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nadir-akhtar /
Last active March 7, 2022 19:14
My runthrough of the wonderful Check me out on the leaderboard, "partywizard", in 24th place as of May 7, 2018. If you notice errors, feel free to bring it up in the discussion section.

Capture the Ether Writeup

This writeup is a runthrough of challenges at built on the Ropsten testnet. I will go through each problem in four steps:

  1. The intention of the contract
  2. The flawed assumption
  3. The process of exploiting the vulnerability
  4. The potential patches

I'll provide examples of the code I wrote as needed. To save time, we'll skip into the Lotteries section, starting with Guess the secret number, as that's the first problem which truly required some thought.

nadir-akhtar /
Last active November 16, 2017 22:48
Smart Contract Best Practices: A collection of resources for making smart choices with smart contracts.

Smart Contract Best Practices

A collection of links for self-learning and for anyone else to use. Feel free to recommend or remark on either links or on the gist structure!
