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Last active December 30, 2021 12:50
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  • Save naclsn/b85467b379d676481e6a4483ee2ef5a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save naclsn/b85467b379d676481e6a4483ee2ef5a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Parses PICO-8's peculiar Lua into an AST, stores the result as a JSON file. See as for the AST itself.
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
# Parses a .p8 file into an AST, stores the result as JSON.
param ([Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$InputP8, [Parameter(Mandatory)][string]$OutputJSON)
$FileInfo = Get-Item $InputP8
Set-Location $FileInfo.Directory
$TempFile = "_tmp$(Get-Random).txt"
"pico-8 cartridge`n`n__lua__`nprinth([=[`n#include $($FileInfo.Name)`n]=],'$TempFile',true)" > $TempFile
pico8 -root_path "$PWD" -x $TempFile > $null
python3 -m pip install luaparser > $null
python3 -m luaparser $TempFile -o "$OLDPWD/$OutputJSON"
Remove-Item $TempFile
Set-Location $OLDPWD
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Parses a .p8 file into an AST, stores the result as JSON.
cd $(dirname "$INPUT_P8")
printf "pico-8 cartridge\n\n__lua__\nprinth([=[\n#include $(basename "$INPUT_P8")\n]=],'$TEMP_FILE',true)" > $TEMP_FILE
trap "rm $TEMP_FILE ; cd '$OLDPWD'" EXIT
pico8 -root_path "$PWD" -x $TEMP_FILE > /dev/null
python3 -m pip install luaparser > /dev/null
python3 -m luaparser $TEMP_FILE -o "$OLDPWD/$OUTPUT_JSON"
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