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nadavkav / moodle_qtype_stack_test.js
Last active May 29, 2024 20:23
PTL 11793 moodle_qtype_stack_test.js
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
function isless(x,y) {return (x<y)};
nadavkav / local_helixmedia_lib.php
Last active October 25, 2022 16:36
Add MEDIAL "Dashboard" link to course menu
// This function can be added to the end of local/helixmedia/lib.php
// Add MEDIAL "Dashboard" link to course menu
function local_helixmedia_extend_navigation_course($parentnode, $course, $context) {
//if ($settingnode = $parentnode->find('courseadmin', navigation_node::TYPE_COURSE)) {
global $CFG;
$preid = helixmedia_preallocate_id();
$name = get_string('pluginname', 'helixmedia');
nadavkav / moodle_time_on_page.js
Last active March 12, 2022 13:15
Count user's timeonpage (only when it is focused)
function local_petel_before_footer() {
global $PAGE, $USER, $CFG;
$sesskey = sesskey();
// Save data as event into Moodle logstore_standard_log DB table.
$logurl = $CFG->wwwroot. '/local/petel/timeonpage.php';
// Count the time a user was looking at the page (page was in focus)
// TODO:
// TODO: refactore JS code to:
nadavkav / Moodle_formulas_question.xml
Created January 23, 2022 20:19
Moodle formulas question (a test case for inconsistency verifying student answer)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- question: 3039285 -->
<question type="formulas">
<text>random validation error test case</text>
<questiontext format="html">
<text><![CDATA[<b>Please use normal decimal syntax:</b><br><br>{#A}<br><br>{#B}<br><br>{#C}<br><br>{#D}<br>]]></text>
nadavkav / gist:663427ed36c12852da4dfcabb1e6199a
Created January 2, 2022 19:01
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) -- original (full) sources.list
deb focal main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src focal main restricted universe multiverse
deb focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb focal-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src focal-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse
nadavkav / he.json
Created November 23, 2021 18:28
BBB 2.4 Hebrew translation suggestions
"app.home.greeting": "המצגת שלך תתחיל בקרוב ...",
"": "שליחת הודעה",
"": "ההודעה ארוכה מדי ב {0} תוו(ים)",
"": "התנתקת מהמפגש, אי אפשר לשלוח הודעות",
"": "המפגש ננעל, אי אפשר לשלוח הודעות",
"": "תוכן הודעה למפגש {0}",
"": "שליחת הודעה ל {0}",
"": "צ'אט ציבורי",
"": "צ'אט פרטי עם {0}",
nadavkav / call datatables from php
Last active October 31, 2021 19:59
Experimenting using datatables.js in Moodle
$params['select'] = true;
$params['paginate'] = false;
$params['scroller'] = false; // require: paginate = true
//$params['buttons'] = array("selectAll", "selectNone",'copy','excel','pdf');
$params['buttons'] = array('copy','excel','pdf');
$params['dom'] = 'Bfrtip'; // Needed to position buttons; else won't display.
$params['selector'] = '.generaltable';
//$params['columnfilter'] = 1;
//$params['onlycolumns'] = '.c4,.c5,.c6,.c7';
$params['scrolly'] = 700;
nadavkav / fix_other_field_data.php
Last active September 25, 2021 09:12
Fix logstore_standard_log.other field data format (JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE)
* When using standard JSON format instead of PHP serialised data in the 'other' database field,
* Non English (Hebrew) letters are save in \uFFFF Unicode hexa human unreadable format.
* We need to fix this, to allow human-readable output when using block "configurable reports".
* @package logstore_standard_log
* @copyright 2021 Nadav Kavalerchik <>
* @auther Nadav Kavalerchik
nadavkav / download_unicko_videos.php
Created September 13, 2020 14:49
Download UNICKO videos (php script via web API)
//use curl;
@ini_set('display_errors', '1');
@ini_set('html_errors', '1');
//$CFG->debugdisplay = true;
nadavkav / list_online_rooms_bbb.php
Created March 19, 2020 19:36
List online BBB rooms (PHP)
// List online BBB rooms
// echo sha1('getMeetings'.'gcAIBNoat3WN4oRioGxY9Ik5Xrfzm3KTi3KixyCVf4');