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Last active February 17, 2017 21:09
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Anypoint Platform - One click Examples - Create a Proxy for weather
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Anypoint Platform - One click Examples - Create a Proxy for weather

Manage an existing API, one endpoint at a time

Create an Access Management API Client and authenticate it hitting the public RAML.

  • Create the Client with the notebook and the public RAML url
API.createClient('anypointCS', '');
  • Authenticate using oauth2 implicit flow and the clientId used by the UI apiportal
  • Store the bearer token, organization ID and organization name to use in the next API calls.
var meJSON =;
var bearerToken = "Bearer " + meJSON.access_token.access_token;
var authHeaders = {"headers": {"Authorization": bearerToken }};
var organizationId = meJSON.user.memberOfOrganizations[0].id;
var orgname =;
$2 = meJSON;

Create an API Platform Client to consume APIs

API.createClient('anypointAPI', '');

Create a new API

  • The API name will be random with the format: w-api-RAND
  • The version will be 1.0.0
  • The cloudhub domain that will be used later is the same as the api name
function guid() {
  function s4() {
    return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000)
  return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' +
    s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
var apiName = "w-api-" + guid();
var apiVersion = "1.0.0";
var cloudhubDomain = apiName;

var apiCreationJSON = anypointAPI.organizations.organizationId(organizationId){"name":apiName,"version":{"name":apiVersion}} , authHeaders).body;
  • store apiID and apiVersionID to use it later.
var apiId = apiCreationJSON.version.apiId;
var apiVersionId =;
$5 = {'apiId': apiId, 'apiVersionId': apiVersionId}

Create Root RAML

  • Call the addRootRaml endpoint to create the root raml for the created API. As we are creating a proxy for openweathermap API the baseUri is
  • Store the rootRamlId in order to be able to easily update later
var raml = anypointAPI.organizations.organizationId(organizationId).apis.apiId(apiId).versions.apiVersionId(apiVersionId)
{"apiId":apiId,"apiVersionId":apiVersionId,"isDirectory":false,"name":"api.raml","data":"#%RAML 1.0\ntitle: OpenWeather\nversion: 2.5\nbaseUri:\n\ntraits:\n   isSearchableByCity:\n      queryParameters:\n        q:\n          description: city name\n          type: string\n          required: true\n          \n   isMetric:\n      queryParameters:\n       units:\n        description: Metric or Imperial\n        enum: [metric,imperial]\n        example: metric  \n  \n   isAPIKey:\n      queryParameters:\n       APPID: \n        description: API Key\n        example: 938ffc1ccc85558966b89eaa29a2ddc0\n      \n/weather:\n   displayName: Weather\n   is: [isSearchableByCity,isMetric,isAPIKey]\n   get:\n     description: |\n      Search weather by city name      \n     responses:\n      200:\n       body:\n        application/json: \n\n/forecast:\n  displayName: Forecast\n  is: [isSearchableByCity,isMetric,isAPIKey]\n  get:\n    description: |\n      seach weather forecast for 5 days with data every 3 hours by city name. \n    responses:\n     200:\n      body:\n        application/json: \n\n        \n/station:\n  displayName: Station\n  description: |\n    Get the most recent measurements from weather station.\n"}, authHeaders).body;

var rootRamlId = raml.rootFileId;

Create the portal

  • Call the portal endpoint to create the portal
  • Store portalId, homePageId and apiReferenceId
  • Add a widget to the home Page containing the text indicating that was autogenerated
var portal = anypointAPI.organizations.organizationId(organizationId).apis.apiId(apiId).versions.apiVersionId(apiVersionId){}, authHeaders).body;

var homePageId = portal.pages[0].id;
var apiReferenceId = portal.pages[1].id;
var portalId =;

  .portal.pages.pageId(homePageId).widgets.patch([{"type":"markdown","data":"**Autogenerated Portal**","masterData":"","isBeingEdited":false,"order":0}], authHeaders);

Create the endpoint as a cloudhub endpoint

var endpoint = anypointAPI.organizations.organizationId(organizationId).apis.apiId(apiId).versions.apiVersionId(apiVersionId)
, authHeaders).body;

Get the environmentID for the production environment

  • store the endpointId
var environments = anypointAPI.organizations.organizationId(organizationId).environments.get(null, authHeaders).body;
var environmentId;
for (var i = 0; i < environments.length; i++) {
  if (environments[i].isProduction) {
    environmentId = environments[i].id;
$9 = environmentId; 

Apply Rate Limiting Policy

  • Configuration: 10 reqs per minute
  {"apiVersionId":apiVersionId,"policyTemplateId":"rate-limiting","configurationData":{"rateLimits":[{"maximumRequests":10,"timePeriodInMilliseconds":60000}]},"id":null}, authHeaders);

Trigger Deployment of the proxy in Cloudhub

anypointAPI.organizations.organizationId(organizationId).apis.apiId(apiId).versions.apiVersionId(apiVersionId){"type":"CH","overwrite":false,"applicationName": cloudhubDomain,"environmentId":environmentId,
                          "environmentName":"Production","gatewayVersion":"3.8.0"}, authHeaders);

Update the RAML file to point to the Proxy API

var raml2 = anypointAPI.organizations.organizationId(organizationId).apis.apiId(apiId).versions.apiVersionId(apiVersionId)
{"id": rootRamlId, "apiId":apiId,"apiVersionId":apiVersionId,"isDirectory":false,"name":"api.raml","data":"#%RAML 1.0\ntitle: OpenWeather\nversion: 2.5\nbaseUri: http://" + cloudhubDomain + "\n#baseUri:\n\ntraits:\n   isSearchableByCity:\n      queryParameters:\n        q:\n          description: city name\n          type: string\n          required: true\n          \n   isMetric:\n      queryParameters:\n       units:\n        description: Metric or Imperial\n        enum: [metric,imperial]\n        example: metric  \n  \n   isAPIKey:\n      queryParameters:\n       APPID: \n        description: API Key\n        example: 938ffc1ccc85558966b89eaa29a2ddc0\n      \n/weather:\n   displayName: Weather\n   is: [isSearchableByCity,isMetric,isAPIKey]\n   get:\n     description: |\n      Search weather by city name      \n     responses:\n      200:\n       body:\n        application/json: \n\n/forecast:\n  displayName: Forecast\n  is: [isSearchableByCity,isMetric,isAPIKey]\n  get:\n    description: |\n      seach weather forecast for 5 days with data every 3 hours by city name. \n    responses:\n     200:\n      body:\n        application/json: \n\n        \n/station:\n  displayName: Station\n  description: |\n    Get the most recent measurements from weather station.\n"}, authHeaders).body;

Make all content of the portal public

var portalJSON = anypointAPI.organizations.organizationId(organizationId).apis.apiId(apiId).versions.apiVersionId(apiVersionId).portal.get(null, authHeaders).body;

var pages = portalJSON.pages;

for (var i=0; i < pages.length; i++) {
   pages[i].visible = true;
     .versions.apiVersionId(apiVersionId).portal.pages.pageId(pages[i].id).put(pages[i], authHeaders);

Open the New API in the platform

  var win ='' + orgname + '/admin/#/organizations/' + organizationId + 
                      '/dashboard/apis/' + apiId + '/versions/' + apiVersionId + '/policies', '_blank');
  if (win) {
  } else {
      alert('Please allow popups for anypoint platform');
}, 5000);
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