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Last active April 8, 2020 09:34
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INT 203 - DB 1
-- 19 / SEP / 2018
select p.* , o.fname||' '||o.lname as name
from Propertyforrent p inner join Privateowner o on p.ownerno = o.ownerno;
select s.staffno, s.fname, s.lname as name,
from staff s inner join branch b on s.branchno = b.branchno;
select c.fname, c.lname
from client c join viewing v on c.clientno = v.clientno
group by c.clientno, c.fname, c.lname
having count(v.viewdate) > 1;
select c.clientno, c.fname, v.propertyno, v.viewdate
from client c left outer join viewing v on c.clientno = v.clientno;
select s.fname, p.propertyno
from staff s left outer join propertyforrent p on s.staffno = p.staffno;
select p.propertyno, v.viewdate
from propertyforrent p left join viewing v on p.propertyno = v.propertyno
join staff s on s.staffno = p.staffno
join branch b on s.branchno = b.branchno
where v.viewdate is null and b.street like '%22 Deer%';
select staffno
from staff
select staffno
from Propertyforrent;
select fname, lname
from staff
select fname, lname
from client
select fname, lname
from privateowner;
select propertyno
from propertyforrent
select propertyno
from viewing;
(select city
from branch
select city
from propertyforrent)
(select city
from branch
select city
from propertyforrent);
select s2.fname, s2.position, s2.salary
from staff s1 cross join staff s2
where s1.fname = 'Julie' and s1.salary = s2.salary;
select fname, position, salary
from staff
where salary = (select salary from staff where fname = 'Julie');
select s2.fname, s2.position, s2.salary
from staff s1 cross join staff s2
where s1.fname = 'Julie' and s1.salary < s2.salary;
select s.fname,
from staff s join branch b on s.branchno = b.branchno
where = 'London';
select fname
from staff
where branchno in
(select branchno
from branch
where city = 'London');
select s.fname, p.rooms
from staff s join propertyforrent p on s.staffno = p.staffno
where p.rooms = 3;
select fname
from staff
where staffno in
(select staffno
from propertyforrent
where rooms = 3);
select p.propertyno
from propertyforrent p join privateowner o on p.ownerno = o.ownerno
where o.telno like '012%';
select propertyno
from propertyforrent
where ownerno in
(select ownerno
from privateowner
where telno like '012%');
select b.branchno, s.staffno
from branch b left join staff s on b.branchno = s.branchno
where s.staffno is null;
select branchno from branch
select branchno from staff;
select branchno from branch
where branchno not in (
select branchno from staff);
select s.fname, s.salary
from staff s join branch b on s.branchno = b.branchno
where salary < (select avg(salary) from staff)
and = 'Glasgow';
select s.fname, s.branchno, s.salary, avgSalary.av
from staff s join (select branchno,
avg(salary) av
from staff group by branchno) avgSalary on s.branchno = avgSalary.branchno
where s.salary > avgSalary.av;
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