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Last active August 16, 2022 23:25
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import geny.Generator
import mill._
import mill.define.Target
import mill.scalajslib._
object WebpackLib {
case class JsDeps(dependencies: List[(String, String)] = Nil,
devDependencies: List[(String, String)] = Nil,
jsSources: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) {
def ++(that: JsDeps): JsDeps =
dependencies ++ that.dependencies,
devDependencies ++ that.devDependencies,
jsSources ++ that.jsSources)
object JsDeps {
def apply(dependencies: (String, String)*): JsDeps = JsDeps(dependencies = dependencies.toList)
implicit def rw: upickle.default.ReadWriter[JsDeps] = upickle.default.macroRW
case class WebpackParams(inputFile: os.Path,
jsDeps: JsDeps,
outputDirectory: os.Path,
opt: Boolean,
libraryName: Option[String]) {
lazy val copiedInputFile = outputDirectory / inputFile.last
private def writePkgJson(params: WebpackParams,
deps: JsDeps,
webpackVersion: String,
webpackCliVersion: String,
webpackDevServerVersion: String) = {
val webpackDevDependencies = Seq(
"webpack" -> webpackVersion,
"webpack-cli" -> webpackCliVersion,
"webpack-dev-server" -> webpackDevServerVersion,
"source-map-loader" -> "0.2.3"
params.outputDirectory / "package.json",
"dependencies" -> deps.dependencies,
"devDependencies" -> (deps.devDependencies ++ webpackDevDependencies)
).render(2) + "\n"
private def readAllBytes(in: InputStream,
buffer: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](8192),
out: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream): String = {
val byteCount =
if (byteCount < 0)
else {
out.write(buffer, 0, byteCount)
readAllBytes(in, buffer, out)
private def jsDepsFromJar(jar: File): Seq[JsDeps] = {
val stream = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(jar)))
.takeWhile(_ != null)
.collect {
case z if z.getName == "NPM_DEPENDENCIES" =>
val contentsAsJson =
def dependenciesOfType(key: String): List[(String, String)] =
contentsAsJson.getOrElse(key, ujson.Arr()).arr.flatMap( { case (s, v) => s -> v.str }).toList
dependenciesOfType("compileDependencies") ++ dependenciesOfType("compile-dependencies"),
dependenciesOfType("compileDevDependencies") ++ dependenciesOfType("compile-devDependencies")
case z if z.getName.endsWith(".js") && !z.getName.startsWith("scala/") =>
JsDeps(Nil, Nil, Map(z.getName -> readAllBytes(stream)))
private def writeEntrypoint0(dst: os.Path, depNames: Iterable[String]) = {
val path = dst / "entrypoint.js"
|module.exports = {
| "require": (function(moduleName) {
| return {
| ${ { name => s"'$name': require('$name')" }.mkString(",\n ")}
| }[moduleName]
| })
val webpackConfigFilename = "webpack.config.js"
def writeWpConfig(params: WebpackParams, bundleFilename: String) = {
val libraryOutputCfg = => Map("library" -> n, "libraryTarget" -> "var")).getOrElse(Map.empty)
val outputCfg =
libraryOutputCfg ++ Map("path" -> params.outputDirectory.toString, "filename" -> bundleFilename)
params.outputDirectory / webpackConfigFilename,
"module.exports = " + ujson.Obj(
"mode" -> (if (params.opt) "production" else "development"),
"devtool" -> "source-map",
"entry" -> params.copiedInputFile.toString,
"output" -> ujson.Obj.from(outputCfg.view.mapValues(ujson.Str))
).render(2) + ";\n"
trait ScalaJSDepsModule extends ScalaJSModule {
def moduleDepJsDepsTarget =
T.sequence(recursiveModuleDeps.collect { case mod: ScalaJSDepsModule => mod.jsDeps })
def jsDeps: Target[JsDeps] = T {
val jsDepsFromIvyDeps =
resolveDeps(transitiveIvyDeps)().iterator.toList.flatMap(pathRef => jsDepsFromJar(pathRef.path.toIO))
val allJsDeps = jsDepsFromIvyDeps ++ moduleDepJsDepsTarget()
allJsDeps.foldLeft(JsDeps())(_ ++ _)
trait ScalaJSWebpackBaseModule extends ScalaJSDepsModule {
def webpackVersion: Target[String] = "4.17.1"
def webpackCliVersion: Target[String] = "3.1.0"
def webpackDevServerVersion: Target[String] = "3.1.7"
def writePackageJson = T.task { params: WebpackParams =>
writePkgJson(params, params.jsDeps, webpackVersion(), webpackCliVersion(), webpackDevServerVersion())
def bundleFilename = T {
def webpack = T.task { params: WebpackParams =>
val _bundleFilename = bundleFilename()
if (params.inputFile != params.copiedInputFile)
os.copy.over(params.inputFile, params.copiedInputFile)
params.jsDeps.jsSources foreach { case (n, s) => os.write.over(params.outputDirectory / n, s) }
writeWpConfig(params, _bundleFilename)
val logger = T.ctx().log
val npmInstall = os.proc("npm", "install").call(params.outputDirectory)
val webpackPath = params.outputDirectory / "node_modules" / "webpack" / "bin" / "webpack"
val webpack =
os.proc("node", webpackPath, "--bail", "--profile", "--config", webpackConfigFilename)
if (params.inputFile != params.copiedInputFile)
PathRef(params.outputDirectory / _bundleFilename),
PathRef(params.outputDirectory / (_bundleFilename + ".map"))
def devWebpack: Target[Seq[PathRef]]
def prodWebpack: Target[Seq[PathRef]]
trait ScalaJSWebpackApplicationModule extends ScalaJSWebpackBaseModule {
override def devWebpack: Target[Seq[PathRef]] = T.persistent {
webpack().apply(WebpackParams(fastOpt().path, jsDeps(), T.ctx().dest, opt = false, None))
override def prodWebpack: Target[Seq[PathRef]] = T.persistent {
webpack().apply(WebpackParams(fullOpt().path, jsDeps(), T.ctx().dest, opt = true, None))
trait ScalaJSWebpackLibraryModule extends ScalaJSWebpackBaseModule {
private val regex = """require\("([^"]*)"\)""".r
def writeEntrypoint = T.task { (src: PathRef, dest: os.Path) =>
val requires =
.flatMap(line => Generator.from(regex.findAllMatchIn(line).map(
writeEntrypoint0(dest, requires)
def webpackLibraryName = T {
override def devWebpack: Target[Seq[PathRef]] = T.persistent {
val dest = T.ctx().dest
val deps = jsDeps()
val src = fastOpt()
val entrypoint = writeEntrypoint().apply(src, dest).path
webpack().apply(WebpackParams(entrypoint, deps, dest, opt = false, Some(webpackLibraryName()))) :+ src
override def prodWebpack: Target[Seq[PathRef]] = T.persistent {
val dest = T.ctx().dest
val deps = jsDeps()
val src = fullOpt()
val entrypoint = writeEntrypoint().apply(src, dest).path
webpack().apply(WebpackParams(entrypoint, deps, dest, opt = true, Some(webpackLibraryName()))) :+
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shubhamkamthania commented May 25, 2020

How can I write something like

"plugins": [
    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ adapter: 'webrtc-adapter' })

to webpack.config.js ?
I tried
"plugins" -> ujson.Arr("new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ adapter: 'webrtc-adapter' })" but as expected it is not working since the type is string.

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nafg commented May 25, 2020

@ikamthania try wrapping it with ujson.Str

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Doesn't work. Still gives quotes. I guess only option is to use a separate file or multi line string

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nafg commented May 25, 2020

At I didn't understand the issue. Indeed that's not json so there's no way to express it with ujson. If you have a better way (than using ujson I guess) please share (e.g. by forking and modifying the gist and linking back)

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nafg commented May 25, 2020

Hmm, I wonder if you could leave the main part as json then append another statement, module.exports.plugins = ..., to the string (after the ;\n)

If that's not valid to webpack then change it to work with a local var, then set module.exports to it.

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Thanks for the tip. I will try it out.

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shubhamkamthania commented May 26, 2020

Ended up using a separate file like

      params.outputDirectory / webpackConfigFilename,
      // Generate webpack config
      /*  "module.exports = " + ujson
          "mode" -> (if (params.opt) "production" else "development"),
          "devtool" -> "source-map",
          "entry" -> params.copiedInputFile.toString,
          "output" -> ujson.Obj.from(outputCfg.mapValues(ujson.Str))
        .render(2) + ";\n" */
		// or read from separate file / "webpack.config.js")

Thanks @nafg for this file. It solved a great deal of issue for me.

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