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Last active September 17, 2018 20:15
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Framework kb JS Grid Overall utility
Bootstrap 12 Y 12 col comprehensive; +plugins
Bulma 10 N fluid many elements and components; customizable; extendable
Concise CSS fluid SCSS based configurable, basic components platform
Foundation 7 Y 12/6/8 comprehensive; some plugins
Kube 85 Y CSS and JS framework
Miligram 2 N 3,4,10 very basic
mini.css 10 N 12 col common components; a flavor tool to generate fine-tuned style
Paper CSS N none fun style sheet
Picnic CSS N fluid basic but powerful elements
Primer N GitHub's design system
Pure CSS 3.8 N 5 col 24col basic components only
Semantic UI 20 Y fluid comprehensive UI toolkit
Skeleton N 12 col very basic
Spectre 10 N 12 col many useful and advanced components
UIkit 6 Y quasi fluid very comprehensive with many UI components, nifty animation etc.
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