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Save nadult/7289410 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Class responsible for caching multiple small textures into few big ones. It allows to reduce number of glBindTexture calls and greatly improving performance on some cheaper hardware (integrated GPUs).
/* Copyright (C) 2013 Krzysztof Jakubowski <>
This file is part of FreeFT.
FreeFT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
FreeFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
If not, see . */
#include "base.h"
#include "gfx/device.h"
namespace gfx {
class TextureCache;
class CachedTexture {
CachedTexture(const CachedTexture&);
void operator=(const CachedTexture&);
virtual ~CachedTexture();
PTexture accessTexture(FRect&) const;
TextureCache *getCache() const { return m_cache; }
int cacheId() const { return m_id; }
void bindToCache(TextureCache&) const;
void unbindFromCache() const;
virtual void cacheUpload(Texture&) const = 0;
virtual int2 textureSize() const = 0;
void onCacheDestroy();
friend class TextureCache;
mutable TextureCache *m_cache; //TODO: remove, use TextureCache::main_cache?
mutable int m_id;
// accesed textures are valid only until nextFrame, if the texture
// was in the atlas, it's data might change, so accessTexture should be called every frame
// TODO: texture packing in the atlas can be greatly improved:
// - instead of round robin, select next AtlasNode based on active texture count, free space, etc.
// - when packing textures, use some smarter algorithm to save space
// - use PBO to copy textures from res.device_texture, and not from system memory
class TextureCache {
TextureCache(int max_bytes);
TextureCache(const TextureCache&) = delete;
void operator=(const TextureCache&) = delete;
bool isValidId(int res_id) const { return res_id >= 0 && res_id < size(); }
int size() const { return (int)m_resources.size(); }
void unload(int res_id);
PTexture access(int res_id, FRect&);
PTexture atlas() { return PTexture(&m_atlas); }
void setMemoryLimit(int bytes) { m_memory_limit = bytes; }
int memoryLimit() const { return m_memory_limit; }
int memorySize() const { return m_memory_size; }
void nextFrame();
static TextureCache main_cache;
int add(CachedTexture *ptr, const int2 &size);
void remove(int res_id);
friend class CachedTexture;
struct ListNode {
ListNode() :next(-1), prev(-1) { }
int next, prev;
struct List {
List() :head(-1), tail(-1) { }
bool isEmpty() const { return head == -1; }
int head, tail;
struct Resource {
CachedTexture *res_ptr;
PTexture device_texture;
int2 size, atlas_pos;
int atlas_node_id;
int last_update;
ListNode main_node; // shared by two lists: m_main_list, m_free_list
ListNode atlas_node; // shared by two lists: AtlasNode::list, m_atlas_queue
template<ListNode Resource::*>
void listInsert(List &list, int id);
template<ListNode Resource::*>
void listRemove(List &list, int id);
enum { node_size = 256 };
struct AtlasNode {
IRect rect;
List list;
PodArray<AtlasNode> m_atlas_nodes;
DTexture m_atlas;
int2 m_atlas_size;
int m_atlas_counter;
vector<Resource> m_resources;
int m_memory_limit;
int m_memory_size;
int m_last_update;
int m_last_node;
List m_main_list;
List m_free_list;
List m_atlas_queue;
/* Copyright (C) 2013 Krzysztof Jakubowski <>
This file is part of FreeFT.
FreeFT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
FreeFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
If not, see . */
#include "gfx/texture_cache.h"
#include "gfx/device.h"
#include "sys/profiler.h"
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <algorithm>
//#define LOGGING
namespace gfx {
CachedTexture::CachedTexture() :m_id(-1), m_cache(nullptr) { }
CachedTexture::~CachedTexture() {
PTexture CachedTexture::accessTexture(FRect &tex_rect) const {
DASSERT(m_cache && m_id != -1);
return m_cache->access(m_id, tex_rect);
void CachedTexture::unbindFromCache() const {
if(m_cache && m_id != -1) {
m_cache = nullptr;
void CachedTexture::bindToCache(TextureCache &cache) const {
if(m_cache == &cache)
m_cache = &cache; //TODO: const correctness
m_id = m_cache->add((CachedTexture*)this, textureSize());
void CachedTexture::onCacheDestroy() {
m_id = -1;
m_cache = nullptr;
static int textureMemorySize(PTexture tex) {
TextureFormat format = tex->format();
return format.evalImageSize(tex->width(), tex->height());
TextureCache::TextureCache(int bytes)
:m_memory_limit(bytes), m_memory_size(0), m_last_update(0), m_last_node(0), m_atlas_counter(0) {
int at_width = 2048, at_height = 2048;
while(at_width * at_height > bytes / 8) {
if(at_width > at_height)
at_width /= 2;
at_height /= 2;
m_atlas_size = int2(at_width, at_height);
TextureCache::~TextureCache() {
for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_resources.size(); n++)
template<TextureCache::ListNode TextureCache::Resource::* node_ptr>
void TextureCache::listInsert(TextureCache::List &list, int id) {
ListNode &node = m_resources[id].*node_ptr;
DASSERT(node.prev == -1 && == -1); = list.head;
if(list.head != -1)
(m_resources[list.head].*node_ptr).prev = id;
list.head = id;
if(list.tail == -1)
list.tail = id;
template<TextureCache::ListNode TextureCache::Resource::* node_ptr>
void TextureCache::listRemove(TextureCache::List &list, int id) {
ListNode &node = m_resources[id].*node_ptr;
if(node.prev != -1)
(m_resources[node.prev].*node_ptr).next =;
if( != -1)
(m_resources[].*node_ptr).prev = node.prev;
if(list.head == id)
list.head =;
if(list.tail == id)
list.tail = node.prev; = node.prev = -1;
#define INSERT(list, list_name, id) listInsert<&Resource::list_name ## _node>(list, id)
#define REMOVE(list, list_name, id) listRemove<&Resource::list_name ## _node>(list, id)
void TextureCache::nextFrame() {
if(!m_atlas.isValid()) {
int max_size = 2048;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &max_size);
m_atlas_size = min(m_atlas_size, int2(max_size, max_size));
ASSERT(m_atlas_size.x >= node_size && m_atlas_size.y >= node_size);
m_atlas.resize(TI_A8B8G8R8, m_atlas_size.x, m_atlas_size.y);
m_memory_limit -= textureMemorySize(PTexture(&m_atlas));
#ifdef LOGGING
printf("Atlas size: %dKB\n", textureMemorySize(PTexture(&m_atlas))/1024);
int x_nodes = m_atlas_size.x / node_size, y_nodes = m_atlas_size.y / node_size;
m_atlas_nodes.resize(x_nodes * y_nodes);
for(int y = 0; y < y_nodes; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < x_nodes; x++)
m_atlas_nodes[x + y * x_nodes] = AtlasNode{IRect(x, y, x + 1, y + 1) * node_size};
if(m_atlas_queue.head != -1) {
pair<int, int> indices[1024];
int count = 0;
AtlasNode &atlas_node = m_atlas_nodes[m_last_node];
for(int id = atlas_node.list.head; id != -1 && count < COUNTOF(indices) / 2;) {
const Resource &res = m_resources[id];
indices[count++] = make_pair(-res.last_update, id);
id =;
int pixel_count = 0, max_pixels = node_size * node_size;
for(int id = m_atlas_queue.head; id != -1 && count < COUNTOF(indices) && pixel_count < max_pixels;) {
const Resource &res = m_resources[id];
indices[count++] = make_pair(-res.last_update, id);
pixel_count += res.size.x * res.size.y;
id =;
//TODO: handle situation in which resources already in atlas have timestamp >= than new resources,
// and there is almost no space for new resources. Such a node should be skipped
std::sort(indices, indices + count);
int2 pos(0, 0);
int max_y = 0;
//TODO: better texture fitting; something similar to buddy algorithm?
for(int n = 0; n < count; n++) {
int index = indices[n].second;
Resource &res = m_resources[index];
bool can_fit = true;
if(res.size.y + pos.y > node_size)
can_fit = false;
if(can_fit && res.size.x + pos.x > node_size) {
if(res.size.x > node_size || res.size.y + max_y + pos.y > node_size)
can_fit = false;
else {
pos = int2(0, pos.y + max_y);
max_y = 0;
if(!can_fit) {
if(res.atlas_node_id != -1) {
#ifdef LOGGING
printf("Removing from atlas node %d: %dKB\n", m_last_node, (res.size.x * res.size.y * 4)/1024);
REMOVE(atlas_node.list, atlas, index);
res.atlas_node_id = -1;
Texture tex;
DASSERT(tex.dimensions() == res.size);
res.atlas_pos = pos + atlas_node.rect.min;
m_atlas.upload(tex, res.atlas_pos);
if(res.atlas_node_id == -1) {
#ifdef LOGGING
printf("Inserting to atlas node %d: %dKB\n", m_last_node, (res.size.x * res.size.y * 4)/1024);
REMOVE(m_atlas_queue, atlas, index);
INSERT(atlas_node.list, atlas, index);
res.atlas_node_id = m_last_node;
max_y = max(max_y, res.size.y);
pos.x += res.size.x;
m_last_node = (m_last_node + 1) % (int)m_atlas_nodes.size();
while(m_atlas_queue.head != -1)
REMOVE(m_atlas_queue, atlas, m_atlas_queue.head);
if(m_last_update == INT_MAX) {
for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_resources.size(); n++)
m_resources[n].last_update = 0;
m_last_update = 0;
int TextureCache::add(CachedTexture *res_ptr, const int2 &size) {
Resource new_res{res_ptr, PTexture(nullptr), size, int2(0, 0), -1, 0 };
if(m_free_list.isEmpty()) {
return (int)m_resources.size() - 1;
int id = m_free_list.tail;
REMOVE(m_free_list, main, m_free_list.tail);
m_resources[id] = new_res;
return id;
void TextureCache::unload(int res_id) {
Resource &res = m_resources[res_id];
if(res.device_texture) {
REMOVE(m_main_list, main, res_id);
int size = textureMemorySize(res.device_texture);
#ifdef LOGGING
printf("Freeing %dKB (current: %dKB / %dKB)\n", size/1024, m_memory_size/1024, m_memory_limit/1024);
m_memory_size -= size;
res.device_texture = nullptr;
void TextureCache::remove(int res_id) {
Resource &res = m_resources[res_id];
REMOVE(res.atlas_node_id == -1? m_atlas_queue : m_atlas_nodes[res.atlas_node_id].list, atlas, res_id);
if(res.atlas_node_id != -1) {
res.atlas_node_id = -1;
INSERT(m_free_list, main, res_id);
m_resources[res_id].res_ptr = nullptr;
PTexture TextureCache::access(int res_id, FRect &tex_rect) {
Resource &res = m_resources[res_id];
res.last_update = m_last_update;
if(res.atlas_node_id != -1) {
float2 mul(1.0f / float(m_atlas_size.x), 1.0f / float(m_atlas_size.y));
tex_rect = FRect(float2(res.atlas_pos) * mul, float2(res.atlas_pos + res.size) * mul);
return PTexture(&m_atlas);
else if(res.atlas_node.prev == -1 && == -1 && m_atlas_queue.head != res_id) {
DASSERT(res.atlas_node_id == -1);
if(res.size.x <= node_size / 2 && res.size.y <= node_size / 2)
INSERT(m_atlas_queue, atlas, res_id);
if(!res.device_texture) {
Texture temp_tex;
res.device_texture = new DTexture;
int new_size = textureMemorySize(res.device_texture);
#ifdef LOGGING
printf("Loading %dKB (current: %dKB / %dKB)\n", new_size/1024, m_memory_size/1024, m_memory_limit/1024);
m_memory_size += new_size;
while(m_memory_size > m_memory_limit && m_main_list.tail != -1)
INSERT(m_main_list, main, res_id);
else {
REMOVE(m_main_list, main, res_id);
INSERT(m_main_list, main, res_id);
tex_rect = FRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
return res.device_texture;
TextureCache TextureCache::main_cache(32 * 1024 * 1024);
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