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Created March 19, 2013 11:59
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# 6.00x Problem Set 5
# Part 2 - RECURSION
# Problem 3: Recursive String Reversal
def reverseString(aStr):
Given a string, recursively returns a reversed copy of the string.
For example, if the string is 'abc', the function returns 'cba'.
The only string operations you are allowed to use are indexing,
slicing, and concatenation.
aStr: a string
returns: a reversed string
if len(aStr) <= 1:
return aStr
first = aStr[0]
mid = aStr[1:-1]
end = aStr[-1]
return end+reverseString(mid)+first
# Problem 4: X-ian
def x_ian(x, word):
Given a string x, returns True if all the letters in x are
contained in word in the same order as they appear in x.
>>> x_ian('eric', 'meritocracy')
>>> x_ian('eric', 'cerium')
>>> x_ian('john', 'mahjong')
x: a string
word: a string
returns: True if word is x_ian, False otherwise
if len(x) < 1:
return Fasle
if len(x) == 1:
return x in word
return x[0] in word and x_ian(x[1:], word.split(x[0], 1)[1])
# Problem 5: Typewriter
def insertNewlines(text, lineLength):
Given text and a desired line length, wrap the text as a typewriter would.
Insert a newline character ("\n") after each word that reaches or exceeds
the desired line length.
text: a string containing the text to wrap.
line_length: the number of characters to include on a line before wrapping
the next word.
returns: a string, with newline characters inserted appropriately.
return insertNewlinesRec(text, lineLength)
def insertNewlinesRec(text, lineLength):
import string
words = text.split(' ')
wordcount = 0
wordindex = 0
for word in words:
wordcount += (len(word)+1)
if wordcount >= lineLength:
before_text = string.join(words[:(wordindex+1)])
next_text = string.join(words[wordindex+1:])
return before_text+'\n'+insertNewlinesRec(next_text, lineLength)
wordindex += 1
return text
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