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Last active August 19, 2020 06:34
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fwk::Vector: improves compilation speed of whole project by ~20%, decreases binary size by 50% (compared with std::vector)
// Copyright (C) Krzysztof Jakubowski <>
// This file is part of libfwk. See license.txt for details.
#pragma once
#include "fwk/base_vector.h"
#include "fwk/span.h"
#include "fwk/sys_base.h"
namespace fwk {
struct PoolAllocTag {};
constexpr PoolAllocTag pool_alloc;
// Regular Vector class with several improvements:
// - fast compilation & minimized code size (Code which is very similar across different instances is shared)
// - Pooled allocation support (4KB per thread); Pool-allocated vectors should be destroyed
// on the same thread on which they were created, otherwise pools will be wasted and give no
// performance gain
template <class T> class Vector {
using value_type = T;
using size_type = int;
template <class IT>
static constexpr bool is_input_iter = is_forward_iter<IT> &&is_constructible<T, IterBase<IT>>;
explicit Vector(PoolAllocTag) { m_base.initializePool(sizeof(T)); }
Vector() {; }
~Vector() {
destroy(, m_base.size);;
Vector(const Vector &rhs) : Vector() { assign(rhs.begin(), rhs.end()); }
Vector(Vector &&rhs) { m_base.moveConstruct(std::move(rhs.m_base)); }
explicit Vector(PoolAllocTag, int size, const T &default_value = T()) {
if(detail::t_vpool_bits && size <= int(detail::vpool_chunk_size / sizeof(T))) {
m_base.size = size;
} else
m_base.alloc(sizeof(T), size, size);
for(int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++)
new(((T *) + idx) T(default_value);
explicit Vector(int size, const T &default_value = T()) {
m_base.alloc(sizeof(T), size, size);
for(int idx = 0; idx < size; idx++)
new(((T *) + idx) T(default_value);
template <class IT, EnableIf<is_input_iter<IT>>...> Vector(IT first, IT last) : Vector() {
assign(first, last);
Vector(std::initializer_list<T> il) : Vector(il.begin(), il.end()) {}
Vector(CSpan<T> span) : Vector(span.begin(), span.end()) {}
template <class U, int size, EnableIf<is_same<RemoveConst<U>, T>>...>
Vector(Span<U, size> span) : Vector(CSpan<T>(span)) {}
void swap(Vector &rhs) { m_base.swap(rhs.m_base); }
template <class IT, EnableIf<is_input_iter<IT>>...> void assign(IT first, IT last) {
m_base.assignPartialPod(sizeof(T), fwk::distance(first, last));
m_base.assignPartial(sizeof(T), &Vector::destroy, fwk::distance(first, last));
int offset = 0;
while(!(first == last)) {
new(data() + offset++) T(*first);
void assign(const T *first, const T *last) {
if(trivial_copy_constr && trivial_destruction)
m_base.assignPod(sizeof(T), first, last - first);
m_base.assign(sizeof(T), &Vector::destroy, &Vector::copy, first, last - first);
void assign(std::initializer_list<T> il) { assign(il.begin(), il.end()); }
void assign(int size, const T &value) {
resize(size, value);
const Vector &operator=(const Vector &rhs) {
if(this == &rhs)
return *this;
assign(rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
return *this;
const Vector &operator=(Vector &&rhs) {
if(this == &rhs)
return *this;
return *this;
bool inRange(int idx) const { return fwk::inRange(idx, 0, m_base.size); }
const T *data() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T *>(; }
T *data() { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(; }
T &operator[](int idx) {
return data()[idx];
const T &operator[](int idx) const {
return data()[idx];
const T &front() const {
return data()[0];
T &front() {
return data()[0];
const T &back() const {
return data()[m_base.size - 1];
T &back() {
return data()[m_base.size - 1];
int size() const { return m_base.size; }
int capacity() const { return m_base.capacity; }
i64 usedMemory() const { return m_base.size * (i64)sizeof(T); }
bool empty() const { return m_base.size == 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return m_base.size > 0; }
void clear() { m_base.clear(&Vector::destroy); }
void free() {
Vector empty;
void reserve(int new_capacity) {
if(trivial_move_constr && trivial_destruction)
m_base.reservePod(sizeof(T), new_capacity);
m_base.reserve(sizeof(T), &Vector::moveAndDestroy, new_capacity);
void resize(int new_size, T default_value) {
int index = m_base.size;
while(index < new_size)
new(data() + index++) T(default_value);
void resize(int new_size) {
int index = m_base.size;
while(index < new_size)
new(data() + index++) T();
void shrink(int new_size) {
PASSERT(m_base.size >= new_size);
template <class... Args> T &emplace_back(Args &&... args) INST_EXCEPT {
if(m_base.size == m_base.capacity) {
if(trivial_move_constr && trivial_destruction)
m_base.grow(sizeof(T), &Vector::moveAndDestroy);
new(end()) T{std::forward<Args>(args)...};
T &back = (reinterpret_cast<T *>([m_base.size];
return back;
void push_back(const T &rhs) { emplace_back(rhs); }
void push_back(T &&rhs) { emplace_back(std::move(rhs)); }
void erase(const T *it) {
if(trivial_move_constr && trivial_destruction)
m_base.erasePod(sizeof(T), it - begin(), 1);
m_base.erase(sizeof(T), &Vector::destroy, &Vector::moveAndDestroy, it - begin(), 1);
void pop_back() {
void erase(const T *a, const T *b) {
if(trivial_move_constr && trivial_destruction)
m_base.erasePod(sizeof(T), a - begin(), b - a);
m_base.erase(sizeof(T), &Vector::destroy, &Vector::moveAndDestroy, a - begin(), b - a);
T *insert(const T *pos, const T &value) { return insert(pos, &value, (&value) + 1); }
template <class IT, EnableIf<is_input_iter<IT>>...> T *insert(const T *pos, IT first, IT last) {
int offset = pos - begin();
if(trivial_move_constr && trivial_destruction)
m_base.insertPodPartial(sizeof(T), offset, fwk::distance(first, last));
m_base.insertPartial(sizeof(T), &Vector::moveAndDestroyBackwards, offset,
fwk::distance(first, last));
int toffset = offset;
while(!(first == last)) {
new(data() + offset++) T(*first);
return begin() + toffset;
T *insert(const T *pos, const T *first, const T *last) {
if(pos == end() && last - first <= m_base.capacity - m_base.size) {
if(trivial_move_constr && trivial_destruction && trivial_copy_constr)
memcpy((void *)end(), (void *)first, (last - first) * sizeof(T));
copy(end(), first, last - first);
auto out = end();
m_base.size += last - first;
return out;
int offset = pos - begin();
if(trivial_move_constr && trivial_destruction && trivial_copy_constr)
m_base.insertPod(sizeof(T), offset, first, last - first);
m_base.insert(sizeof(T), &Vector::moveAndDestroyBackwards, &Vector::copy, offset, first,
last - first);
return begin() + offset;
T *insert(const T *pos, std::initializer_list<T> il) {
int offset = pos - begin();
insert(pos, il.begin(), il.end());
return begin() + offset;
T *begin() { return data(); }
T *end() { return data() + m_base.size; }
const T *begin() const { return data(); }
const T *end() const { return data() + m_base.size; }
operator Span<T>() { return Span<T>(data(), m_base.size); }
operator CSpan<T>() const { return CSpan<T>(data(), m_base.size); }
template <class U = T, EnableIf<equality_comparable<U, U>>...>
bool operator==(const Vector &rhs) const {
return size() == rhs.size() && std::equal(begin(), end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
template <class U = T, EnableIf<less_comparable<U>>...>
bool operator<(const Vector &rhs) const {
return std::lexicographical_compare(begin(), end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
template <class U> Vector<U> reinterpret() {
static_assert(compatibleSizes(sizeof(T), sizeof(U)),
"Incompatible sizes; are you sure, you want to do this cast?");
m_base.size = (int)(size_t(m_base.size) * sizeof(T) / sizeof(U));
auto *rcurrent = reinterpret_cast<Vector<U> *>(this);
return Vector<U>(move(*rcurrent));
static constexpr bool trivial_move_constr = std::is_trivially_move_constructible<T>::value,
trivial_copy_constr = std::is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>::value,
trivial_destruction = std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value;
void resizePrelude(int new_size) {
if(trivial_move_constr && trivial_destruction && trivial_copy_constr)
m_base.resizePodPartial(sizeof(T), new_size);
m_base.resizePartial(sizeof(T), &Vector::destroy, &Vector::moveAndDestroy, new_size);
static void copy(void *vdst, const void *vsrc, int count) {
const T *__restrict__ src = (T *)vsrc;
T *__restrict__ dst = (T *)vdst;
for(int n = 0; n < count; n++)
new(dst + n) T(src[n]);
static void moveAndDestroy(void *vdst, void *vsrc, int count) {
T *__restrict__ src = (T *)vsrc;
T *__restrict__ dst = (T *)vdst;
for(int n = 0; n < count; n++) {
new(dst + n) T(std::move(src[n]));
static void moveAndDestroyBackwards(void *vdst, void *vsrc, int count) {
T *__restrict__ src = (T *)vsrc;
T *__restrict__ dst = (T *)vdst;
for(int n = count - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
new(dst + n) T(std::move(src[n]));
static void destroy(void *vsrc, int count) {
T *src = (T *)vsrc;
for(int n = 0; n < count; n++)
BaseVector m_base;
friend class PodVector<T>;
// Copyright (C) Krzysztof Jakubowski <>
// This file is part of libfwk. See license.txt for details.
#include "fwk/base_vector.h"
#include "fwk/sys/memory.h"
// TODO: there is still space for improvement (perf-wise) here
// TODO: more aggressive inlining here improves perf
namespace fwk {
namespace detail {
__thread char t_vpool_buf[vpool_chunk_size * vpool_num_chunks];
__thread uint t_vpool_bits = 0xffffffff;
int vectorGrowCapacity(int capacity, int obj_size) {
if(capacity == 0)
return obj_size > 64 ? 1 : 64 / obj_size;
if(capacity > 4096 * 32 / obj_size)
return capacity * 2;
return (capacity * 3 + 1) / 2;
int vectorInsertCapacity(int capacity, int obj_size, int min_size) {
int cap = vectorGrowCapacity(capacity, obj_size);
return cap > min_size ? cap : min_size;
void BaseVector::alloc(int obj_size, int size_, int capacity_) {
size = size_;
capacity = capacity_;
data = (char *)fwk::allocate(size_t(capacity) * obj_size);
void BaseVector::grow(int obj_size, MoveDestroyFunc func) {
reallocate(obj_size, func, vectorGrowCapacity(capacity, obj_size));
void BaseVector::growPod(int obj_size) {
reallocatePod(obj_size, vectorGrowCapacity(capacity, obj_size));
void BaseVector::reallocate(int obj_size, MoveDestroyFunc move_destroy_func, int new_capacity) {
if(new_capacity <= capacity)
BaseVector temp;
temp.alloc(obj_size, size, new_capacity);
move_destroy_func(, data, size);
void BaseVector::resizePartial(int obj_size, DestroyFunc destroy_func,
MoveDestroyFunc move_destroy_func, int new_size) {
PASSERT(new_size >= 0);
if(new_size > capacity)
reallocate(obj_size, move_destroy_func, vectorInsertCapacity(capacity, obj_size, new_size));
if(size > new_size)
destroy_func(data + size_t(obj_size) * new_size, size - new_size);
size = new_size;
void BaseVector::assignPartial(int obj_size, DestroyFunc destroy_func, int new_size) {
if(new_size > capacity) {
BaseVector temp;
temp.alloc(obj_size, new_size, vectorInsertCapacity(capacity, obj_size, new_size));
size = new_size;
void BaseVector::assign(int obj_size, DestroyFunc destroy_func, CopyFunc copy_func, const void *ptr,
int new_size) {
assignPartial(obj_size, destroy_func, new_size);
copy_func(data, ptr, size);
void BaseVector::insertPartial(int obj_size, MoveDestroyFunc move_destroy_func, int index,
int count) {
DASSERT(index >= 0 && index <= size);
int new_size = size + count;
if(new_size > capacity)
reallocate(obj_size, move_destroy_func, vectorInsertCapacity(capacity, obj_size, new_size));
int move_count = size - index;
if(move_count > 0)
move_destroy_func(data + size_t(obj_size) * (index + count),
data + size_t(obj_size) * index, move_count);
size = new_size;
void BaseVector::insert(int obj_size, MoveDestroyFunc move_destroy_func, CopyFunc copy_func,
int index, const void *ptr, int count) {
insertPartial(obj_size, move_destroy_func, index, count);
copy_func(data + size_t(obj_size) * index, ptr, count);
void BaseVector::clear(DestroyFunc destroy_func) {
destroy_func(data, size);
size = 0;
void BaseVector::erase(int obj_size, DestroyFunc destroy_func, MoveDestroyFunc move_destroy_func,
int index, int count) {
DASSERT(index >= 0 && count >= 0 && index + count <= size);
int move_start = index + count;
int move_count = size - move_start;
destroy_func(data + size_t(obj_size) * index, count);
move_destroy_func(data + size_t(obj_size) * index, data + size_t(obj_size) * (index + count),
size -= count;
void BaseVector::reallocatePod(int obj_size, int new_capacity) {
if(new_capacity <= capacity)
BaseVector temp;
temp.alloc(obj_size, size, new_capacity);
memcpy(, data, size_t(obj_size) * size);
void BaseVector::reservePod(int obj_size, int desired_capacity) {
if(desired_capacity > capacity) {
int new_capacity = vectorInsertCapacity(capacity, obj_size, desired_capacity);
reallocatePod(obj_size, new_capacity);
void BaseVector::reserve(int obj_size, MoveDestroyFunc func, int desired_capacity) {
if(desired_capacity > capacity) {
int new_capacity = vectorInsertCapacity(capacity, obj_size, desired_capacity);
reallocate(obj_size, func, new_capacity);
void BaseVector::resizePodPartial(int obj_size, int new_size) {
PASSERT(new_size >= 0);
if(new_size > capacity)
reallocatePod(obj_size, vectorInsertCapacity(capacity, obj_size, new_size));
size = new_size;
void BaseVector::assignPartialPod(int obj_size, int new_size) {
if(new_size > capacity) {
BaseVector temp;
temp.alloc(obj_size, new_size, vectorInsertCapacity(capacity, obj_size, new_size));
size = new_size;
void BaseVector::assignPod(int obj_size, const void *ptr, int new_size) {
assignPartialPod(obj_size, new_size);
memcpy(data, ptr, size_t(obj_size) * size);
void BaseVector::insertPodPartial(int obj_size, int index, int count) {
DASSERT(index >= 0 && index <= size);
int new_size = size + count;
if(new_size > capacity)
reallocatePod(obj_size, vectorInsertCapacity(capacity, obj_size, new_size));
int move_count = size - index;
if(move_count > 0)
memmove(data + size_t(obj_size) * (index + count), data + size_t(obj_size) * index,
size_t(obj_size) * move_count);
size = new_size;
void BaseVector::insertPod(int obj_size, int index, const void *ptr, int count) {
insertPodPartial(obj_size, index, count);
memcpy(data + size_t(obj_size) * index, ptr, size_t(obj_size) * count);
void BaseVector::erasePod(int obj_size, int index, int count) {
DASSERT(index >= 0 && count >= 0 && index + count <= size);
int move_start = index + count;
int move_count = size - move_start;
if(move_count > 0)
memmove(data + size_t(obj_size) * index, data + size_t(obj_size) * (index + count),
size_t(obj_size) * move_count);
size -= count;
void BaseVector::invalidIndex(int index) const {
FWK_FATAL("Index %d out of range: <%d; %d)", index, 0, size);
void BaseVector::invalidEmpty() const { FWK_FATAL("Accessing empty vector"); }
// Copyright (C) Krzysztof Jakubowski <>
// This file is part of libfwk. See license.txt for details.
#pragma once
#include "fwk/math_base.h"
#include "fwk/span.h"
#include "fwk/sys/memory.h"
#include "fwk/sys_base.h"
namespace fwk {
namespace detail {
// Pool allocator for vectors
constexpr int vpool_chunk_size = 128, vpool_num_chunks = 32;
extern __thread char t_vpool_buf[vpool_chunk_size * vpool_num_chunks];
extern __thread uint t_vpool_bits;
static bool onVPool(const char *data) {
return data >= t_vpool_buf && data < t_vpool_buf + vpool_chunk_size * vpool_num_chunks;
int vectorGrowCapacity(int current, int obj_size);
int vectorInsertCapacity(int current, int obj_size, int min_size);
template <class T> int vectorInsertCapacity(int current, int min_size) {
return vectorInsertCapacity(current, (int)sizeof(T), min_size);
// This class keeps implementation of vectors which is shared among different instantiations
// Most functions are in .cpp file to reduce code bloat (in most cases performance loss is negligible)
// TODO: VectorInfo struct keeping obj_size and pointers to functions?
// TODO: better naming of functions, add some description?
class BaseVector {
using MoveDestroyFunc = void (*)(void *, void *, int);
using DestroyFunc = void (*)(void *, int);
using CopyFunc = void (*)(void *, const void *, int);
~BaseVector() {} // Manual free is required
void zero() {
data = nullptr;
size = capacity = 0;
void moveConstruct(BaseVector &&rhs) {
data =;
size = rhs.size;
capacity = rhs.capacity;;
void initializePool(int obj_size) {
if(detail::t_vpool_bits) {
using namespace detail;
capacity = vpool_chunk_size / obj_size;
int bit = countTrailingZeros(t_vpool_bits);
t_vpool_bits &= ~(1 << bit);
data = t_vpool_buf + bit * vpool_chunk_size;
size = 0;
} else {
void alloc(int obj_size, int size, int capacity);
void free(int obj_size) {
using namespace detail;
t_vpool_bits |= 1 << ((data - t_vpool_buf) / vpool_chunk_size);
void swap(BaseVector &rhs) {
fwk::swap(size, rhs.size);
fwk::swap(capacity, rhs.capacity);
void grow(int obj_size, MoveDestroyFunc func);
void growPod(int obj_size);
void reallocate(int, MoveDestroyFunc move_destroy_func, int new_capacity);
void clear(DestroyFunc destroy_func);
void erase(int, DestroyFunc, MoveDestroyFunc, int index, int count);
void resizePartial(int, DestroyFunc, MoveDestroyFunc, int new_size);
void insertPartial(int, MoveDestroyFunc, int offset, int count);
void insert(int, MoveDestroyFunc, CopyFunc, int offset, const void *, int count);
void assignPartial(int, DestroyFunc, int new_size);
void assign(int, DestroyFunc, CopyFunc, const void *, int size);
void reallocatePod(int, int new_capacity);
void reservePod(int, int desired_capacity);
void reserve(int, MoveDestroyFunc, int desired_capacity);
void clearPod() { size = 0; }
void erasePod(int, int index, int count);
void resizePodPartial(int, int new_size);
void insertPodPartial(int, int offset, int count);
void insertPod(int, int offset, const void *, int count);
void assignPartialPod(int, int new_size);
void assignPod(int, const void *, int size);
void checkIndex(int index) const {
if(index < 0 || index >= size)
void checkNotEmpty() const {
if(size == 0)
[[noreturn]] void invalidIndex(int index) const;
[[noreturn]] void invalidEmpty() const;
int size, capacity;
char *data;
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