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Created August 24, 2020 03:24
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class BahdanauAttention(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, units):
super(BahdanauAttention, self).__init__()
self.W1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units)
self.W2 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(units)
self.V = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)
def call(self, query, values):
# query hidden state shape == (batch_size, hidden size)
# query_with_time_axis shape == (batch_size, 1, hidden size)
# values shape == (batch_size, max_len, hidden size)
# we are doing this to broadcast addition along the time axis to calculate the score
query_with_time_axis = tf.expand_dims(query, 1)
# score shape == (batch_size, max_length, 1)
# we get 1 at the last axis because we are applying score to self.V
# the shape of the tensor before applying self.V is (batch_size, max_length, units)
score = self.V(tf.nn.tanh(
self.W1(query_with_time_axis) + self.W2(values)))
# attention_weights shape == (batch_size, max_length, 1)
attention_weights = tf.nn.softmax(score, axis=1)
# context_vector shape after sum == (batch_size, hidden_size)
context_vector = attention_weights * values
context_vector = tf.reduce_sum(context_vector, axis=1)
return context_vector, attention_weights
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