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Last active August 30, 2020 13:35
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sudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install yum-utils -y
sudo yum-config-manager --enable remi-php72 -y
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install php72 -y
sudo yum install php72-php-bcmath php72-php-ctype php72-php-curl php72-php-dom php72-php-gd php72-php-hash php72-php-iconv php72-php-intl php72-php-mbstring php72-php-openssl php72-php-pdo_mysql php72-php-simplexml php72-php-soap php72-php-xsl php72-php-pecl-zip php72-php-pecl-redis php72-php-fpm php72-php-json php72-php-mbstring php72-php-mysqlnd php72-php-xml php72-php-xmlrpc php72-php-opcache -y
sudo yum install httpd -y
sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo yum install vim -y
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