
  • C) An input field with the label "Hello, world!"
  • D) None of the above
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