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naganowl / docco.css
Created February 5, 2014 18:43
Quick and dirty way to make 'Jump To' menu scrollable for projects with many files. (See
#jump_page {
height: 100%;
overflow: scroll;
#jump_wrapper {
height: 100%;
naganowl /
Created February 13, 2014 03:37
How to hook into Grunt events.
['warn', 'fatal'].forEach (level) ->
grunt.util.hooker.hook, level, (opt) ->
title: opt.message
image: 'Console'
['warn', 'error'].forEach (level) ->
grunt.util.hooker.hook grunt.log, level, (opt) ->
naganowl /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
tl;dr: Don't re-render views that are delegating events as the delegation will be lost (without further action).

Writing down the pains I've rediscovered multiple times with Chaplin item views in a CollectionView (Though they can be applied to regular Chaplin views as well).

Numerous times, I have run into instances where I am calling this.delegate('click',...) on initialize of an item view to obtain the behavior of routing from a generic tabular list to a detailed item view and finding that the click delegation is not working for some reason.

These painful times after ardurous debugging have led to the same conclusion that I am documenting now to avoid repeating again in the future. Essentially, the root cause was somewhere else within the view, I had an event handler to do a render which effectively blows away the delegation since the old nodes are tossed away.

naganowl /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
An interview question I came up with that's practical and tests MVC concepts

How would you go about designing a system to coordinate trains departing from different stations on multiple lines purely clientside?

Starting inputs are:

  1. Total number of trains
  2. Total number of stations and the lines they are on. 3. Assume stations are equally spaced apart.
  3. Schedule of when train needs to start/end and their 'base' 3. Assume trains start and end at the same location.
naganowl / index.html
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Playing around with
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<div class="pure-g-r">
<div class="pure-u-1">
<div class="l-box">
  • The entire hamburger element is a link with a span, where the span has a before and after pseudo-element.
  • The center bar is the actual span, whereas the top and bottom are the before and after pseudo-elements respectively.
  • The top and bottom bars are positioned to the center and rotated to create the X.
    • For some reason, the top bar rotates seamlessly while the bottom one is a bit jittery, even after specifying a bottom attribute.
    • The bars need to be rotated from the center due to the default transform-origin. The positioning may be removed if we specify a different origin at the expense of lower browser support at the time of writing.
    • The bottom bar rotation can be accomplished by adding a translateY(-10px) and top: 10px to force the transition to kick in and have it visually rotate from the bottom.
      • See this CodePen for an example of it in action.
  • The middle bar could be rotated with the bottom bar faded away, but the top bar rotation would need to
naganowl /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Add a toggle to enable/disable Blanket coverage on Mocha browser test page with cov parameter.
if window.PHANTOMJS or'cov=true') >= 0
# Synchronously get Blanket.
request = new XMLHttpRequest() 'GET', '../vendor/bower/blanket/dist/qunit/blanket.js', no
script = document.createElement 'script'
script.type = 'text/javascript'
# There is no event fired when HTML report is added to tests.
script.text = request.responseText +
naganowl / redirect.html
Created April 4, 2014 18:40
Simple page that redirects and provides link to do so.
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10;url=//">
<script type="text/javascript">
window.location.href = "//";
}, 10000);
naganowl /
Created April 4, 2014 21:57
Keep Bootstrap 3.0 dropdown from closing on item click
// I guess this happens to be the first file which gets included
// so I might as well use this to write a message here for whoever
// ends up reading this
// you're probably gonna be seeing it as one file, but rest assured
// (or afraid), that this is actually a compiled file, and I don't
// generally scroll through four thousand lines of code in order to
// find the valid_img() function.