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Created February 27, 2012 06:58
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package reactive
package web
package widgets
import net.liftweb.util.{ CssSel, PassThru }
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
* Defines a type of filter.
* Examples include selecting from
* a choice of values, pagination, and sort headers.
* @tparam P the type of the criteria
trait Filter[P] {
* The filter criteria
val value: Signal[P]
* A filter that mixes this in can be rendered
trait FilterUI {
* Render the UI for the filter,
* to allow users to interact with the filter's value
def render: CssSel
* A `Filter` that limits items to one pageful,
* allowing for a pagination widget.
* @param rowsPerPage The number of rows on a page
* @param rows A function-valued signal, where the function returns the total number of rows.
* You can have the signal depend on other filters that affect the number of rows.
class Paginator(val rowsPerPage: Int, rows: Signal[() => Int])(implicit observing: Observing) extends Filter[Int] with FilterUI {
* The page number
val value = Var[Int](0)
* The first row to display (the page number multiplied by `rowsPerPage`)
val first = value map (_ * rowsPerPage)
* Which pages to display in the pagination widget.
* The default implementation displays the previous
* 10 pages and the next 10 pages, and 20, 100, and 1000 pages in
* either direction (all clipped to the valid range).
def pagesToDisplay(curPage: Int, numPages: Int) = {
List(curPage - 1020, curPage - 120, curPage - 20) ++
(curPage - 10 to curPage + 10) ++
List(curPage + 20, curPage + 120, curPage + 1020) filter {
n => n >= 0 && n < numPages
* The selector for the element containing the pagination widget.
* This element should contain an element for each kind of
* navigation (first, previous, pages, etc.), each of which
* may contain the element that will actually be made clickable.
* (Presumably you can override `linkSelector` to `"*"` to
* make the navigation element itself clickable).
* Example (for twitter bootstrap): {{{
* <div class=".pagination">
* <ul>
* <li class=".prev"><a>&lt;</a></li>
* <li class=".pages"><a></a><li>
* <li class=".next"><a>&gt;</a><li>
* </ul>
* </div>
* }}}
def selector = ".pagination"
def firstSelector = ".first"
def prevSelector = ".prev"
def nextSelector = ".next"
def lastSelector = ".last"
def linkSelector = "a"
* The element with this selector will
* be repeated for each page number you can click.
* A page number will be rendered inside its `linkSelector`.
def pagesSelector = ".pages"
* This class will be added to elements that should not be clicked,
* such as `firstSelector` when you are on the first page.
def disabledClass = "disabled"
* This class will be added to the `pagesSelector` of the current page.
def activeClass = "active"
def render = selector #> reactive.web.Cell {
for {
pages <- { r =>
val rs = r()
rs / rowsPerPage + (rs % rowsPerPage min 1)
page0 <- value
page = page0 min pages - 1
} yield {
val is = pagesToDisplay(page, pages)
(firstSelector+" [class+]") #> (if (page > 0) "" else disabledClass) andThen
(firstSelector+" *") #> (linkSelector #> onServer { _: Click => value() = 0 }) andThen
(prevSelector+" [class+]") #> (if (page > 0) "" else disabledClass) andThen
(prevSelector+" *") #> (linkSelector #> onServer { _: Click => value() = page - 1 max 0 }) andThen
pagesSelector #> { i =>
(pagesSelector+" [class+]") #> (if (i == page) activeClass else "") andThen
(pagesSelector+" *") #> (
linkSelector #> onServer { _: Click => value() = i } andThen
(linkSelector+" *") #> (i + 1)
} andThen
(nextSelector+" [class+]") #> (if (page < pages - 1) "" else disabledClass) andThen
(nextSelector+" *") #> (linkSelector #> onServer { _: Click => value() = page + 1 min pages - 1 }) andThen
(lastSelector+" [class+]") #> (if (page < pages - 1) "" else disabledClass) andThen
(lastSelector+" *") #> (linkSelector #> onServer { _: Click => value() = pages - 1 })
* TODO text filter and choice filter.
* The latter, and often the former, are applied to a single column, which means
* they need to (a) be able to get the column's value for the case of post filter,
* and (b) know the column for database query purposes.
* Text filters can be for more than one column, so as above but in plural.
* Use with `PreFilterable`. Mix in to regular `Filter`s and define `param`.
trait PreFilter[FetchParam] { this: Filter[_] =>
* A `Signal` (which should depend on `value`)
* that specifies the `FetchParam`.
def param: Signal[FetchParam]
* A Filter that is applied to the rows in-memory,
* after they have already been retrieved from the
* data source.
trait PostFilter[RowType] { this: Filter[_] =>
* Filter the rows
def filter: Signal[Seq[RowType] => Seq[RowType]]
* A subclass of `Paginator` that works in memory
class PostPaginator[RowType](rowsPerPage: Int, rows: Signal[() => Int])(implicit observing: Observing) extends Paginator(rowsPerPage, rows) with PostFilter[RowType] {
lazy val filter = first map { f => { (_: Seq[RowType]) drop f take rowsPerPage } }
* Base mixin for TableView/TableEditor that adds filters -- the ability to manage
* signals that parameterize the data store fetch, or that perform some
* post processing on the rows.
* Do not mix in `Filterable` directly. Instead use `PreFilterable` and/or `PostFilterable`.
sealed trait Filterable[A] extends TableView[A] {
* The column to sort by and the sort direction, plus an optional `Ordering` for
* in-memory sorting
case class SortState(col: Col, ascending: Boolean, ordering: Option[Ordering[RowType]] = None) {
def reverse = SortState(col, !ascending, ordering map (_.reverse))
* A `Filter` that lets you click column headers to sort the rows by that column.
* Clicking the column that the rows are already sorted by will reverse the sort direction.
class SortHeaders(initial: Option[SortState] = None) extends Filter[Option[SortState]] with FilterUI {
val value = Var(initial)
protected def sortStateForCol(c: Col) = SortState(c, true)
def renderCol(col: Col)(renderer: NodeSeq => NodeSeq): CssSel = {
col.selector #> (".sort-col" #> renderer)
//TODO render current sort state cue
def render =
cols map { c =>
renderCol(c)(onServer[Click]{ _ =>
value () = match {
case Some(s) => Some(s.reverse)
case _ => Some(sortStateForCol(c))
} reduceLeft (_ & _)
* This mixin supports filters that are supply modifiers to `fetch`.
trait PreFilterable[A] extends Filterable[A] {
type PreFilter = widgets.PreFilter[FetchParam]
* Filters that are applied by the database etc.
* Changes to preFilters, or values of its filters, trigger calls to ''fetch''
* and all items are reloaded (for `TableEditor`, modifications are re-applied
* to the new items).
val preFilters: SeqSignal[Filter[_] with PreFilter]
override protected lazy val params: Signal[List[FetchParam]] =
override def render = super.render &{ case ui: FilterUI => ui }.foldLeft("thisbetternotexist" #> PassThru)(_ & _.render)
* This mixin supports filters that are applied in memory
trait PostFilterable[A] extends Filterable[A] {
type PostFilter = widgets.PostFilter[RowType]
* Filters that are applied in-memory.
* They are applied automatically.
val postFilters: SeqSignal[PostFilter]
protected lazy val mergedPostFilters: Signal[List[Seq[RowType] => Seq[RowType]]] =
override def filterRows: Signal[Seq[RowType]] => Signal[Seq[RowType]] = super.filterRows andThen {
for {
rs <- _
filters <- mergedPostFilters
} yield filters.foldLeft(rs) {
case (rs, filter) => filter(rs)
override def render = super.render &{ case ui: FilterUI => ui }.foldLeft("thisbetternotexist" #> PassThru)(_ & _.render)
* A column with an `Ordering` that specifies how to sort the rows
trait OrderedCol extends Col {
def rowOrdering: Ordering[RowType]
* Creates a sortable column (`OrderedCol`).
* @param selector0 The css selector inside of which to render the column
* @param rendered The rendering function
* @param get Gets the value of the item on which the ordering is based
def sortCol[T](selector0: String, renderer0: RowType => NodeSeq => NodeSeq, get: A => T)(implicit ordering: Ordering[T] = null) =
new OrderedCol {
val selector = selector0
val renderer = renderer0
def rowOrdering: Ordering[RowType] = ordering on { r => get(r.item) }
* A subclass of `SortHeaders` that sorts the rows in memory. Normally only works for `OrderedCol`s
class PostSortHeaders(initial: Option[SortState] = None) extends SortHeaders(initial) with PostFilter {
override def sortStateForCol(c: Col) = c match {
case c: OrderedCol => SortState(c, true, Option(c.rowOrdering))
case c => SortState(c, true, None)
lazy val filter = { sort =>
{ rs: Seq[RowType] =>
sort match {
case Some(s: SortState) =>
s.ordering match {
case Some(o) => rs.sorted(o)
case _ => rs
case _ =>
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