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Last active November 19, 2017 23:14
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Import the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey, 2017 into R
# Import the participation data
library(tidyxl) # You'll need the dev versions devtools::install_github("nacnudus/tidyxl")
library(unpivotr) # You'll need the dev versions devtools::install_github("nacnudus/unpivotr")
path <- here("inst", "extdata", "australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_participation_final.xlsx")
book <- xlsx_cells(path)
formats <- xlsx_formats(path)
import_1_to_3 <- function(cells) {
age_band <-
cells %>%
filter(row == 6, col >= 3) %>%
select(row, col, age_band = character)
state <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 7, col == 1, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, state = character)
measure <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 7, col == 2) %>%
select(row, col, measure = character)
data_cells <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 7, col >= 3, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, count = numeric)
data_cells %>%
WNW(state) %>%
W(measure) %>%
N(age_band) %>%
select(-row, -col)
tables_1_to_3 <-
book %>%
filter(sheet %in% paste("Table", 1:3)) %>%
nest(-sheet) %>%
mutate(data = map(data, import_1_to_3),
sex = c("all", "male", "female")) %>%
import_4_to_6 <- function(cells) {
age_band <-
cells %>%
filter(row == 6, col >= 3) %>%
select(row, col, age_band = character)
state <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 7, col == 1, !is_blank,
formats$local$font$bold[local_format_id]) %>%
select(row, col, state = character)
territory <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 7, col == 1, !is_blank,
!formats$local$font$bold[local_format_id]) %>%
select(row, col, territory = character)
measure <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 7, col == 2) %>%
select(row, col, measure = character)
data_cells <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 7, col >= 3, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, count = numeric)
data_cells %>%
WNW(state) %>%
WNW(territory) %>%
W(measure) %>%
N(age_band) %>%
select(-row, -col)
tables_4_to_6 <-
book %>%
filter(sheet %in% paste("Table", 4:6)) %>%
nest(-sheet) %>%
mutate(data = map(data, import_4_to_6),
sex = c("all", "male", "female")) %>%
all_tables <- bind_rows(tables_1_to_3, tables_4_to_6)
# Import the results data
library(tidyxl) # You'll need the dev versions devtools::install_github("nacnudus/tidyxl")
library(unpivotr) # You'll need the dev versions devtools::install_github("nacnudus/unpivotr")
path <- here("inst", "extdata", "australian_marriage_law_postal_survey_2017_-_response_final.xlsx")
book <- xlsx_cells(path)
formats <- xlsx_formats(path)
import_1 <- function(cells) {
population <-
cells %>%
filter(row == 5, col >= 2, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, population = character)
response <-
cells %>%
filter(row == 6, col >= 2, !is_blank) %>%
mutate(character = str_trim(character)) %>%
select(row, col, response = character)
unit <-
cells %>%
filter(row == 7, col >= 2, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, unit = character)
state <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 8, col == 1, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, state = character)
data_cells <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 8, col >= 2, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, value = numeric)
data_cells %>%
W(state) %>%
NNW(population) %>%
NNW(response) %>%
N(unit) %>%
select(-row, -col)
table_1 <-
book %>%
filter(sheet == "Table 1") %>%
import_2 <- function(cells) {
population <-
cells %>%
filter(row == 5, col >= 2, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, population = character)
response <-
cells %>%
filter(row == 6, col >= 2, !is_blank) %>%
mutate(character = str_trim(character)) %>%
select(row, col, response = character)
unit <-
cells %>%
filter(row == 7, col >= 2, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, unit = character)
state <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 8, col == 1, !is_blank,
formats$local$font$bold[local_format_id]) %>%
select(row, col, state = character)
territory <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 7, col == 1, !is_blank,
!formats$local$font$bold[local_format_id]) %>%
select(row, col, territory = character)
data_cells <-
cells %>%
filter(row >= 8, col >= 2, !is_blank) %>%
select(row, col, value = numeric)
data_cells %>%
WNW(state) %>%
W(territory) %>%
NNW(population) %>%
NNW(response) %>%
N(unit) %>%
select(-row, -col)
table_2 <-
book %>%
filter(sheet == "Table 2") %>%
all_tables <- bind_rows("Table 1" = table_1, "Table 2" = table_2, .id = "sheet")
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