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Created February 26, 2018 07:05
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Hello world for cycle JS. I might be doing something wrong. At this rate, it will end up looking a lot like Elm, but with the complication of streams.
import { div, DOMSource, h1, makeDOMDriver, VNode, input } from '@cycle/dom';
import { run } from '@cycle/xstream-run';
import xs, { Stream } from 'xstream';
import SearchBox, { SearchBoxProps } from './SearchBox';
export interface Sources {
DOM: DOMSource;
export interface Sinks {
DOM: Stream<VNode>
interface Model {
search: string
searchPending: {
[s: string]: boolean
interface SearchForUser {
type: 'SearchForUser'
interface SearchBoxUpdated {
type: 'SearchBoxUpdated',
value: string
type Actions = SearchForUser | SearchBoxUpdated;
function intent(domSource: DOMSource): Stream<Actions> {
return xs.merge('.search-box')
.map((event: Event) => ({
type: 'SearchBoxUpdated',
value: (( as any).value as string)
} as SearchBoxUpdated)),'.search-box')
.map(event => event.keyCode === 13)
.filter(result => result === true)
.map(e => ({ type: 'SearchForUser' } as SearchForUser))
function model(action$: Stream<Actions>): Stream<Model> {
const initialModel: Model = {
search: '',
searchPending: {}
return action$.fold((model, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'SearchForUser':
return model;
case 'SearchBoxUpdated':
return Object.assign({}, model, { search: action.value })
}, initialModel)
function view(model$: Stream<Model>): Stream<VNode> {
return model$.map(model => {
return div([
h1('Github user search'),
input('.search-box', { value: })
function main(sources: Sources): Sinks {
const action$ = intent(sources.DOM);
const state$ = model(action$);
return {
DOM: view(state$)
run(main, {
DOM: makeDOMDriver('#main-container')
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