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Last active October 31, 2020 17:58
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Horizon - SkyWeaver Bridges & Conquest - Security Review

Arcadeum - Security Audit

Table of contest


The Horizon team requested the review of some smart contracts on the repository, the commit referenced for this audit is 5422f3b56750df1d6b603d7d1319cfbee1c744d7 (

The audited contracts are:

  • TieredOwnable.sol: Assign ownership tiers to addresses, allowing inheriting contracts to choose which tier can call which function.

  • BridgeFactory.sol: This is a contract allowing contract owner to mint up to N assets per 6 hours. Anyone can send SW assets or ARC to this contract, which will then get burned for the former and reserved for Horizon for the latter. Most of the logic for what to mint and what is considered a valid burn is kept off-chain, in a L2 network.

  • FreemintFactory.sol: This is a contract allowing the owner to mint any tokens within a given range. This factory will be used to mint community-related assets, special event assets that are meant to be given away.

  • Conquest.sol: Contract used on POA to internally keep track of players participation in Conquest.

  • ConquestEntriesFactory.sol: Contract used on POA allowing players to convert their silver cards to conquest entries. This contract should only be able to mint conquest entries.

The contracts are well written.

The rest of the contracts in the repository are assumed to be audited along with the contracts imported from different repositories as multi-token-standard.



  • N1 - line 2 - pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2 seems to not being used.

  • N2 - line 38 - Possible loss of Highest owners. The function assignOwnership allows senders with the highest tier to change the ownerTier. By a human mistake, in a scenario where there is only one master owner, that master can change its own tier value and therefore the function will be unreachable as the @dev notation says. Consider checking that the sender can not change its own tier, using a counter of masters, and/or add a method to explicit renounce to the tier.


To take into consideration

  • onERC1155Received and onERC1155BatchReceived are using the owner of the asset to assign de deposit (from) but in some cases, the operators could perform the action and be the recipient of the conquer tickets. Consider using _data with the recipient.

  • PERIOD_LENGTH could be upgradeable.

  • bachMint can be called by a user with the lowest tier value possible, 1. If for some reason one of that address is compromised, a bigger amount and/or other ids than the burned previously could be passed as a parameter. Consider using an event to retry the mint instead of refund the tokens. Both scenarios will have concerns but maybe a retry is a better UX.



  • N1 - line 72 - Typo […] support.s.

  • N2 - line 76 - supportsInterface can use type(IERC165).interfaceId as the other contracts to avoid copy/paste's human errors.

To take into consideration

  • line 43 - bachMint could receive 2 dimensions array for ids and _amounts to allow different ids and amounts per beneficiary.


To take into consideration

  • If conquest entries will start using decimals, conside changing the line 117 require(_amounts[0] == 1, "Conquest#entry: INVALID_ENTRY_TOKEN_AMOUNT"); where 1 should be 100.


Low Severity

  • L1 - line 126 - Possible loss of cards. If a user sends amounts with decimals and the final number tickets to be minted has decimals (not a natural number), those decimals will be removed, and the user will lose them. Consider using tickets with decimal or check if the amount has decimal on each receive.


While the audit, a low severity bug was found at the following contracts: ERC1155Meta.sol and ERC1155MetaPackedBalance.sol at the functions metaSafeTransferFrom and metaSafeBatchTransferFrom where if _isGasFee is true, the data passed to the on receive hook (_callonERC1155BatchReceived) is signedData instead of transferData which is not the expected behavior. The Horizon team fixed it before this audit was published.

Ignacio Mazzara - 08/2020

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