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Forked from jmdeldin/edges.R
Created March 7, 2022 19:57
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## Jon-Michael Deldin
## Pattern Recognition
## Edge Detection
## Spring 2013
## ------
## Rscript edges.R
## ------------
## You'll need to install the libtiff-dev package on Linux and then install
## the biOps package in R:
## install.packages('biOps')
## clear existing vars
rm(list = ls(all=TRUE))
## VIOLET ##
violet <- readJpeg(system.file("samples", "violet.jpg", package="biOps"))
plotSobel(violet, 'violet-sobel-white.jpg')
plotCanny(violet, 'violet-canny.jpg')
maybeDownload('data/lenna.jpg', '')
rgb <- readJpeg('data/lenna.jpg')
greyImg <- imgRGB2Grey(rgb)
plotImage(greyImg, 'lenna.jpg')
lpMask <- getLaplacianMask(5)
lpImg <- applyMask(lpMask, greyImg)
plotImage(lpImg, 'lenna-laplacian.jpg')
## quantiles for a 5x5 matrix
qVals <- distanceFromCenter(2)
## gaussian weights with a stddev of 1.4
blurMask <- round(15 * gaussWeights(qVals, 1.4))
## normalize the weights by the sum of the values
blurMask <- blurMask/sum(blurMask)
smoothedImg <- applyMask(blurMask, greyImg)
plotImage(smoothedImg, 'lenna-gaussian.jpg')
smoothedLpImg <- applyMask(lpMask, smoothedImg)
plotImage(smoothedLpImg, 'lenna-gaussian-laplacian.jpg')
higherThresholdImg <- applyMask(lpMask, smoothedImg, lower=100)
plotImage(higherThresholdImg, 'lenna-gaussian-100.jpg')
## CANNY ##
plotImage(imgCanny(greyImg, 1.4), 'lenna-canny.jpg')
## Jon-Michael Deldin
## Pattern Recognition
## Edge Detection: Functions
## Spring 2013
## plot sobel detection with a white background
plotSobel <- function(image, filename) {
plotImage(imgNegative(imgSobel(image)), filename)
## plot canny detection with a stddev of 1.4
plotCanny <- function(image, filename, stddev=1.4) {
plotImage(imgCanny(image, stddev, 1, 255), filename)
## Returns the midpoint
getCenter <- function(size) {
## Returns a Laplacian convolution mask of a given size.
getLaplacianMask <- function(size) {
mask <- matrix(-1, size, size)
center <- getCenter(size)
mask[center, center] <- size * size - 1
## first two rows, last two rows, and anything that will put us out of bounds
isBoundary <- function(coord, maxBorder, interval) {
bad <- coord == 1 || coord == 2 || coord == maxBorder - 2 || coord == maxBorder
out <- (coord + interval - 1) > maxBorder
## printf("...coord = %d, maxb = %d, interval=%d", coord, maxBorder, interval)
return(bad || out)
## Normalize the color values
normalize <- function(x, upper, lower) {
if (x > upper) { 255 }
else if (x < lower) { 0 }
else { x }
## Apply a convolution mask to an image
applyMask <- function(mask, imageData, upper=255, lower=0) {
print("Applying mask...")
interval <- ncol(mask)
numRows <- nrow(imageData)
numCols <- ncol(imageData)
copy <- imageData
for (row in 1:numRows) {
for (col in 1:numCols) {
## if we're looking at one of the ignoreable zones, just zero out the pixel
if (isBoundary(row, numRows, interval) || isBoundary(col, numCols, interval)) {
copy[row, col] <- 0
} else {
## otherwise, do convolution
slice <- imageData[row:(row+interval-1), col:(col+interval-1)]
## highlight low-intensity edges near white
pixel <- upper - normalize(sum(mask * slice), upper, lower)
copy[row, col] <- pixel
## Distance between two points
distance <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)
## return a square distance matrix from a center point
distanceFromCenter <- function(distFromCenter) {
n <- distFromCenter * 2 + 1
mat <- matrix(ncol=n, nrow=n)
center <- getCenter(n)
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in 1:n) {
mat[i, j] <- distance(i, j, center, center)
## Returns the approximate Gaussian weights for a given radius and stddev
gaussWeights <- function(r, sigma) {
exp(-(r**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
## z <- applyMask(GWs/sum(GWs), greyImg)
## zi <- z
## plot(applyMask(lpmask, zi, lower=100))
## Handy utilities to share across assignments.
## create the directory to download the data (like `mkdir -p` on *nix)
mkdirp <- function(directory) {
dir.create(directory, recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)
## download a file if it doesn't exist
maybeDownload <- function(filename, url) {
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
download.file(url, filename)
## drop a specific element from a list
dropElement <- function(elt, lst) {
lst[-which(lst == elt)]
## runs lda() and returns an LDA object
getLda <- function(data, train, classes, tolerance) {
return(lda(data[train,], classes[train], tol=tolerance))
## returns both projections
projectLda <- function(data, ldaObj) {
mat <- as.matrix(data)
first <- mat %*% ldaObj$scaling[,1]
second <- mat %*% ldaObj$scaling[,2]
return(list(first=first, second=second))
## Prints a formatted string
printf <- function(str, ...) {
cat(sprintf(str, ...), "\n")
## Returns the Euclidean distance between two columns
eucDist <- function(x1, x2) {
sqrt(sum((x1 - x2) ^ 2))
## sets the initial width, height, and margins
initPlot <- function(bottom=2.5, left=2.5, top=0.5, right=0.1) {
X11(width=4, height=4)
par(mar=c(bottom, left, top, right), mgp=c(1.5, .5, 0))
## save the plot to PDF
savePlot <- function(filename, type=pdf) {
dev.copy(type, paste('fig/', filename, sep=''))
## set sane defaults for plotting an image
initImagePlot <- function() {
## save a plot as a JPEG
saveJpeg <- function(filename) {
savePlot(filename, jpeg)
## plot an imagedata() instance
plotImage <- function(image, filename) {
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