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Created June 26, 2014 21:09
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Save nadeesha/7319e56e590d561a1cc4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - a walkthough
<h1 id="hirewirelk-a-walkthough"> - a walkthough</h1>
<p>We are in the business of connecting employers and job seekers. We may not be a replacement to a total HR solution or a recruitment management solution.</p>
<p>Rather, we help you sail past the most excruiciating step of the process - acquiring and pre-screening candidates.</p>
<p>This guide is supposed to be a walkthrough for a recruiter to go from 0-60 in our platform within 10 minutes. If you have further questions, we would be happy to help you from</p>
<h2 id="campaigns">Campaigns</h2>
<p>A campaign relates to a “recruitment campaign” in the platorm. Creation of a campaign involves in you building up a job profile, which can be publicly or privately published to potential job seekers.</p>
<h3 id="types-of-campaigns">Types of Campaigns</h3>
<p>There are two types of campaigns</p>
<li>Public campaign: You will publish the job profile publicly in, so people can directly apply to the advertisement. You will also be able to search for passive talent through our search engine as well.</li>
<li>Private campaign: The job profile will not be publicly available. It will only be seen by canidates that you search through the platform and invite.</li>
<h2 id="creating-a-new-campaign">Creating a new campaign</h2>
<li>Click the “New Campaign” button on the header bar. This will take you to the campaign creation form.</li>
<li>On the form, fill the details as necessary. <br>
<ol><li><code>Job Role</code> will be the title of the advertisement published. Usually, this will equate to the job designation.</li>
<li><code>Description</code> will ususally be the job profile. Anyone you invite for an interview, or apply to this campaign will look through the information here.</li>
<li><code>Expires on</code> will be the date that you pick, when your recruitment campaign is concluded. We recommend that this date correspond to the day that you expect to call a canidate for the final interview. Campaign will not be available for alteration or extension after this date.</li>
<li><code>Make Public</code> will control the visibility status of the campaign. For more information on this, refer to “Types of campaigns” above.</li>
<li>After you’re done, click <code>Save</code>.</li></ol></li>
<p>Tip: You can have a realtime preview of your ad while you’re editing, if you switch to the preview pane.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="" title=""></p>
<h1 id="campaign-home">Campaign Home</h1>
<p>After you create a campaign, or if you click a campaign on the recruiter’s dashboard, you wil be taken to the Campaign Home. Here, you can view/edit your advertisement for the campaign, or search for candidates.</p>
<h2 id="searching-for-candidates">Searching for candidates</h2>
<p>If you click the <code>Search for candidates</code> option in the campaign home, you will be taken to the search page. You can list your criteria, and search for candidates as you like.</p>
<p>Currently, the platorm supports 7 search criteria. You can spcify multiple criteria of the same type, up to a total of 42.</p>
<h3 id="filter-criteria">Filter Criteria</h3>
<p>Filter Criteria allows you to filter (or weed out) candidates that don’t match a constraint. Filter criteria are tight constraints that must be true for all the candidates in your search results.</p>
<li><code>Age between</code> defines a range in years for you to specify the optimum age of your candidates.</li>
<li><code>Work experience between</code> is just like age, but for years of work experience.</li>
<p>Example: if you need an executive with 5-7 years of experience, and if you know the candidate would optimally be within ages 27-34, you define your filter criteria so.</p>
<p>Tip: If you are not particular about these two contraints, you can set them up to acceptable values. Like <code>Age between</code> 18 to 55.</p>
<h3 id="refinement-criteria">Refinement Criteria</h3>
<p>Refinement Criteria do not necessarily drop candidates, but they will help you rank them according to your preferences.</p>
<p>These criteria are intelligently parsed by the platform. Rather than a mere “keyword search”, we run heuristics and natural language algorithms to predict the candidates suitability. Therefore, don’t worry about targeting all possible combinations. Our intelligent search engine will do the most work for you.</p>
<li><code>Current position like</code> will help you to narrow candidates by their exisiting designation.</li>
<li><code>Experienced in</code> will search their entire CV for your specified keywords. Possible values here may be, a domain that your candidate needs to be experienced in, a specific software package that your candidate must have used in his/her career, or a specialization that is unique to the position that you find advantageous.</li>
<li><code>Skills include</code> will search the skills that the candidate proclaims that he/she has explicitly in their CV. If you are looking for a specific skill, then this might be a good place to insert that.</li>
<li><code>Qualifications include</code> will search for a qualificaiton type such as “B.Sc in Science”, while <code>Qualified in</code> will allow you specify a specialization, such as “Chemical Science”.</li>
<h3 id="weights">Weights</h3>
<p>Each criterion allows you to define a weight with it. It determines how important that criteria is to your overall search form a value between 1-10.</p>
<p>Tip: If you want to search for a candidate who is qualified in “Chemical Science” and has experience on “ISO standards”, but if the requirement to be experienced with “ISO standards” is more inmortant that the qualification, you can indicate that by giving a weight to the <code>Experienced in: ISO standards</code> that is significantly higher than the <code>Qualified in: Chemical Science</code> criterion.</p>
<p>ex: <code>Experienced in: ISO standards, weight: 3</code>, <code>Qualified in: Chemical Science, weight: 5</code></p>
<h3 id="specifying-multiple-criteria-of-the-same-type">Specifying multiple criteria of the same type</h3>
<p>You can specify multiple criteria of the same type. For an example, your search may have:</p>
<li>1 <code>Age between</code> filter</li>
<li>2 <code>Current position like</code> filters</li>
<li>5 <code>Experienced in</code> filters</li>
<li>4 <code>Qualified in</code> filters</li>
<p>*It is recommended that you don’t post comma-seperated values for a single criterion. For an example, if you need someone experienced in “Credit unions” and “Cash flow management”, it’s much better to specify it as two independent criteria, rather than one single criteria,</p>
<li>Bad =&gt; <code>Experienced in: Credit unions and Cash flow management</code></li>
<li>Bad =&gt; <code>Experienced in: Credit unions, Cash flow management</code></li>
<li>Good =&gt; <code>Experienced in: Credit unions</code>, <code>Experienced in: Cash flow management</code> </li>
<p><img src="" alt="" title=""></p>
<h3 id="adding-criteria-and-searching">Adding criteria and searching</h3>
<p>Once you define a criterion, click the <code>Add</code> button and your search query will be updated. After you’re happy with the composition of your query, click the <code>Search</code> button.</p>
<p>Tip: It’s better to start with only a few criteria and search first to see what the results are. Once you get a feeling of what to expect, you can add more refinement criteria and seach again. Searching takes only a few seconds.</p>
<p>Your search will only get a limited set of results, and the results will be ordered by the score that we assign. Score is determined by how well a candidate matches your criteria. The value is arbitrary and only used to rank a candidate over another.</p>
<p>Need Help? We can help you with constructing search criteria by looking at your job profile. Just send us a message with the profile to and we’ll send you criteria that you can use.</p>
<h2 id="inviting-candidates">Inviting candidates</h2>
<p>Search results will yield the best matching candidates for you. By clicking on a result, you will be able to see a preview of the candidate’s profile in the right-side pane.</p>
<p>To invite the candidate, you will have to click on <code>invite this candidate</code>. Instantly, the candidate will be invited via email and upon the acceptence of the invitation, you will be able to see the full profile in the campaign home.</p>
<h3 id="candidate-statuses">Candidate statuses</h3>
<p>Any candidate responding to or invited for a campaign will be in one of 6 states. You will be able to see the canidate status in the campaign home page, in the table under the column <code>Status</code>.</p>
<li><code>Applied</code> means that the candidate had seen the ad and directly applied to it from the home page. You will be able to access the full profile of the candidate.</li>
<li><code>Invited</code> means you invited the candidate through a search. You will not be able to see the full profile till the candidate accepts the invitation.</li>
<li><code>Accepted</code> means that the canidate had accepted the invitation you have sent. You will be able to see the full profile in this state.</li>
<li><code>Rejected</code> means that you have rejected the candidate’s further involvement with the campaign. You will not be able to access the full profile of the candidate.</li>
<li><code>Withdrawn</code> means that candidate had changed his/her mind and withdrew the applicaion. You will not be able to access the full profile of the candidate.</li>
<li><code>Shortlisted</code> is just a status for your reference. Candidate will not be notified whether he/she was shortlisted or not.</li>
<p><img src="" alt="" title=""></p>
<h3 id="recommended-workflow">Recommended workflow</h3>
<p></p><ol> <br>
<li>If a candidate applies or accepts your invitation, evaluate the canidate’s full profile and if you want to keep considering the candidate, shortlist the candidate by clicking on <code>shortlisted</code>.</li>
<li>If the above evaluation proves that the candidate is adequate, reject the candidate by clicking on <code>reject</code> button. And click on <code>save</code>. <br><p></p>
Tip: Rejecting a candidate will send a friendly message to the candidate detailing possible reasons for the rejection, and will encourage the candidate to apply again for your organization due to your prompt feedback. Not rejecting nor contacting the candidate will put the application in a state of limbo, and will show the candidate that the application was not considered. It’s always better to reject the candidates that you are not going to consider for an interview.</blockquote></li>
<li>Once you gain access to the candidate’s profile (if the candidate is in <code>applied</code>, <code>accepted</code>, <code>shortlisted</code> states), you can view the profile by clicking on the profile icon next to the candidate’s name on the right pane.</li>
<li>The full profile will contain the candidate’s contact information, which you can use to directly contact the candidate. <br>
Tip: Use the tags box to insert your notes about the candidates and save to keep an easy to access reference about the candidate.</li>
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<h2 id="adding-new-team-memebers-to-your-organization">Adding new team memebers to your organization</h2>
<p>Mulptiple memebrs of your organization can work on recruitment campaigns simultaneously. Click on <code>Create new user</code> to invite a member to collaborate with you on your tasks.</p>
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