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Created June 2, 2011 09:50
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My training.Translating C# code to F#.
My training.Translating C# code to F#.
open System
open System.IO
open System.Net
// Console.WriteLine test
let k = 35
Console.WriteLine("k={0,-4}.",k) // k=35 .
Console.WriteLine("k={0,4}.",k) // k= 35.
Console.WriteLine("k={0:X}.",k) // k=23.
Console.WriteLine("k={0:X4}.",k) // k=0023.
// TODO: How to write extended method?
// Console.WriteLine(123.ToString("#,#0"))
// This code offers key input after every expression evaluated.
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
// F. example of virtual functions
// Plane is a class contains abstruct methods
type Plane() as this =
val mutable X:int
do this.X<-10
abstract topSpeed : unit->double
default this.topSpeed() = 300.0
type Jet() =
inherit Plane()
override x.topSpeed()=900.0
// TODO: couldn't assign base class instance.
// Is covariance not satisfied?
// let plane:Plane = new Jet()
let jet=new Jet()
Console.WriteLine("planes top speed:{0}",jet.topSpeed())
// Class with Property,explicit class,initializer
type Nirvana = class
val mutable mySpeed : double
// I don't know why but constructor requires curly brace
new()={ mySpeed=300.00 }
member x.TopSpeed
with get() = x.mySpeed
and set v = x.mySpeed <- v
let nirvana = Nirvana()
nirvana.TopSpeed <- 100.
printfn"%f" <| nirvana.TopSpeed
// I. Write the current time
// Couldn't write
let mutable streamWriter = null
streamWriter <- new StreamWriter(@"C:\sandbox\sample2.txt")
streamWriter.WriteLine "This is first line"
streamWriter.WriteLine "This is second line"
if streamWriter<>null then streamWriter.Close()
// download specified urls
let download(urls:string list) =
for url in urls do
let req = WebRequest.Create url
let res = req.GetResponse()
let stream = res.GetResponseStream()
let reader = new StreamReader(stream,Encoding.ASCII)
printfn"%s"<| reader.ReadToEnd()
download<| [""]
// read html of my twitter
using(new WebClient())
(fun client-> printfn"%A"<|client.DownloadString("!/nagat01"))
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