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Last active February 9, 2020 09:38
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Voxelizer based on hexagonal grid using rational arithmetic.
// This code turns 3D mesh into hexagonal-based voxel grid
// Most features should be preserved (algorithm is similar to Dual Contouring)
// Computations are performed on rational arithmetic to make it 100% robust
#include "vis/voxel_map.h"
#include "fwk_profile.h"
#include "geom/plane_graph.h"
#include "geom/plane_graph_builder.h"
#include "geom/visualizer.h"
#include "hash_map.h"
#include "investigator.h"
#include "rational_hex.h"
#include "vis/rational.h"
namespace vis {
template <class T>
static Rational3<T> segmentAt(const ISegment3<int> &segment, int scale, const Rational<T> &t) {
return Rational3<T>(segment.from, scale) + Rational3<T>( - segment.from, scale) * t;
static int3 roundHexPos(int3 pos, int scale) {
auto result = rationalHex(Rational3<int>(pos, scale)).hex;
return {result.q, result.h, result.r};
template <class T> static int3 roundHexPos(const Rational3<T> &rpos) {
auto result = rationalHex(rpos).hex;
return {result.q, result.h, result.r};
static IBox hexBox(IBox world_box, int scale) {
auto corners = transform(world_box.xz().corners(),
[](int2 pos) { return rationalToHex<false>(pos * 12); });
auto box = enclose(corners);
auto tmin = ratioFloor(box.min(), scale * 12);
auto tmax = ratioCeil(box.max(), scale * 12);
int min_y = ratioFloor(world_box.y(), scale);
int max_y = ratioCeil(world_box.ey(), scale);
return {tmin[0], min_y, tmin[1], tmax[0], max_y, tmax[1]};
// Traverses hexagonal cells
static vector<pair<int3, Rational<qint>>> segCellPoints(const ISegment3<int> &segment, int scale) {
// Jakbyśmy to robili na intach:
// - parametr skali, komórki mają wymiary scale * scale
int3 hpos(roundHexPos(segment.from, scale)), hend(roundHexPos(, scale));
int3 seg_dir = - segment.from;
if(hpos == hend) {
return {{hpos, Rational<qint>(1, 2)}};
// 3D Y -> W
const int3 axes[4] = {int3(2, 0, 1), int3(0, 0, 1), int3(2, 0, -1), int3(0, 1, 0)};
int4 dir;
for(int i : intRange(4)) {
auto tdot = dot(seg_dir, axes[i]);
dir[i] = tdot < 0 ? -1 : tdot > 0 ? 1 : 0;
int2 start_pos = toRational(HexAxial<int, false>(hpos.xz())) * scale;
int2 hex_off = segment.from.xz() - start_pos; // offset inside hex
int4 tnum, tden;
tden[0] = std::abs(seg_dir.z + seg_dir.x * 2);
tden[1] = std::abs(seg_dir.z * 2);
tden[2] = std::abs(seg_dir.z - seg_dir.x * 2);
tden[3] = std::abs(seg_dir[1] * 8);
tnum[0] = dir[0] > 0 ? 4 * scale - 2 * hex_off.x - hex_off.y
: dir[0] < 0 ? 4 * scale + 2 * hex_off.x + hex_off.y : 0;
tnum[1] = 2 * (dir[1] ? 2 * scale - dir[1] * hex_off.y : 0);
tnum[2] = dir[2] > 0 ? 4 * scale - 2 * hex_off.x + hex_off.y
: dir[2] < 0 ? 4 * scale + 2 * hex_off.x - hex_off.y : 0;
tnum[3] = 8 * (dir[3] == -1 ? segment.from[1] - hpos.y * scale
: (hpos.y + 1) * scale - segment.from[1]);
int3 delta_num(scale);
int delta = scale * 8; // deltas have same numerator, only different denominator
llint4 t(tnum);
for(int n : intRange(4))
if(tden[n] == 0)
t[n] = 1;
Segment2<double> dseg(double2(segment.from.xz()), double2(;
Rational<llint> prev(0, 1);
vector<pair<int3, Rational<qint>>> out;
llint4 offset[4] = {
llint4(delta, delta / 2 * (dir[0] * dir[1]), delta / 2 * (dir[0] * dir[2]), 0),
llint4(delta / 2 * (dir[0] * dir[1]), delta, delta / 2 * (-dir[2] * dir[1]), 0),
llint4(delta / 2 * (dir[0] * dir[2]), delta / 2 * (-dir[1] * dir[2]), delta, 0),
llint4(0, 0, 0, delta)};
// print("\nInput: % to %\n Hex: % to: %\ndir: %\n", segment.from,, hpos, hend, dir);
// print("Num: % / %\n", tnum, tden);
int cross_dir_xy = dir[0] > 0 || dir[2] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
int cross_dir_xz = dir[0] > 0 ? 0 : 2;
int cross_dir_yz = dir[2] < 0 || dir[0] < 0 ? 1 : 2;
while(prev.num() <= prev.den()) {
Rational<llint> rt[4] = {
{t[0], tden[0]}, {t[1], tden[1]}, {t[2], tden[2]}, {t[3], tden[3]}};
int order_xy = rt[0].order(rt[1]);
int order_xz = rt[0].order(rt[2]);
int order_yz = rt[1].order(rt[2]);
int cross_dir = 0;
// First three cases handle situations when ray hits hex vertex
// This vertex belongs to only one of the hexes, that's why the strange rules
if(order_xy == 0 && order_xz < 0)
cross_dir = cross_dir_xy;
else if(order_xz == 0 && order_xy < 0)
cross_dir = cross_dir_xz;
else if(order_yz == 0 && order_xy > 0)
cross_dir = cross_dir_yz;
else if(order_xy < 0 && order_xz < 0)
cross_dir = 0;
else if(order_xy > 0 && order_yz < 0)
cross_dir = 1;
else // order_xz > 0 && order_yz > 0
cross_dir = 2;
int order_th = rt[cross_dir].order(rt[3]);
if(dir[3] > 0 ? order_th >= 0 : order_th > 0) {
cross_dir = 3;
// print("tpos:% % % % | ", (double)rt[0], (double)rt[1], (double)rt[2], (double)rt[3]);
// print("oxy:% oxz:% oyz:% oth:% cross_dir:% | ", order_xy, order_xz, order_yz, order_th,
// cross_dir);
out.emplace_back(make_pair(hpos, Rational<qint>(prev + rt[cross_dir]) / 2));
prev = rt[cross_dir];
t += offset[cross_dir];
if(cross_dir == 0) {
hpos[0] += dir[0];
} else if(cross_dir == 1) {
hpos[2] += dir[1];
} else if(cross_dir == 2) {
hpos[0] += dir[2];
hpos[2] -= dir[2];
} else {
hpos[1] += dir[3];
//print("hpos: %\n", hpos);
if(hpos == hend) {
out.emplace_back(make_pair(hpos, Rational<qint>(prev + Rational<llint>(1)) / 2));
for(auto &pair : out) {
auto pos = pair.second;
// print("Pos: % (%)\n", pos, (double)pos);
DASSERT(pair.second >= 0 && pair.second <= 1);
return out;
template <int axis> struct SegmentGenerator {
static IBox rationalBox(IBox box, int scale) {
int3 bmin, bmax;
for(int i : intRange(3)) {
// TODO: tighter bounds ?
bmin[i] = ratioFloor(box.min(i), scale * (i == 1 ? 1 : 2));
bmax[i] = ratioCeil(box.max(i), scale * (i == 1 ? 1 : 2));
return {bmin, bmax};
static IBox rationalWorldBox(IBox world_box, int scale) {
auto out = rationalBox(world_box, scale);
if(out.z() & 1)
out = {out.min() - int3(0, 0, 1), out.max()};
return out;
SegmentGenerator(const IBox &iworld_box, const IBox &itri_box, int scale) : m_scale(scale) {
if(axis == 0) { // First diagonal axis
int offset = (itri_box.z() & 1) - (itri_box.z() - iworld_box.z());
int sx = itri_box.x() - (itri_box.size(2) + 1) / 2;
m_rect = {sx, itri_box.y(), itri_box.ex() + 1, itri_box.ey() + 1};
m_start = int3(offset, 0, iworld_box.z() * 2);
m_end = m_start + int3(1, 0, 2) * iworld_box.size(2);
} else if(axis == 1) { // Horizontal axis
m_rect = {itri_box.z(), itri_box.y(), itri_box.ez() + 1, itri_box.ey() + 1};
m_start = int3(iworld_box.x() * 2, 0, 0);
m_end = int3(iworld_box.ex() * 2, 0, 0);
} else if(axis == 2) { // Second diagonal axis
int ox2 = (itri_box.z() & 1) + (itri_box.z() - iworld_box.z());
int ex = itri_box.ex() + (itri_box.size(2) + 1) / 2;
m_rect = {itri_box.x(), itri_box.y(), ex + 1, itri_box.ey() + 1};
m_start = int3(ox2, 0, iworld_box.z() * 2);
m_end = m_start + int3(-1, 0, 2) * iworld_box.size(2);
} else if(axis == 3) { // Vertical axis
m_rect = {itri_box.x(), itri_box.z(), itri_box.ex() + 1, itri_box.ez() + 1};
m_start = int3(0, iworld_box.y(), 0);
m_end = int3(0, iworld_box.ey(), 0);
m_start *= m_scale;
m_end *= m_scale;
ISegment3<int> operator()(const int2 &pos) const {
int3 off;
if constexpr(axis == 0)
off = int3(pos[0] * 2, pos[1], 0) * m_scale;
else if(axis == 1)
off = int3(pos[0] & 1, pos[1], pos[0] * 2) * m_scale;
else if(axis == 2)
off = int3(pos[0] * 2, pos[1], 0) * m_scale;
else {
off = int3(pos[0] * 2 + (pos[1] & 1), 0, pos[1] * 2);
if(fwk::abs(off[0]) % 3 == 0) // Skipping points in the middle of hexes
return {};
off *= m_scale;
return {m_start + off, m_end + off};
auto begin() const { return m_rect.begin(); }
auto end() const { return m_rect.end(); }
auto rect() const { return m_rect; }
void genIsects(const Triangle3<int> &tri, vector<Rational3<qint>> &out) const {
for(auto pt : *this) {
auto seg = (*this)(pt);
if(auto result = isectTriangle(tri, seg))
out.emplace_back(segmentAt(seg, m_scale, result.param()));
int index(const int2 &pos) const {
return pos.x - m_rect.x() + (pos.y - m_rect.y()) * m_rect.width();
int3 m_start, m_end;
IRect m_rect;
int m_scale;
VoxelMap voxelizeHex(CSpan<Triangle3<int>> tris, CSpan<IColor> colors, int scale) {
VoxelMap out;
return {};
double initialization_time = getTime();
struct ITri {
array<geom::NodeId, 3> nodes;
array<EdgeId, 3> edges;
array<bool, 3> flips;
vector<ITri> itris;
vector<SmallVector<int>> node2tri;
vector<pair<int, int>> edge2tri;
PlaneGraphBuilder<int3> builder;
builder.reservePoints(tris.size() * 3);
builder.reserveEdges(tris.size() * 3);
double iscale = 1.0 / double(scale);
for(auto tri : tris) {
array<geom::NodeId, 3> nodes = {{builder(tri[0]), builder(tri[1]), builder(tri[2])}};
array<bool, 3> flips = {{nodes[0] > nodes[1], nodes[1] > nodes[2], nodes[2] > nodes[0]}};
array<EdgeId, 3> edges = {
{flips[0] ? builder(nodes[1], nodes[0]) : builder(nodes[0], nodes[1]),
flips[1] ? builder(nodes[2], nodes[1]) : builder(nodes[1], nodes[2]),
flips[2] ? builder(nodes[0], nodes[2]) : builder(nodes[2], nodes[0])}};
edge2tri.resize(builder.numEdges(), make_pair(-1, -1));
for(auto node_id : nodes)
for(auto edge_id : edges) {
auto &ref = edge2tri[edge_id];
if(ref.first == -1)
ref.first = itris.size();
else {
//DASSERT(ref.second == -1);
ref.second = itris.size();
itris.emplace_back(ITri{nodes, edges, flips});
// for(auto &pair : edge2tri)
// DASSERT(pair.first != -1 && pair.second != -1);
ImmutableGraph tri_graph(builder.extractEdges(), builder.numNodes());
auto points = builder.extractPoints();
IBox wbbox = enclose(tris);
IBox ibbox = hexBox(wbbox, scale);
ibbox = ibbox.enlarge(3);
vector<SimpleVoxel> voxels(ibbox.width() * ibbox.height() * ibbox.depth());
VoxelRange<SimpleVoxel> vrange(voxels, ibbox);
enum class FType { none, triangle, edge, vertex };
struct Feature {
int index = -1;
FType type = FType::none;
short priority = 0;
ORDER_BY(Feature, priority, type, index);
explicit operator bool() const { return type != FType::none; }
vector<Feature> features(voxels.size());
initialization_time = getTime() - initialization_time;
double isects_time = getTime();
vector<vector<Rational3<qint>>> tri_isects_y(tris.size());
struct TIsect {
bool operator<(const TIsect &rhs) const { return pos < rhs.pos; }
Rational<qint> pos;
int tri_id;
bool is_front;
auto iworld_box = SegmentGenerator<0>::rationalWorldBox(wbbox, scale);
SegmentGenerator<3> vert_gen(iworld_box, iworld_box, scale);
vector<SmallVector<TIsect, 8>> isect_map(vert_gen.rect().width() * vert_gen.rect().height());
for(int tri_id : intRange(tris)) {
const auto &tri = tris[tri_id];
IBox tri_box = SegmentGenerator<0>::rationalBox(enclose(tri), scale);
for(auto xz : tri_box.xz()) {
// TODO: filter empty segments
const auto &seg = vert_gen(xz);
auto index = vert_gen.index(xz);
if(auto result = isectTriangle(tri, seg)) {
isect_map[index].emplace_back(TIsect{result.param(), tri_id, result.is_front});
auto rpos = segmentAt(seg, scale, result.param());
for(auto xz : vert_gen) {
auto xz_index = vert_gen.index(xz);
auto &isects = isect_map[xz_index];
const auto &seg = vert_gen(xz);
std::sort(begin(isects), end(isects));
bool errors = false;
auto rpos = rationalHex(Rational3<int>(seg.from, scale));
int3 hex_pos(rpos.hex);
auto point_type = rpos.classifyPoint();
DASSERT(point_type.first == HexElement::vertex && isOneOf(point_type.second, 1, 2));
int corner = point_type.second;
int count = 0;
int segment_steps = ([1] - seg.from[1]) / scale;
for(int i : intRange(isects)) {
TIsect &cur = isects[i];
TIsect *next = i + 1 < isects.size() ? &isects[i + 1] : nullptr;
if(next && cur.pos == next->pos && next->is_front == cur.is_front)
count += cur.is_front ? 1 : -1;
int start = ceil(cur.pos * segment_steps);
int end = next ? (int)ceil(next->pos * segment_steps) : ibbox.max(1);
if(count > 0 && !next)
errors = true;
if(count > 0) {
IColor color = colors[cur.tri_id];
IColor next_color = next ? colors[next->tri_id] : color;
int mid = (start + end) / 2;
auto vpos = hex_pos;
for(int pos = start; pos < end; pos++) {
vpos[1] = hex_pos.y + pos;
auto col = pos >= mid ? next_color : color;
vrange[vpos].color[corner == 2 ? 0 : 1] = col;
if(errors) {
print("ERR: % - %: ", seg.from,;
Rational<qint> prev;
for(auto &isct : isects) {
print("%(%%) ", (double)isct.pos, isct.is_front ? "+" : "-",
prev == isct.pos ? "*" : " ");
prev = isct.pos;
isects_time = getTime() - isects_time;
double points_time = getTime();
// TODO: better priorities for features
for(int pid : intRange(points)) {
vector<IColor> ncolors;
for(auto tri_id : node2tri[pid])
auto pti = points[pid];
int3 cell = roundHexPos(pti, scale);
double3 pt = double3(pti) * iscale;
double3 hex_pos = double3(asXZY(toRational(HexAxial<int, false>(cell.xz())), cell[1]));
int index = vrange.index(cell);
short priority = 100 * (colors.size() == 2 ? 6 : ncolors.size() >= 3 ? 100 : 3);
// TODO: vertices which lie in sharp places should have higher priority
Feature new_feature{pid, FType::vertex, priority};
if(features[index] < new_feature) {
voxels[index].point = float3(double3(pt) - hex_pos);
features[index] = new_feature;
for(auto ncol : ncolors)
points_time = getTime() - points_time;
double edges_time = getTime();
for(auto edge_ref : tri_graph.edgeRefs()) {
ISegment3<int> iseg(points[edge_ref.from()], points[]);
int src_idx = edge_ref.from(), dst_idx =;
auto ids = edge2tri[edge_ref];
auto tdot =
dot(Triangle3D(tris[ids.first]).normal(), Triangle3D(tris[ids.second]).normal());
double prio_mult = 10.0 * (1.1 - fwk::abs(tdot));
short priority = (colors[ids.first] == colors[ids.second] ? 1 : 3) * prio_mult;
Feature new_feature{edge_ref.idx(), FType::edge, priority};
for(auto cell : segCellPoints(iseg, scale)) {
DASSERT_HINT(cell.second >= 0 && cell.second <= 1, cell.second);
double3 hex_pos(
asXZY(toRational(HexAxial<int, false>(cell.first.xz())), cell.first[1]));
auto pt =
lerp(double3(iseg.from), double3(, (double)cell.second) / double(scale);
int index = vrange.index(cell.first);
auto &feature = features[index];
if(feature < new_feature) {
voxels[index].point = float3(pt - double3(hex_pos));
feature = new_feature;
edges_time = getTime() - edges_time;
double tris_time = getTime();
HashMap<int, SmallVector<float3>> tri_points;
vector<Rational3<qint>> tri_isects;
for(int tri_id : intRange(tris)) {
const auto &tri = tris[tri_id];
const auto &itri = itris[tri_id];
tri_isects.insert(end(tri_isects), begin(tri_isects_y[tri_id]), end(tri_isects_y[tri_id]));
IBox itri_box = SegmentGenerator<0>::rationalBox(enclose(tri), scale);
SegmentGenerator<0>(iworld_box, itri_box, scale).genIsects(tri, tri_isects);
SegmentGenerator<1>(iworld_box, itri_box, scale).genIsects(tri, tri_isects);
SegmentGenerator<2>(iworld_box, itri_box, scale).genIsects(tri, tri_isects);
for(auto &isect : tri_isects) {
auto rhex = rationalHex(isect);
HexAxial3<int, false> nbuffer[6];
for(auto neighbour : rhex.neighbours(nbuffer)) {
int index = vrange.index(int3(neighbour));
if(features[index].type != FType::none)
auto npos = qint3(toRational(neighbour)) * isect.den();
auto cell_point = float3(double3(isect.num() - npos) / double(isect.den()));
for(auto &pair : tri_points) {
if(pair.second.size() < 2)
double3 sum;
for(auto &pt : pair.second)
sum += double3(pt);
auto pt = float3(sum / double(pair.second.size()));
voxels[pair.first].point = pt;
features[pair.first] = Feature{tri_id, FType::triangle, 0};
tris_time = getTime() - tris_time;
double final_time = getTime();
for(auto &voxel : voxels)
voxel.point *= asXZY(hexRationalToWorld<float>(), 1.0f);
final_time = getTime() - final_time;
printf("Hex-Voxelizer times:\ninit: %.02f ms\nisects: %.02f ms\npoints: %.02f ms\nedges: "
"%.02f ms"
"\ntris: %.02f ms\nfinal: %.02f ms\n",
initialization_time * 1000.0, isects_time * 1000.0, points_time * 1000.0,
edges_time * 1000.0, tris_time * 1000.0, final_time * 1000.0);
return out;
// Testing part:
HexMap<pair<IColor, IColor>, false> hmap{
HexRect<int, false>{{ibbox.x(), ibbox.z()}, {ibbox.ex(), ibbox.ez()}},
make_pair(IColor(ColorId::transparent), IColor(ColorId::transparent))};
for(int x = ibbox.x(); x < ibbox.ex(); x++)
for(int y = ibbox.y(); y < ibbox.ey(); y++)
for(int z = ibbox.z(); z < ibbox.ez(); z++) {
auto index = vrange.index(int3{x, y, z});
auto col1 = vrange[index].color[0];
auto col2 = vrange[index].color[1];
if(col1 != ColorId::transparent) {
HexAxial<int, false> hpos(x, z);
hmap[hpos].first = col1;
if(col2 != ColorId::transparent) {
HexAxial<int, false> hpos(x, z);
hmap[hpos].second = col2;
auto draw_flat_hex = [](Visualizer &vis, HMPos hex, FColor color, double scale) {
double2 points[6];
double2 offset = toRational(hex) * scale;
for(int c = 0; c < 6; c++)
points[c] = double2(rationalHexCorner<false>(c)) * scale + offset;
for(int c = 0; c < 6; c++)
vis.drawLine(points[c], points[(c + 1) % 6], color);
auto draw_pointy_hex = [](Visualizer &vis, HexPos hex, FColor color, double scale) {
double2 points[6];
double2 offset = toRational(hex) * scale;
for(int c = 0; c < 6; c++)
points[c] = double2(rationalHexCorner<true>(c)) * scale + offset;
for(int c = 0; c < 6; c++)
vis.drawLine(points[c], points[(c + 1) % 6], color);
auto vfunc = [&](geom::Visualizer &vis, double2 cursor) {
for(int tri_id : intRange(tris)) {
const auto &tri = tris[tri_id];
if(tri[0].y >= 1)
vis.drawTriangle(tri.xz(), FColor(colors[tri_id], 0.5f), false);
for(auto hpos : hmap) {
if(distance(hpos, HMPos()) > 30)
auto p0 = double2(toRational(hpos)) * scale;
auto pnq = double2(toRational(hpos + HMPos{-1, 0})) * scale;
auto pnr = double2(toRational(hpos + HMPos{0, -1})) * scale;
auto pqnr = double2(toRational(hpos + HMPos{1, -1})) * scale;
auto c0 = (p0 + pnr + pnq) / 3.0;
auto c1 = (pqnr + p0 + pnr) / 3.0;
Triangle2D tri1(lerp(pqnr, c1, 0.1), lerp(pnr, c1, 0.1), lerp(p0, c1, 0.1));
Triangle2D tri0(lerp(p0, c0, 0.1), lerp(pnr, c0, 0.1), lerp(pnq, c0, 0.1));
auto col1 = FColor(hmap[hpos].first);
auto col2 = FColor(hmap[hpos].second);
// if(hmap[hpos].first != ColorId::transparent)
// vis.drawTriangle(tri0, lerp(col1, (FColor)ColorId::black, 0.2f), true);
// if(hmap[hpos].second != ColorId::transparent)
// vis.drawTriangle(tri1, lerp(col2, (FColor)ColorId::black, 0.2f), true);
//vis.drawPoint(c0, col1);
//vis.drawPoint(c1, col2);
draw_flat_hex(vis, hpos, ColorId::black, scale);
HMPos axis_pos(-60, 60);
auto p0 = hexToWorld(axis_pos) * scale;
auto pq = hexToWorld(axis_pos + HMPos{5, 0}) * scale;
auto pr = hexToWorld(axis_pos + HMPos{0, 5}) * scale;
vis.drawLine(p0, pq, ColorId::black);
vis.drawLine(p0, pr, ColorId::black);
vis.drawLabel(pq, "Q", FontStyle{ColorId::white});
vis.drawLabel(pr, "R", FontStyle{ColorId::white});
Rational2<int> cursor_rpos((int2)vround(cursor), scale);
auto rounded = rationalHex(cursor_rpos).hex;
array<HexAxial3<int, false>, 6> buffer;
for(auto npos : rationalHex(cursor_rpos).neighbours(buffer))
draw_flat_hex(vis, npos.qr(), ColorId::red, scale);
//draw_flat_hex(vis, rounded.qr(), ColorId::yellow, scale);
IBox bbox(asXZY(-vabs(int2(cursor)), 0), asXZY(vabs(int2(cursor)) / 2, 0));
vis.drawRect(bbox.xz(), ColorId::black, false);
ColorId colors[4] = {ColorId::red, ColorId::green, ColorId::blue, ColorId::white};
for(int ax : intRange(4))
for(auto seg : genSegments(ax, wbbox, bbox, scale)) {
vis.drawLine(seg.from.xz(),, colors[ax]);
vis.drawPoint(seg.from.xz(), colors[ax]);
vis.drawPoint(, colors[ax]);
int3 from = asXZY((int2)vround(cursor), 7 * scale);
int3 to = from / 4;
vis.drawLine(from.xz(), to.xz(), ColorId::yellow);
ISegment3<int> seg{from, to};
auto out = segCellPoints(seg, scale);
for(auto pair : out) {
auto spos = pair.second;
auto point = segmentAt(seg, scale, spos);
auto dpoint = double3(segmentAt(seg, 1, spos));
auto hpos = roundRationalHex(point.xz());
draw_flat_hex(vis, hpos, ColorId::white, scale);
vis.drawPoint(dpoint.xz(), ColorId::white);
auto dpoint2 = Segment2<double>(from.xz(), to.xz()).at(double(spos));
vis.drawCross(dpoint2, ColorId::red);
vis.drawPoint(sstart, ColorId::black);
vis.drawPoint(send, ColorId::black);*/
return fwk::format("Cursor: % Pos: % Classification: %\n", cursor_rpos, rounded,
//investigate(vfunc, none);
return out;
// TODO: Errors still happen if scale is low, so this may be needed
static void perturbHexGridVertices(Span<Triangle3<int>> tris, int scale) {
DASSERT_GT(scale, 1);
for(auto &tri : tris) {
int3 points[3] = {tri[0], tri[1], tri[2]};
bool changed = false;
for(int i : intRange(3)) {
// if((points[i][2] / (scale * 2)) * scale * 2 == points[i][2]) {
//points[i][0] += 1;
//points[i][2] += 3;
//changed = true;
// }
tri = {points[0], points[1], points[2]};
VoxelMap voxelizeHex(CSpan<ColoredTriangle> tris, int density) {
auto tc_pair = separateColors(tris);
auto box = enclose(tc_pair.first);
// When scale is small somehow vertices don't land where they should have (on XZ plane)
auto scale = std::floor(bestIntegralScale({box.min(), box.max()}, 16 * 1024 * 1024));
double3 tscale = asXZY(hexWorldToRational<double>(), 1.0) * double(scale);
auto itris = transform(tris, [=](const Triangle3F &tri) {
return Triangle3<int>(int3(vround(double3(tri[0]) * tscale)),
int3(vround(double3(tri[1]) * tscale)),
int3(vround(double3(tri[2]) * tscale)));
perturbHexGridVertices(itris, scale);
return voxelizeHex(itris, tc_pair.second, scale);
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