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Created July 3, 2012 21:11
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object Test extends App {
case class Item[A, B](get: A => B, apply: B => Unit)
def hlist[A] =
Item((_: A) => 73, println) ::
Item((_: A) => "hello", println) ::
Item((_: A) => false, println) ::
class Combine[A] extends Poly2 {
implicit def x[T <: HList, B] = at[A => T, Item[A, B]]((aggFunc: A => T, item: Item[A, B]) => { a: A => item.get(a) :: aggFunc(a) })
object combine extends Combine[Double]
val items = hlist[Double]
val f1 = items.foldLeft((_: Double) => HNil)(combine)
implicitly[f1.type <:< (Double => (Boolean :: String :: Int :: HNil))]
val res = f1(32.0)
implicitly[res.type <:< (Boolean :: String :: Int :: HNil)]
assert(res == (false :: "hello" :: 73 :: HNil))
object apply extends Poly1 {
implicit def default[T] = at[Item[_, T]](_.apply)
val zipped = items zip res.reverse
implicitly[zipped.type <:< ((Item[Double, Int], Int) :: (Item[Double, String], String) :: (Item[Double, Boolean], Boolean) :: HNil)]
//res map apply
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