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Contract deploy addresses on Scroll Sepolia
@kynos/bentobox:deploy: deploying "BentoBoxV1" (tx: 0x022396bce46754ae53cd9fed2a9467d3d982cff98919e0e3710cb875a0178050)
Deployed at 0xB1e91fb7F757F6282fc5de650071d75c9bD7aA38 with 3964437 gas
Tasks: 1 successful, 1 total
// 2. KYNOS(formerly Furo)
a) @kynos/kynos:deploy: Kynos Stream deployed to 0x1bbeF2Ee225774318e7ff69505eFfa7A614F7598
b) KynosStreamRouter:
@kynos/kynos:deploy: KynosStreamRouter args: [
@kynos/kynos:deploy: '0x5a4DB7EFfBF60d5508De6Fc9aE722fEDe4c71cAa',
@kynos/kynos:deploy: '0x1bbeF2Ee225774318e7ff69505eFfa7A614F7598',
@kynos/kynos:deploy: '0x5A366BcAEd220F1F245289412eD965502D27fddF'
@kynos/kynos:deploy: ]
@kynos/kynos:deploy: Kynos Stream Router deployed to 0x7c2498E60560fbd663fc0234ed6b404564D3E3aA
@kynos/kynos:deploy: DEPRECATION WARNING: 'hardhat-etherscan' has been deprecated in favor of 'hardhat-verify'. You can find more information about the migration in the readme.
c) KynosVesting
@kynos/kynos:deploy: kynos Vesting deployed to 0x1a79065734031c37C34D6B8D235299E90B824865
d) KynosVestingRouter
@kynos/kynos:deploy: Kynos Vesting Router deployed to 0x042bbF2fB10b5fF8322fAf8FC09b4a26bC90D988
KYNOSSWAP(formerly Sushiswap)
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