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Last active January 3, 2023 21:03
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Tests your avatar in-editor from the VRChat SDK->Test Selected Avatars menu item.
// VRChatHelper.cs, a tool to help test your model without launching VRChat.
// Made by naelstrof (
// Some eye tracking advice to help prevent this tool from yelling at you:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class VRChatHelper : MonoBehaviour {
static int testing;
[MenuItem("VRChat SDK/Test Selected Avatars")]
private static void TestAvatar() {
foreach (GameObject obj in Selection.gameObjects) {
VRChatHelper v = obj.AddComponent<VRChatHelper> ();
EditorApplication.isPlaying = true;
static VRChatHelper() {
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += PlaymodeStateChanged;
// This is called for each object, including the global static one. So we just keep track of how many have initiated/stopped to determine if we've stopped testing.
private static void PlaymodeStateChanged() {
if (EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode) {
if (EditorApplication.isPaused == false && EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode == false && testing > 0) {
if (testing == 0) {
foreach (VRChatHelper v in Component.FindObjectsOfType<VRChatHelper>()) {
DestroyImmediate (v);
Animator a;
Vector3 lookPos;
VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor d;
SkinnedMeshRenderer m;
SkinnedMeshRenderer eyeMesh;
Transform le, re;
int blinkl;
int blinkr;
int lowerlidl;
int lowerlidr;
int curindex;
float waitTime = 1f;
float waitTimer;
HumanDescription h;
HumanLimit leLimit;
HumanLimit reLimit;
Vector3 leStartRot;
Vector3 reStartRot;
Vector3 jawStartRot;
bool sane;
bool warn;
bool eyesSane;
public bool TestWalking = true;
public bool TestEyes = true;
public bool TestLipSync = true;
void Start () {
eyesSane = true;
// Check that we're applied to the right thing.
a = GetComponentInChildren<Animator>();
d = GetComponent<VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor> ();
if (d == null) {
Destroy (this);
throw new UnityException ("A non-avatar was selected! Ignoring...");
if (a == null) {
Destroy (this);
throw new UnityException ("It seems your avatar is missing an animator, you should add one! (It's a component, and required).");
} else {
if (a.runtimeAnimatorController == null) {
// Try to quickly apply the simple animator...
string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets ("SimpleAvatarController", null);
if (guids.Length <= 0) {
throw new UnityException ("Your avatar needs an animation controller attached to the animator component! Try setting it to SimpleAvatarController.");
RuntimeAnimatorController rAC = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<RuntimeAnimatorController> (AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath (guids [0]));
if (rAC == null) {
throw new UnityException ("Your avatar needs an animation controller attached to the animator component! Try setting it to SimpleAvatarController.");
a.runtimeAnimatorController = rAC;
string fbxAsset =;
// Check bone limits.
if (!GetHumanDescription (fbxAsset, ref h)) {
throw new UnityException ("Failed to import the human description of the specified asset. Is it a humanoid, or did you change the name of the prefab in scene? (The avatar's name in the hierarchy must share its name with the model name in the asset browser.)");
foreach (HumanBone bone in h.human) {
if (bone.limit.max == && bone.limit.min == && bone.limit.axisLength != 0) {
Debug.LogError ("A muscle attached to " + bone.humanName + " has 0 flexibility. This might not be intended. (To fix, adjust your muscle settings.)");
if (bone.humanName == "LeftEye") {
leLimit = bone.limit;
if (bone.boneName == "LeftEye") {
Debug.LogError ("You shouldn't have LeftEye be the real eye, it should be an empty bone! Create a different bone for eye tracking. (See for details.)");
warn = true;
eyesSane = false;
if (bone.humanName == "RightEye") {
reLimit = bone.limit;
if (bone.boneName == "RightEye") {
Debug.LogError ("You shouldn't have RightEye be the real eye, it should be an empty bone! Create a different bone for eye tracking. (See for details.)");
warn = true;
eyesSane = false;
// Check that our visemes are fully definined, if we're an avatar with viseme blend shapes.
if (d.lipSync == VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor.LipSyncStyle.VisemeBlendShape) {
m = d.VisemeSkinnedMesh;
foreach (string s in d.VisemeBlendShapes) {
if (m.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex (s) == -1) {
throw new UnityException ("Missing viseme definition, make sure they're all set in the Avatar Descriptor.");
} else if (d.lipSync == VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor.LipSyncStyle.JawFlapBlendShape) {
m = d.VisemeSkinnedMesh;
if (d.MouthOpenBlendShapeName == "" || d.MouthOpenBlendShapeName == null) {
throw new UnityException ("Missing jawflap viseme definition, make sure it's set in the Avatar Descriptor.");
} else if (d.lipSync == VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor.LipSyncStyle.JawFlapBone) {
if (d.lipSyncJawBone == null) {
throw new UnityException ("Missing jawflap bone make sure it's set in the Avatar Descriptor.");
jawStartRot = d.lipSyncJawBone.localEulerAngles;
// Check that the mesh "Body" exists. Required for eyes to track.
Transform body = gameObject.transform.Find ("Body");
if (body == null) {
Debug.LogError("Mesh containing blinking visemes must be named \"Body\", or eye tracking won't work!");
warn = true;
eyesSane = false;
} else {
// Sanity check that our Body is actually a mesh
eyeMesh = body.gameObject.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer> ();
if (eyeMesh == null) {
Debug.LogError("Mesh containing blinking visemes named \"Body\" isn't actually a mesh!");
eyesSane = false;
warn = true;
// Check that our blink visemes exist and are in the correct index.
blinkl = eyeMesh.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex ("vrc.blink_left");
blinkr = eyeMesh.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex ("vrc.blink_right");
lowerlidl = eyeMesh.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex ("vrc.lowerlid_left");
lowerlidr = eyeMesh.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex ("vrc.lowerlid_right");
if (blinkl != 0 || blinkr != 1 || lowerlidl != 2 || lowerlidr != 3) {
Debug.LogError("Missing blink shapes, need to be named correctly and in the correct index for eye tracking to work!");
eyesSane = false;
warn = true;
// Make sure our armature has the correct structure for eyes to work.
Transform leftEyeCheck = gameObject.transform.Find ("Armature/Hips/Spine/Chest/Neck/Head/LeftEye");
Transform rightEyeCheck = gameObject.transform.Find ("Armature/Hips/Spine/Chest/Neck/Head/RightEye");
if (leftEyeCheck == null || rightEyeCheck == null) {
Debug.LogError("Armature structure must be exactly `Armature/Hips/Spine/Chest/Neck/Head/{LeftEye,RightEye}` in order for eye tracking to function!");
eyesSane = false;
warn = true;
le = a.GetBoneTransform (HumanBodyBones.LeftEye);
re = a.GetBoneTransform (HumanBodyBones.RightEye);
if (le == null || re == null) {
Debug.LogError ("Eyes were not set in the rig configuration! Eyes won't work unless they're specified.");
eyesSane = false;
} else {
leStartRot = le.localEulerAngles;
reStartRot = re.localEulerAngles;
sane = true;
void OnDrawGizmosSelected() {
Camera cam = Camera.current;
Vector3 cameraPosition = transform.position + new Vector3(0f,1.8f,0f);
Vector3 forward =;
if (cam == null) {
cam = Camera.main;
if (cam != null) {
cameraPosition = cam.transform.position;
forward = cam.transform.forward*5f;
if (!sane) {
Gizmos.color =;
Handles.Label (cameraPosition + forward + new Vector3(0,2,0), "An error was detected! Check the console log for details...");
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
if (warn) {
Handles.Label (cameraPosition + forward + new Vector3(0,2,0), "A warning was detected! Check the console log for details...");
Gizmos.DrawSphere(lookPos, 0.1f);
if (le != null && re != null) {
Gizmos.DrawLine (le.position, lookPos);
Gizmos.DrawLine (re.position, lookPos);
Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
// Update is called once per frame
void OnAnimatorIK(int layerIndex) {
if (!sane) {
if (!TestEyes) {
a.SetLookAtWeight (0f);
if (eyesSane) {
a.SetLookAtWeight (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f);
} else {
a.SetLookAtWeight (1.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
a.SetLookAtPosition (lookPos);
void Update () {
if (!sane) {
if (a != null && TestWalking) {
a.SetFloat ("MovementX", Mathf.Sin (Time.time / 1.8f));
a.SetFloat ("MovementZ", Mathf.Cos (Time.time / 2.2f));
} else {
a.SetFloat ("MovementX", 0);
a.SetFloat ("MovementZ", 0);
// visually test blinking and lowering lids.
if (eyesSane && TestEyes && eyeMesh != null && blinkl == 0 && blinkr == 1 && lowerlidl == 2 && lowerlidr == 3) {
eyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight (blinkl, Mathf.Clamp ((Mathf.Sin (Time.time) - 0.99f) * 10000f, 0, 100f));
eyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight (blinkr, Mathf.Clamp ((Mathf.Sin (Time.time) - 0.99f) * 10000f, 0, 100f));
eyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight (lowerlidl, (Mathf.Sin (Time.time/2f)*100f));
eyeMesh.SetBlendShapeWeight (lowerlidr, (Mathf.Sin (Time.time/2f)*100f));
// If we have a mesh that has visemes. Rotate through each one to test them visually.
if (m != null && TestLipSync && d.lipSync == VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor.LipSyncStyle.VisemeBlendShape) {
if (waitTimer <= 0) {
waitTimer = waitTime;
m.SetBlendShapeWeight (m.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex (d.VisemeBlendShapes [curindex++]), 0f);
curindex = curindex % d.VisemeBlendShapes.Length;
} else {
m.SetBlendShapeWeight (m.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex (d.VisemeBlendShapes [curindex]), ((waitTime - waitTimer) / waitTime) * 100f);
waitTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
// Or just flex the one over and over
} else if (m != null && TestLipSync && d.lipSync == VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor.LipSyncStyle.JawFlapBlendShape) {
m.SetBlendShapeWeight (m.sharedMesh.GetBlendShapeIndex (d.MouthOpenBlendShapeName), Mathf.Sin (Time.time) * 100f);
} // Or we test the jaw flap bone, which happens in LateUpdate...
// Set the look target position as something random around the character.
Transform head = a.GetBoneTransform (HumanBodyBones.Head);
lookPos = head.position + Vector3.forward * Mathf.Sin (Time.time * 1f)*5f + Vector3.up * Mathf.Sin (Time.time * 0.25f)*5f + Vector3.right * Mathf.Cos (Time.time * 1f)*5f;
void LateUpdate() {
if (!sane) {
if (TestLipSync && d.lipSync == VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor.LipSyncStyle.JawFlapBone) {
d.lipSyncJawBone.localEulerAngles = jawStartRot + new Vector3 (0f, 0f, Mathf.Sin (Time.time) * 30f);
if (!eyesSane || !TestEyes) {
if (le != null) {
/*Vector3 rot = le.localEulerAngles - leStartRot;
while (rot.x > 180f) {
rot.x -= 360f;
while (rot.x <= -180f) {
rot.x += 360f;
while (rot.y > 180f) {
rot.y -= 360f;
while (rot.y <= -180f) {
rot.y += 360f;
while (rot.z > 180f) {
rot.z -= 360f;
while (rot.z <= -180f) {
rot.z += 360f;
// FIXME: Not sure why these have to be flipped around, might be specific to the orientation of the eye bone or something. Testing needed...
rot.x = Mathf.Clamp (rot.x, -leLimit.max.y, -leLimit.min.y);
rot.y = Mathf.Clamp (rot.y, -leLimit.max.x, -leLimit.min.x);
rot.z = Mathf.Clamp (rot.z, -leLimit.max.z, -leLimit.min.z);
le.localEulerAngles = rot + leStartRot;*/
if (re != null) {
/*Vector3 rot = re.localEulerAngles - reStartRot;
while (rot.x > 180f) {
rot.x -= 360f;
while (rot.x <= -180f) {
rot.x += 360f;
while (rot.y > 180f) {
rot.y -= 360f;
while (rot.y <= -180f) {
rot.y += 360f;
while (rot.z > 180f) {
rot.z -= 360f;
while (rot.z <= -180f) {
rot.z += 360f;
// FIXME: Not sure why these have to be flipped around, might be specific to the orientation of the eye bone or something. Testing needed...
rot.x = Mathf.Clamp (rot.x, -reLimit.max.y, -reLimit.min.y);
rot.y = Mathf.Clamp (rot.y, -reLimit.max.x, -reLimit.min.x);
rot.z = Mathf.Clamp (rot.z, -reLimit.max.z, -reLimit.min.z);
re.localEulerAngles = rot + reStartRot;*/
public bool GetHumanDescription(string target, ref HumanDescription des) {
if (target != null) {
string[] assets = AssetDatabase.FindAssets (target, null);
if (assets.Length <= 0) {
return false;
// Figure out which one has the rig
foreach (string guid in assets) {
AssetImporter importer = AssetImporter.GetAtPath (AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath (guid));
if (importer != null) {
ModelImporter modelImporter = importer as ModelImporter;
if (modelImporter != null) {
des = modelImporter.humanDescription;
return true;
return false;
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SirXen0 commented Feb 4, 2021

Doesn't work in the current version of the avatar SDK :(

Assets\Editor\VRChatHelper.cs(41,13): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'VRC_AvatarDescriptor' does not exist in the namespace 'VRCSDK2' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

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