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Created April 8, 2018 23:07
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Copies all avatar components and children to another object. Such as Dynamic Bones, Guns, Animations, etc.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class CopyAvatarData : ScriptableWizard {
public GameObject from;
public GameObject to;
bool finished;
enum Options { AvatarDescriptor = 1,
DynamicBones = 2,
Animators = 4,
LooseGameObjects = 8
Options selected;
public CopyAvatarData() {
finished = false;
Component CopyComponent(Component original, GameObject destination) {
System.Type type = original.GetType();
Component copy = destination.AddComponent(type);
// Copied fields can be restricted with BindingFlags
System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields();
foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields)
field.SetValue(copy, field.GetValue(original));
return copy;
[MenuItem("VRChat SDK/Copy Avatar Attributes to Other")]
static void CreateWizard() {
CopyAvatarData wiz = ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard<CopyAvatarData>("Transfer Avatar Data");
// Ensures that game object to and from have an identical hierarchy with the same components and the same properties on the components.
void CopyComponents( string current, GameObject obj, Options flags ) {
GameObject target = null;
if (current == "") {
target = to;
} else {
Transform test = to.transform.Find (current);
if (test) {
target = test.gameObject;
if (!target) {
string sparent = current.Substring (0, current.LastIndexOf ("/"));
Transform test = to.transform.Find (sparent);
GameObject parent = test ? test.gameObject : null;
if (!parent) {
throw new UnityException ("Somehow tried to create child " + current + ", but couldn't find " + current.Substring (0, current.LastIndexOf ("/")));
GameObject copy = GameObject.Instantiate (obj); =;
copy.transform.SetParent (parent.transform);
copy.transform.localPosition = obj.transform.localPosition;
copy.transform.localRotation = obj.transform.localRotation;
copy.transform.localScale = obj.transform.localScale;
} else {
foreach (Component c in obj.GetComponents<Component>()) {
CopyComponent (c, target);
for (int i = 0; i < obj.transform.childCount; i++) {
if (current != "") {
CopyComponents (current + "/" + obj.transform.GetChild (i).name, obj.transform.GetChild (i).gameObject, flags);
} else {
CopyComponents (obj.transform.GetChild (i).name, obj.transform.GetChild (i).gameObject, flags);
Transform RecurseFind( Transform obj, string name ) {
Transform find = obj.Find (name);
if (find) {
return find;
for( int i=0;i<obj.childCount;i++ ) {
find = RecurseFind (obj.GetChild (i), name);
if (find) {
return find;
return null;
// Updates dynamic bone references to refer to the new avatar bones rather than the old ones.
void ConvertDynamicBoneReferences() {
foreach (DynamicBone d in to.GetComponentsInChildren<DynamicBone>()) {
List<DynamicBoneColliderBase> newColliders = new List<DynamicBoneColliderBase> ();
foreach (DynamicBoneColliderBase c in d.m_Colliders) {
newColliders.Add (RecurseFind(to.transform,<DynamicBoneColliderBase> ());
d.m_Colliders = newColliders;
List<Transform> newExclusions = new List<Transform> ();
foreach (Transform t in d.m_Exclusions) {
newExclusions.Add (RecurseFind(to.transform,;
d.m_Exclusions = newExclusions;
d.m_Root = RecurseFind (to.transform,;
void ConvertAvatarDescriptor() {
VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor ava = to.GetComponent<VRCSDK2.VRC_AvatarDescriptor> ();
ava.VisemeSkinnedMesh = to.GetComponentInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer> ();
void OnGUI() {
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("This will mess with your `To` game object, it's destructive!", MessageType.Warning);
from = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("From", from, typeof(GameObject), true);
to = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("To", to, typeof(GameObject), true);
selected = (Options)EditorGUILayout.EnumMaskPopup ("Stuff to transfer (Does nothing):", selected);
if (from && to && GUILayout.Button ("Transfer!")) {
CopyComponents ("", from, selected);
ConvertDynamicBoneReferences ();
ConvertAvatarDescriptor ();
finished = true;
if (finished) {
EditorGUILayout.Space ();
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("Done! :)", MessageType.Info);
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Does it work to copy 1 VRM model with VRMSpring bones script to another vrm model? or does the script just works for dynamic bones script only?

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