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Created November 3, 2013 11:57
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3D navigational heightmap from FreeFT. It allows to quickly find shortest (in most cases) paths between both static & dynamic objects. A* algorithm is utilized.
/* Copyright (C) 2013 Krzysztof Jakubowski <>
This file is part of FreeFT.
FreeFT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
FreeFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
If not, see . */
#include "navi_map.h"
#include "navi_heightmap.h"
#include "sys/profiler.h"
#include "gfx/scene_renderer.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
NaviMap::NaviMap(int extend) :m_size(0, 0), m_agent_size(extend) { }
enum { sector_size = 256 };
static IRect findBestRect(const short *counts, const short *skip_list, int2 size) __attribute__((noinline));
static IRect findBestRect(const short *counts, const short *skip_list, int2 size) {
IRect best;
int best_score = -1;
for(int sy = 0; sy < size.y; sy++) {
struct Element { int sx, height; } stack[sector_size];
int sp = 0;
for(int sx = 0; sx <= size.x;) {
int offset = sx + sy * sector_size;
int height = sx == size.x? 0 : counts[offset];
int min_sx = sx;
while(sp && stack[sp - 1].height > height) {
int w = sx - stack[sp].sx, h = stack[sp].height;
int tmin = min(w, h);
int score = w * h + tmin * tmin * 4;
if(score > best_score) {
best = IRect(stack[sp].sx, sy - stack[sp].height + 1, sx, sy + 1);
best_score = score;
min_sx = min(min_sx, stack[sp].sx);
stack[sp++] = Element{min_sx, height};
sx += height || sx == size.x? 1 : skip_list[offset];
return best;
void NaviMap::extractQuads(const PodArray<u8> &bitmap, int sx, int sy) {
int2 size(min((int)sector_size, m_size.x - sx), min((int)sector_size, m_size.y - sy));
int pixels = 0;
PodArray<short> counts(sector_size * size.y * 2);
short *skips = + sector_size * size.y;
for(int y = 0; y < size.y; y++) {
int yoff = y * sector_size;
for(int x = 0; x < size.x; x++) {
if(bitmap[sx + x + (sy + y) * m_size.x]) {
counts[x + yoff] = 1 + (y > 0? counts[x + yoff - sector_size] : 0);
counts[x + yoff] = 0;
int prev = size.x;
for(int x = size.x - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
if(counts[x + yoff])
prev = x;
skips[x + yoff] = max(1, prev - x);
while(pixels > 0) {
IRect best = findBestRect(&counts[0], &skips[0], size);
// printf("%d %d %d %d +(%d %d)\n", best.min.x, best.min.y, best.width(), best.height(), sx, sy);
for(int y = best.min.y; y < best.max.y; y++) {
int yoff = y * sector_size;
for(int x = best.min.x; x < best.max.x; x++)
counts[x + yoff] = 0;
int next = best.max.x;
if(next < size.x && !counts[next + yoff])
next += skips[next + yoff];
for(int x = best.min.x; x < best.max.x; x++)
skips[x + yoff] = next - x;
for(int x = best.min.x; x < best.max.x; x++) {
for(int y = best.max.y; y < size.y; y++) {
int offset = x + y * sector_size;
counts[offset] = counts[offset]? counts[offset - sector_size] + 1 : 0;
IRect rect = best + int2(sx, sy);
int min_height = bitmap[rect.min.x + rect.min.y * m_size.x];
int max_height = min_height;
for(int y = rect.min.y; y < rect.max.y; y++)
for(int x = rect.min.x; x < rect.max.x; x++) {
int height = bitmap[x + y * m_size.x];
min_height = min(min_height, height);
max_height = max(max_height, height);
m_quads.push_back(Quad(rect, min_height, max_height));
pixels -= best.width() * best.height();
static const IRect computeEdge(const IRect &quad1, const IRect &quad2) {
bool is_horizontal = quad1.max.x > quad2.min.x && quad1.min.x < quad2.max.x;
IRect edge(max(quad1.min, quad2.min), min(quad1.max, quad2.max));
if(is_horizontal) {
if(quad1.min.y > quad2.min.y) {
else {
if(quad1.min.x > quad2.min.x) {
DASSERT(edge.max.x >= edge.min.x || edge.max.y >= edge.min.y);
return edge;
void NaviMap::addAdjacencyInfo(int quad1_id, int quad2_id) {
DASSERT(quad1_id != quad2_id);
Quad &quad1 = m_quads[quad1_id];
Quad &quad2 = m_quads[quad2_id];
if(quad1.min_height <= quad2.max_height + 1 && quad2.min_height <= quad1.max_height + 1 &&
areAdjacent(quad1.rect, quad2.rect)) {
void NaviMap::update(const NaviHeightmap &heightmap) {
m_size = heightmap.dimensions();
printf("Creating navigation map: "); fflush(stdout);
double time = getTime();
for(int l = 0; l < heightmap.levelCount(); l++) {
PodArray<u8> bitmap(m_size.x * m_size.y);
memset(, 0, bitmap.dataSize());
int pixel_count = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < m_size.y; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < m_size.x; x++)
if(heightmap.test(x, y, l, m_agent_size)) {
bitmap[x + y * m_size.x] = heightmap(x, y, l);
PodArray<u8> subbitmap = bitmap;
memset(, 0, subbitmap.dataSize());
vector<int2> positions;
positions.reserve((m_size.x + m_size.y) * 4);
int max_diff = 0;
int start_line = 0;
while(pixel_count) {
IRect subrect;
int hmin, hmax;
for(int y = start_line; y < m_size.y; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < m_size.x; x++)
if(bitmap[x + y * m_size.x]) {
hmin = hmax = bitmap[x + y * m_size.x];
positions.push_back(int2(x, y));
subrect = IRect(x, y, x, y);
start_line = y + 1;
while(!positions.empty()) {
int2 pos = positions.back();
int offset = pos.x + pos.y * m_size.x;
int height = bitmap[offset];
if(max(height - hmin, hmax - height) > max_diff)
hmin = min(hmin, height);
hmax = max(hmax, height);
subrect.min = min(subrect.min, pos);
subrect.max = max(subrect.max, pos);
bitmap[offset] = 0;
subbitmap[offset] = height;
int2 offsets[4] = {
int2(-1, 0),
int2(0, -1),
int2(1, 0),
int2(0, 1)
int neighbours[4] = {
pos.x > 0? bitmap[offset - 1] : 0,
pos.y > 0? bitmap[offset - m_size.x] : 0,
pos.x < m_size.x - 1? bitmap[offset + 1] : 0,
pos.y < m_size.y - 1? bitmap[offset + m_size.x] : 0
for(int n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
int height = neighbours[n];
if(height && max(height - hmin, hmax - height) <= max_diff)
positions.push_back(pos + offsets[n]);
subrect.max += int2(1, 1);
for(int sy = 0; sy < m_size.y; sy += sector_size)
for(int sx = 0; sx < m_size.x; sx += sector_size)
if(areOverlapping(subrect, IRect(sx, sy, sx + sector_size, sy + sector_size)))
extractQuads(subbitmap, sx, sy);
for(int y = subrect.min.y; y < subrect.max.y; y++)
memset( + y * m_size.x + subrect.min.x, 0, subrect.width());
printf("."); fflush(stdout);
m_static_count = (int)m_quads.size();
for(int i = 0; i < (int)m_quads.size(); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
addAdjacencyInfo(i, j);
for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_quads.size(); n++)
m_quads[n].static_ncount = (int)m_quads[n].neighbours.size();
printf(" %.2f seconds\n", getTime() - time);
void NaviMap::addCollider(int parent_id, const IRect &rect) {
Quad *parent = &m_quads[parent_id];
IRect prect = parent->rect;
IRect crect(max(rect.min, prect.min), min(rect.max, prect.max));
IRect rects[4];
rects[0] = IRect(prect.min, int2(crect.max.x, crect.min.y));
rects[1] = IRect(int2(crect.max.x, prect.min.y), int2(prect.max.x, crect.max.y));
rects[2] = IRect(int2(prect.min.x, crect.min.y), int2(crect.min.x, prect.max.y));
rects[3] = IRect(int2(crect.min.x, crect.max.y), prect.max);
parent->is_disabled = true;
int first_id = (int)m_quads.size();
int min_height = parent->min_height;
int max_height = parent->max_height;
for(int n = 0; n < COUNTOF(rects); n++)
m_quads.push_back(Quad(rects[n], min_height, max_height));
parent = &m_quads[parent_id];
int count = 0;
for(int n = first_id; n < (int)m_quads.size(); n++) {
for(int i = 0; i < (int)parent->neighbours.size(); i++)
addAdjacencyInfo(n, parent->neighbours[i]);
for(int i = first_id; i < n; i++)
addAdjacencyInfo(n, i);
void NaviMap::addCollider(const IRect &rect) {
IRect extended_rect(rect.min - int2(m_agent_size - 1, m_agent_size - 1), rect.max);
for(int n = 0, count = (int)m_quads.size(); n < count; n++)
if(!m_quads[n].is_disabled && areOverlapping(m_quads[n].rect, extended_rect))
addCollider(n, extended_rect);
void NaviMap::removeColliders() {
for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_quads.size(); n++) {
Quad &quad = m_quads[n];
quad.is_disabled = false;
// TODO: Instead, maybe it would be better to search closest path with Box as a target?
// (we would use dist_to rect extended by (-extend,-extend) and (1,1)
int3 NaviMap::findClosestCorrectPos(const int3 &pos, const IBox &dist_to) const {
int3 closest_pos = pos;
float min_distance = 1.0f / 0.0f, min_distance2 = 0.0f;
FRect fdist_to(dist_to.min.xz(), dist_to.max.xz());
for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_quads.size(); n++) {
if(m_quads[n].min_height > pos.y)
int3 new_pos = clamp(pos, asXZY(m_quads[n].rect.min, m_quads[n].min_height),
asXZY(m_quads[n].rect.max - int2(1, 1), m_quads[n].max_height));
float dist = distanceSq(fdist_to, FRect(new_pos.xz(), new_pos.xz() + int2(m_agent_size, m_agent_size)));
float dist2 = distanceSq(new_pos, pos);
if(dist < min_distance || (dist == min_distance && dist2 < min_distance2)) {
closest_pos = new_pos;
min_distance = dist;
min_distance2 = dist2;
return closest_pos;
int NaviMap::findQuad(const int3 &pos, bool find_disabled) const {
int best_quad = -1;
int best_height = -1;
//TODO: speed up?
for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_quads.size(); n++) {
const Quad &quad = m_quads[n];
if(quad.rect.isInside(pos.xz()) && quad.is_disabled == find_disabled
&& pos.y >= quad.min_height && pos.y <= quad.max_height + 2.0f) {
if(pos.y <= quad.max_height)
return n;
if(quad.max_height > best_height) {
best_height = quad.max_height;
best_quad = n;
return best_quad;
// powoduje problemy jak się przechodzi diagonalnie przez rogi encji
// (gracz się zatrzymuje bo jest kolizja)
// This should be solved by creating paths that are trying to be in the middle
// between colliders
static float distance(const int2 &a, const int2 &b) {
int dist_x = abs(a.x - b.x), dist_y = abs(a.y - b.y);
int dist_diag = min(dist_x, dist_y);
return float(dist_diag) * (1.414213562f - 2.0f) + float(dist_x + dist_y);
namespace {
struct SearchData {
int2 entry_pos;
int src_quad;
int heap_pos : 31;
int is_finished : 1;
float dist, est_dist;
struct HeapData {
HeapData(SearchData *ptr) :ptr(ptr), value(ptr->dist + ptr->est_dist) { }
HeapData() { }
bool operator<(const HeapData &rhs) const { return value < rhs.value; }
SearchData *ptr;
float value;
bool heapInvariant(HeapData *heap, int size) {
for(int n = 1; n < size; n++)
if(heap[n] < heap[n / 2])
return false;
return true;
void printHeap(HeapData *heap, int size) {
for(int n = 0; n < size; n++)
printf("%.0f ", heap[n].value);
#define UPDATE(id) heap[id].ptr->heap_pos = id;
void heapify(HeapData *heap, int size, int id) {
int l = id * 2;
int r = id * 2 + 1;
int smallest = l < size && heap[l] < heap[id]? l : id;
if(r < size && heap[r] < heap[smallest])
smallest = r;
if(smallest != id) {
swap(heap[id], heap[smallest]);
heapify(heap, size, smallest);
HeapData extractMin(HeapData *heap, int &size) {
DASSERT(size > 0);
HeapData min = heap[0];
heap[0] = heap[--size];
heapify(heap, size, 0);
return min;
void updateKey(HeapData *heap, int &size, SearchData *ptr) {
int pos = ptr->heap_pos;
DASSERT(pos == -1 || heap[pos].ptr == ptr);
HeapData new_key(ptr);
if(pos == -1)
heap[pos = size++].value = new_key.value;
if(new_key.value > heap[pos].value) {
heap[pos].value = new_key.value;
heapify(heap, size, pos);
while(pos > 0 && new_key < heap[pos / 2]) {
heap[pos] = heap[pos / 2];
pos = pos / 2;
heap[pos] = new_key;
#undef UPDATE
vector<NaviMap::PathNode> NaviMap::findPath(const int2 &start, const int2 &end, int start_id, int end_id,
bool do_refining) const {
vector<PathNode> out;
if(start_id == -1 || end_id == -1) //TODO: info that path not found
return std::move(out);
SearchData data[(int)m_quads.size()];
for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_quads.size(); n++) {
data[n].dist = 1.0f / 0.0f;
data[n].heap_pos = -1;
data[n].is_finished = false;
HeapData heap[(int)m_quads.size()];
int heap_size = 0;
data[start_id].dist = 0.0f;
data[start_id].est_dist = distance(start, end);
data[start_id].entry_pos = start;
data[start_id].src_quad = -1;
heap[heap_size++] = HeapData(data + start_id);
bool end_reached = start_id == end_id;
while(heap_size) {
int quad_id = extractMin(heap, heap_size).ptr - data;
if(quad_id == end_id)
const Quad &quad1 = m_quads[quad_id];
SearchData &data1 = data[quad_id];
data1.is_finished = true;
for(int n = 0; n < (int)quad1.neighbours.size(); n++) {
int quad2_id = quad1.neighbours[n];
const Quad &quad2 = m_quads[quad2_id];
SearchData &data2 = data[quad2_id];
if(data2.is_finished || quad2.is_disabled)
IRect edge = computeEdge(quad1.rect, quad2.rect);
int2 edge_end_pos = clamp(end, edge.min, edge.max);
MoveVector vec(data1.entry_pos, edge_end_pos);
int2 closest_pos = clamp(data1.entry_pos + vec.vec * vec.ddiag, quad2.rect.min, quad2.rect.max - int2(1, 1));
closest_pos = clamp(closest_pos, quad1.rect.min - int2(1, 1), quad1.rect.max);
// fixing problem with diagonal moves through obstacle corners
if(quad1.rect.max.x > quad2.rect.min.x && quad1.rect.min.x < quad2.rect.max.x) {
if(data1.entry_pos.x < closest_pos.x && closest_pos.x == quad2.rect.min.x && closest_pos.x < quad2.rect.max.x - 1)
if(data1.entry_pos.x > closest_pos.x && closest_pos.x == quad2.rect.max.x - 1 && closest_pos.x > quad2.rect.min.x)
else {
if(data1.entry_pos.y < closest_pos.y && closest_pos.y == quad2.rect.min.y && closest_pos.y < quad2.rect.max.y - 1)
if(data1.entry_pos.y > closest_pos.y && closest_pos.y == quad2.rect.max.y - 1 && closest_pos.y > quad2.rect.min.y)
float dist = distance(closest_pos, data1.entry_pos) + data1.dist;
float est_dist = distance(closest_pos, end);
if(quad2_id == end_id) {
end_reached = true;
dist += est_dist;
if(do_refining? data2.dist <= dist : data2.dist + data2.est_dist <= dist + est_dist)
data2.dist = dist;
data2.est_dist = est_dist;
data2.entry_pos = closest_pos;
data2.src_quad = quad_id;
updateKey(heap, heap_size, &data2);
return std::move(out);
out.push_back(PathNode{end, end_id});
for(int quad_id = end_id; quad_id != -1; quad_id = data[quad_id].src_quad) {
if(out.back().point != data[quad_id].entry_pos)
out.push_back({data[quad_id].entry_pos, quad_id});
std::reverse(out.begin(), out.end());
if(do_refining) {
for(int n = 0; n < (int)out.size() - 3; n++) {
float dist = distance(out[n + 0].point, out[n + 1].point) +
distance(out[n + 1].point, out[n + 2].point) +
distance(out[n + 2].point, out[n + 3].point);
float sdist = distance(out[n].point, out[n + 3].point);
if(sdist * 1.001f >= dist)
int height1 = m_quads[out[n].quad_id].max_height;
int height2 = m_quads[out[n].quad_id].min_height;
vector<PathNode> other = findPath(out[n].point, out[n+3].point, out[n].quad_id, out[n+3].quad_id, false);
if(!other.empty()) {
ASSERT(other.front().point == out[n].point && other.back().point == out[n + 3].point);
float odist = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)other.size() - 1; i++)
odist += distance(other[i].point, other[i + 1].point);
if(odist + 0.01 < dist) {
//printf("refining... %f -> %f\n", dist, odist);
out.erase(out.begin() + n + 1);
out.erase(out.begin() + n + 1);
out.insert(out.begin() + n + 1, other.begin() + 1, other.begin() + other.size() - 1);
return std::move(out);
vector<int3> NaviMap::findPath(const int3 &start, const int3 &end) const {
int start_id = findQuad(start);
int end_id = findQuad(end);
vector<PathNode> input = findPath(start.xz(), end.xz(), start_id, end_id, true);
vector<int3> path;
return path;
for(int n = 0; n < (int)input.size() - 1; n++) {
const IRect &src_quad = m_quads[input[n + 0].quad_id].rect;
const IRect &dst_quad = m_quads[input[n + 1].quad_id].rect;
int2 src = input[n + 0].point;
int2 dst = input[n + 1].point;
MoveVector vec(src, dst);
MoveVector prev_vec = path.empty()? MoveVector() : MoveVector(path.back().xz(), src);
bool is_horizontal = src_quad.max.x > dst_quad.min.x && src_quad.min.x < dst_quad.max.x;
bool prev_diag = prev_vec.ddiag != 0;
bool prev_dx = prev_vec.dx != 0;
int2 pdst = dst;
if(input[n].quad_id != input[n + 1].quad_id && vec.ddiag &&
(!(prev_diag || prev_dx != !!vec.dx) || (vec.dx == 0 && vec.dy == 0))) {
if(src.x < pdst.x) pdst.x--; else if(src.x > pdst.x) pdst.x++;
if(src.y < pdst.y) pdst.y--; else if(src.y > pdst.y) pdst.y++;
pdst = clamp(pdst, src_quad.min, src_quad.max - int2(1,1));
pdst.x = clamp(pdst.x, dst_quad.min.x, dst_quad.max.x - 1);
pdst.y = clamp(pdst.y, dst_quad.min.y, dst_quad.max.y - 1);
vec = MoveVector(src, pdst);
int2 mid = src;
if((prev_diag || prev_dx != !!vec.dx) && vec.ddiag) {
mid += vec.vec * vec.ddiag;
prev_diag = vec.dx == 0 && vec.dy == 0;
else {
mid += vec.dx? int2(vec.vec.x * vec.dx, 0) : int2(0, vec.vec.y * vec.dy);
vec.dx = vec.dy = 0;
prev_diag = vec.ddiag != 0;
int src_height = m_quads[input[n + 0].quad_id].max_height;
int dst_height = m_quads[input[n + 1].quad_id].max_height;
path.push_back(asXZY(src, src_height));
path.push_back(asXZY(mid, src_height));
path.push_back(asXZY(pdst, max(src_height, dst_height)));
path.push_back(asXZY(input.back().point, m_quads[input.back().quad_id].max_height));
if(path.size() <= 2)
return std::move(path);
vector<int3> simplified;
int2 prev(0, 0);
int prev_height = 0;
bool height_changed = false;
for(int n = 1; n < (int)path.size(); n++) {
int2 vec = MoveVector(simplified.back().xz(), path[n].xz()).vec;
if(vec == int2(0, 0))
if(vec == prev && path[n].y == prev_height && !height_changed) {
simplified.back() = path[n];
height_changed = false;
else {
prev_height = path[n].y;
prev = vec;
height_changed = true;
return std::move(simplified);
void NaviMap::visualize(gfx::SceneRenderer &renderer, bool borders) const {
for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_quads.size(); n++) {
const IRect &rect = m_quads[n].rect;
int height = m_quads[n].max_height;
renderer.addBox(IBox(asXZY(rect.min, height), asXZY(rect.max, height)), Color(70, 220, 200, 80), true);
renderer.addBox(IBox(asXZY(rect.min, height), asXZY(rect.max, height)), Color(255, 255, 255, 100));
void NaviMap::visualizePath(const vector<int3> &path, int agent_size, gfx::SceneRenderer &renderer) const {
IBox box(0, 0, 0, agent_size, 0, agent_size);
renderer.addBox(box + path.front(), Color::red);
for(int n = 1; n < (int)path.size(); n++) {
int3 begin = path[n - 1], end = path[n];
bool first = true;
IBox start_box = box + begin, end_box = box + end;
renderer.addBox(end_box, Color::red);
MoveVector vec(begin.xz(), end.xz());
if(vec.vec == int2(1, 1) || vec.vec == int2(-1, -1)) {
swap(start_box.min.x, start_box.max.x);
swap( end_box.min.x, end_box.max.x);
renderer.addLine(start_box.min, end_box.min);
renderer.addLine(start_box.max, end_box.max);
void NaviMap::printInfo() const {
printf("NaviMap(%d, %d):\n", m_size.x, m_size.y);
int bytes = sizeof(Quad) * m_quads.size();
for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_quads.size(); n++)
bytes += m_quads[n].neighbours.size() * sizeof(int);
printf(" quads(%d): %.0f KB\n", (int)m_quads.size(), double(bytes) / 1024.0);
printf(" sizeof(Quad): %d\n", (int)sizeof(Quad));
if(0) for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_quads.size(); n++) {
const Quad &quad = m_quads[n];
printf("%d: (%d %d %d %d): ", n, quad.rect.min.x, quad.rect.min.y, quad.rect.max.x, quad.rect.max.y);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)quad.neighbours.size(); i++)
printf("%d ", quad.neighbours[i]);
/* Copyright (C) 2013 Krzysztof Jakubowski <>
This file is part of FreeFT.
FreeFT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
FreeFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
If not, see . */
#ifndef NAVI_MAP_H
#define NAVI_MAP_H
#include "base.h"
class NaviHeightmap;
//TODO: sometimes we can only crouch or be in prone position, because ceiling is low. In nodes
// with varying ceiling height we can provide ceiling heightmaps
class NaviMap {
NaviMap(int agent_size);
void update(const NaviHeightmap&);
int2 dimensions() const { return m_size; }
int agentSize() const { return m_agent_size; }
void visualize(gfx::SceneRenderer&, bool borders) const;
void visualizePath(const vector<int3>&, int agent_size, gfx::SceneRenderer&) const;
void printInfo() const;
struct Quad {
Quad(const IRect &rect, int min_height, int max_height)
:rect(rect), is_disabled(0), static_ncount(0), min_height(min_height), max_height(max_height) { }
Quad() { }
IRect rect;
vector<int> neighbours;
int static_ncount: 31;
int is_disabled : 1;
int min_height, max_height;
} __attribute__((aligned(64)));
struct PathNode {
int2 point;
int quad_id;
int3 findClosestCorrectPos(const int3 &pos, const IBox &dist_to) const;
int findQuad(const int3 &pos, bool find_disabled = false) const;
void addCollider(const IRect &rect);
void removeColliders();
vector<int3> findPath(const int3 &start, const int3 &end) const;
int quadCount() const { return (int)m_quads.size(); }
const Quad &operator[](int idx) const { return m_quads[idx]; }
vector<PathNode> findPath(const int2 &start, const int2 &end, int start_id, int end_id, bool do_refining) const;
void extractQuads(const PodArray<u8>&, int sx, int sy);
void addAdjacencyInfo(int target_id, int src_id);
void addCollider(int quad_id, const IRect &rect);
int m_agent_size;
int m_static_count;
vector<Quad> m_quads;
int2 m_size;
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