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Last active July 4, 2023 12:25
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Niftyswap - Security Review

Niftyswap - Security Review

Table of contest


0xsequence team requested the review of the contracts under the repository niftyswap referenced by the commit dc937eb9ba17e1d4886826fd0579febbe3ecb3ad. Spot at the PR #79 the following contracts: IERC1155FloorFactory.sol, IERC1155FloorWrapper.sol, IERC721.sol, IERC721FloorFactory.sol, IERC721FloorWrapper.sol, IWrapAndNiftyswap.sol, Proxy.sol, WrapperErrors.sol, WrapperProxyDeployer.sol, ERC1155FloorFactory.sol, ERC1155FloorWrapper.sol, ERC721FloorFactory.sol, ERC721FloorWrapper.sol, WrapAndNiftyswap.sol.

The rest of the contracts in the repositories are assumed to be audited.

General Notes

The ERC1155FloorWrapper wraps and unwraps tokens using the onERC1155Received and onERC1155BatchReceived functions, but the ERC721FloorWrapper uses specific deposit and withdraw functions with no support to onERC721Received. Using different strategies for the same outcome makes the contract harder to follow and costly for the users in the case of the ERC721FloorWrapper. They need an extra transaction to approve each token or an approvalForAll before depositing. Consider using the same strategy for both wrappers.

Another thing to have in mind is that the users can claim unwrapped tokens if someone, by mistake, doesn't use the wrappers as expected. This has been addressed before the audit startedhere by the team



Nothing found.



  • N1 - line 32 - Wrong return value in the dev notation. It says bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)")) and it should be bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)"))


Nothing found.


Nothing found.


Nothing found.



  • N1 - lines 12, 18, and 27 - Parameter names start with _ while other interfaces use another convention. Consider removing the _ or adding it to other parameter names interfaces.




  • L1 - line 8 - There is no check whether the implementation is a contract. Consider adding the isContract check to prevent human errors.


  • N1 - line 5 - Consider using the immutable keyword for the implementation variable since it is not intended to be changed during the contract's lifecycle. This change will reduce gas consumption at deployment and execution.


Nothing found.



  • N1 - lines 4, 5, 7, 9 - Unused imports. Consider removing them.

  • N2 - line 18 - Possibility to create a proxy for the zero address. Consider checking that tokenAddr is a contract or at least different from the zero address.

  • N3 - lines 20, 21, 22, 23 - Consider removing some operations if there is no need to return specific errors. Checking whether the contract was already created can be done off-chain before and after sending the tx. The WrapperCreationFailed may be enough.

  • N4 - line 25 - Wrong comment. getProxysalt returns the salt needed for create2, not the resultant address.

  • N5 - lines 38, 43, 50, 54, and 58 - Missing dev notation.




  • L1 - line 55 - There is no check if the contract being set supports the IERC1155Metadata interface and/or if it is at least a contract. Consider adding those checks to prevent human errors.


  • N1 - 15 and 55 - Function parameter names start with _ while others do not. Consider removing the _ or adding it to the rest.

  • N2 - line 15 - Missing dev notation.



  • L1 - line 30 - There is no check if the contract being set supports the IERC1155 interface and/or if it is at least a contract. Consider adding those checks to prevent human errors.

  • L2 - line 161 - Possible griefing attack when withdrawing specific tokenIds. If the amount of one of the tokenIds desired is not available, the whole transaction will fail. Consider removing the usage of tokenIds.


  • N1 - lines 23 and 27 - Missing dev notation.

  • N2 - 27 and 174 - Function parameter names start with _ while others do not. Consider removing the _ or adding it to the rest.

  • N3 - lines 107 and 108 - Consider removing FIXME comments.

  • N4 - line 111 - Gas optimization. The _deposit function doesn't care about the tokenIds array. The TokensDeposited event can be emitted directly in onERC1155Received and onERC1155BatchReceived. Also, consider moving the recipient check at the beginning of the _deposit function to prevent consuming more gas in the case of failure.



  • L1 - line 55 - There is no check if the contract being set supports the IERC1155Metadata interface and/or if it is at least a contract. Consider adding those checks to prevent human errors.


  • N1 - lines 15 and 55 - Function parameter names start with _ while others do not. Consider removing the _ or adding it to the rest.

  • N2 - line 15 - Missing dev notation.



  • L1 - line 30 - There is no check if the contract being set supports the IERC721 interface and/or if it is at least a contract. Consider adding those checks to prevent human errors.

  • L2 - line 55 - Consider checking if the recipient address is not the zero address.

  • L3 - line 80 - Possible griefing attack when withdrawing specific tokenIds. If one of the tokenIds desired is not available, the whole transaction will fail. Consider removing the usage of tokenIds.


  • N1 - lines 66, 76 and 78 - Consider re-using the length variable to reduce gas consumption.

  • N2 - line 73 - Change ERC-1155 to ERC-721.

  • N3 - line 99 - _id is the only parameter that starts with _. Consider removing the _ or adding it to other parameter names.

Ignacio Mazzara - April 2023.

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