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Forked from mikehadlow/ClassWithDependency.csx
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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C#: Only Use Static Methods
public class Thing : IThing
public Thing(IDependency dependency) { }
public void Do(string arg) { }
public static void DoThing(IDependency dependency, string arg) { }
public static Action Compose()
return () => RunCustomerReportBatch(
public void FunctionalTest()
// arrange
var expectedCustomer = new Customer("");
var expectedReportBody = "the report body";
Func<IEnumerable<Customer>> getCustomersForCustomerReport =
() => new[] {expectedCustomer};
Func<Customer, Report> createCustomerReport =
customer => new Report(expectedCustomer.Email, expectedReportBody);
var actualToAddress = "";
var actualBody = "";
Action<string, string> sendEmail = (toAddress, body) =>
actualToAddress = toAddress;
actualBody = body;
// act
Functional.RunCustomerReportBatch(getCustomersForCustomerReport, createCustomerReport, sendEmail);
// assert
Assert.Equal(expectedCustomer.Email, actualToAddress);
Assert.Equal(expectedReportBody, actualBody);
public class CustomerData : ICustomerData
public IEnumerable<Customer> GetCustomersForCustomerReport()
// pretend to do data access
yield return new Customer("");
yield return new Customer("");
yield return new Customer("");
public class ReportBuilder : IReportBuilder
public Report CreateCustomerReport(Customer customer)
return new Report(customer.Email, $"This is the report for {customer.Email}!");
public class Emailer : IEmailer
public void Send(string toAddress, string body)
// pretend to send an email here
Console.Out.WriteLine("Sent Email to: {0}, Body: '{1}'", toAddress, body);
public interface ICustomerData
IEnumerable<Customer> GetCustomersForCustomerReport();
public interface IReportBuilder
Report CreateCustomerReport(Customer customer);
public interface IEmailer
void Send(string toAddress, string body);
public static ReportingService Compose()
return new ReportingService(
new CustomerData(),
new ReportBuilder(),
new Emailer()
public void RunCustomerReportBatchShouldSendReports()
// Arrange
var customerDataMock = new Mock<ICustomerData>();
var reportBuilderMock = new Mock<IReportBuilder>();
var emailerMock = new Mock<IEmailer>();
var expectedCustomer = new Customer("");
var expectedReportBody = "the report body";
customerDataMock.Setup(x => x.GetCustomersForCustomerReport())
.Returns(new[] { expectedCustomer });
reportBuilderMock.Setup(x => x.CreateCustomerReport(expectedCustomer))
.Returns(new Report(expectedCustomer.Email, expectedReportBody));
var sut = new ReportingService(
// Act
// Assert
emailerMock.Verify(x => x.Send(expectedCustomer.Email, expectedReportBody));
public class ReportingService
public ReportingService(ICustomerData customerData, IReportBuilder reportBuilder, IEmailer emailer)
CustomerData = customerData;
ReportBuilder = reportBuilder;
Emailer = emailer;
public ICustomerData CustomerData { get; private set; }
public IReportBuilder ReportBuilder { get; private set; }
public IEmailer Emailer { get; private set; }
public void RunCustomerReportBatch()
var customers = CustomerData.GetCustomersForCustomerReport();
foreach (var customer in customers)
var report = ReportBuilder.CreateCustomerReport(customer);
Emailer.Send(report.ToAddress, report.Body);
public static void RunCustomerReportBatch(
Func<IEnumerable<Customer>> getCustomersForCustomerReport,
Func<Customer, Report> createCustomerReport,
Action<string, string> sendEmail)
var customers = getCustomersForCustomerReport();
foreach (var customer in customers)
var report = createCustomerReport(customer);
sendEmail(report.ToAddress, report.Body);
public static IEnumerable<Customer> GetCustomersForCustomerReport()
// pretend to do data access
yield return new Customer("");
yield return new Customer("");
yield return new Customer("");
public static Report CreateCustomerReport(Customer customer)
return new Report(customer.Email, $"This is the report for {customer.Email}!");
public static void SendEmail(string toAddress, string body)
// pretend to send an email here
Console.Out.WriteLine("Sent Email to: {0}, Body: '{1}'", toAddress, body);
var dependency = new ThingThatImplementsIDependency();
// RelyOnThing is something that that takes Action<string> as a dependency.
Action relyOnThing = () => RelyOnThing(arg => DoThing(dependency, arg));
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