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Last active February 20, 2019 11:09
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# Your init script
# Atom will evaluate this file each time a new window is opened. It is run
# after packages are loaded/activated and after the previous editor state
# has been restored.
# An example hack to log to the console when each text editor is saved.
# atom.workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) ->
# editor.onDidSave ->
# console.log "Saved! #{editor.getPath()}"
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'custom:typescript-format-code', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
editorView = atom.views.getView(editor)
formatted = false
selected = false
indented = false
timeout = 10
atom.commands.onDidDispatch (e) ->
if (e.type == 'typescript:format-code' && !formatted)
formatted = true;
setTimeout(() ->
atom.commands.dispatch editorView, 'core:select-all'
, timeout)
else if (e.type == 'core:select-all' && !selected)
selected = true;
setTimeout(() ->
atom.commands.dispatch editorView, 'editor:auto-indent'
, timeout)
else if (e.type == 'editor:auto-indent' && !indented)
indented = true;
atom.commands.dispatch editorView, 'typescript:format-code'
# Your keymap
# Atom keymaps work similarly to style sheets. Just as style sheets use
# selectors to apply styles to elements, Atom keymaps use selectors to associate
# keystrokes with events in specific contexts. Unlike style sheets however,
# each selector can only be declared once.
# You can create a new keybinding in this file by typing "key" and then hitting
# tab.
# Here's an example taken from Atom's built-in keymap:
# 'atom-text-editor':
# 'enter': 'editor:newline'
# 'atom-workspace':
# 'ctrl-shift-p': 'core:move-up'
# 'ctrl-p': 'core:move-down'
# You can find more information about keymaps in these guides:
# *
# *
# If you're having trouble with your keybindings not working, try the
# Keybinding Resolver: `Cmd+.` on macOS and `Ctrl+.` on other platforms. See the
# Debugging Guide for more information:
# *
# This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON).
# If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the
# Atom Flight Manual:
'ctrl-i': 'editor:auto-indent'
'ctrl-shift-l': 'editor:split-selections-into-lines'
'ctrl-alt-l': 'custom:typescript-format-code'
'f6': 'postcss-sorting:run'
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor:not([mini])':
'ctrl-shift-up': 'editor:move-line-up'
'ctrl-shift-down': 'editor:move-line-down'
'ctrl-up': 'emmet:increment-number-by-1'
'ctrl-down': 'emmet:decrement-number-by-1'
'shift-alt-up': 'emmet:increment-number-by-10'
'shift-alt-down': 'emmet:decrement-number-by-10'
'ctrl-:': 'editor:toggle-line-comments'
'ctrl-shift-alt-m': 'minimap:toggle'
'ctrl--': 'editor:fold-current-row'
'ctrl-+': 'editor:unfold-current-row'
'ctrl-numpad0': 'editor:unfold-all'
'ctrl-numpad1': 'editor:fold-at-indent-level-1'
'ctrl-numpad2': 'editor:fold-at-indent-level-2'
'ctrl-numpad3': 'editor:fold-at-indent-level-3'
'ctrl-numpad4': 'editor:fold-at-indent-level-4'
'ctrl-numpad5': 'editor:fold-at-indent-level-5'
'ctrl-numpad6': 'editor:fold-at-indent-level-6'
'ctrl-numpad7': 'editor:fold-at-indent-level-7'
'ctrl-alt-enter': 'emmet:wrap-with-abbreviation'
'atom-workspace atom-text-editor':
'ctrl-delete': 'editor:delete-to-next-word-boundary'
'ctrl-backspace': 'editor:delete-to-previous-word-boundary'
'ctrl-left': 'editor:move-to-previous-subword-boundary'
'ctrl-right': 'editor:move-to-next-subword-boundary'
'ctrl-shift-left': 'editor:select-to-previous-subword-boundary'
'ctrl-shift-right': 'editor:select-to-next-subword-boundary'
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"version": "1.3.0",
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"version": "0.18.0"
"name": "spell-check",
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"name": "tab-foldername-index",
"version": "3.3.0"
"name": "tabs",
"version": "0.109.2"
"name": "teletype",
"version": "0.13.3"
"name": "timecop",
"version": "0.36.2"
"name": "toggle-quotes",
"version": "1.1.3"
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"version": "0.224.5"
"name": "tree-view-copy-relative-path",
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"version": "0.13.1"
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"version": "0.37.7"
"name": "wrap-guide",
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"Remote-FTP": {
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"quoteCharacters": "'`\""
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"welcome": {
"showOnStartup": false
# Your snippets
# Atom snippets allow you to enter a simple prefix in the editor and hit tab to
# expand the prefix into a larger code block with templated values.
# You can create a new snippet in this file by typing "snip" and then hitting
# tab.
# An example CoffeeScript snippet to expand log to console.log:
# '':
# 'Console log':
# 'prefix': 'log'
# 'body': 'console.log $1'
# Each scope (e.g. '' above) can only be declared once.
# This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON).
# If you are unfamiliar with CSON, you can read more about it in the
# Atom Flight Manual:
# JS
'Table of contents':
'prefix': 'toc'
'body': """
- ${2:Global}
'prefix': 'sec'
'body': """
- ${1:Global}
'prefix': 'console'
'body': 'console.log($1);$0'
'require()' :
'prefix': 'require'
'body': 'require(\'$1\');$0'
'import' :
'prefix': 'import'
'body': 'import ${1:Component} from \'${2:./}${1:Component}\';'
'export' :
'prefix': 'export'
'body': """
const ${1:Component} = ${2:props} => (
export default ${1:Component};"""
'react' :
'prefix': 'react'
'body': """
class ${1:Component} extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
export default ${1:Component};"""
'import style react' :
'prefix': 'style'
'body': 'import style from \'${1:./}style.scss\';'
'function ()' :
'prefix': 'function'
'body': """
function ($1) {
'import link next' :
'prefix': 'link'
'body': 'import Link from \'next/link\';'
'prefix': 'import'
'body': 'import { $2 } from \'$1\''
'prefix': 'sec'
'body': """
- ${1:Global}
'Table of contents':
'prefix': 'toc'
'body': """
- ${2:Global}
'prefix': 'webkit-overflow-scrolling;'
'body': '-webkit-overflow-scrolling: ${0:touch};'
'prefix': 'sec'
'body': """
- ${1:Global}
'prefix': 'pseudo'
'body': """
&::before, &::after {
content: '';
'prefix': 'before'
'body': """
&::before {
'prefix': 'after'
'body': """
&::after {
'prefix': 'hover'
'body': """
&:hover {
'prefix': 'last-child'
'body': """
&:last-child {
'prefix': 'first-child'
'body': """
&:first-child {
'prefix': 'nth-child'
'body': """
&:nth-child($1) {
'prefix': 'global'
'body': """
:global {
'prefix': 'currentColor'
'body': 'currentColor'
'prefix': 'rotate'
'body': 'transform: rotate($0deg);'
'prefix': 'tr'
'body': 'transition: ${0:.2s};'
'prefix': 'trx'
'body': 'transform: translateX($0);'
'prefix': 'try'
'body': 'transform: translateY($0);'
'prefix': 'scale'
'body': 'transform: scale($0);'
'prefix': 'scalex'
'body': 'transform: scaleX($0);'
'prefix': 'scaley'
'body': 'transform: scaleY($0);'
'prefix': 'import'
'body': '@import \'${1:variables}\';$0'
'display flex':
'prefix': 'df'
'body': 'display: flex;'
'prefix': 'breakpoint'
'body': """
@include breakPoint {
'prefix': 'mobileOnly'
'body': """
@include mobileOnly {
'prefix': 'untilTablet'
'body': """
@include untilTablet {
'prefix': 'tablet'
'body': """
@include tablet {
'prefix': 'untilLaptop'
'body': """
@include untilLaptop {
'prefix': 'laptop'
'body': """
@include laptop {
'prefix': 'laptops'
'body': """
@include laptopS {
'prefix': 'untilLaptops'
'body': """
@include untilLaptopS {
'prefix': 'untilDesktop'
'body': """
@include untilDesktop {
'prefix': 'desktop'
'body': """
@include desktop {
'prefix': 'transitionfull'
'body': """
transition: {
property: ${1:opacity, transform};
duration: ${2:.2s};
'prefix': 'property'
'body': 'property: $0;'
'full html & body':
'prefix': 'htmlbody'
'body': """
html {
height: 100%;
body {
position: relative;
min-height: 100%;
padding-bottom: ${1:50}px;
box-sizing: border-box;
overflow-y: scroll;
* Your Stylesheet
* This stylesheet is loaded when Atom starts up and is reloaded automatically
* when it is changed and saved.
* Add your own CSS or Less to fully customize Atom.
* If you are unfamiliar with Less, you can read more about it here:
* Examples
* (To see them, uncomment and save)
// style the background color of the tree view
.tree-view {
background-color: #232830;
// style the background and foreground colors on the atom-text-editor-element itself
atom-text-editor {
// color: white;
background-color: #2b303b;
// To style other content in the text editor's shadow DOM, use the ::shadow expression
atom-text-editor::shadow .cursor {
// border-color: red;
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