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Last active November 27, 2020 08:56
FILE: /Users/nailbiter/Documents/datawise/alex_python_toolbox/alex_python_toolbox/
USAGE: (not intended to be directly executed)
DESCRIPTION: implementation of Welzl's algorithm ('s_algorithm) on sphere
BUGS: ---
NOTES: ---
AUTHOR: Alex Leontiev (
CREATED: 2020-11-20T20:08:01.309305
import numpy as np
import logging
import random
def _circumscribed_triangle(a, b, c):
input : a,b,c points in $\\mathbb{R}^3$ space, each as 3-tuple of coordinates
a, b, c = (np.array(x) for x in (a, b, c))
normal_vector = np.cross(a-b, a-c)
d1, d2 = (np.cross(normal_vector, a-x) for x in (b, c))
p1, p2 = ((a+x)/2 for x in (b, c))
m = np.array([d1, -d2])
if np.linalg.det(m[:, :-1]) == 0:
m = m[:, 1:]
rhs = (p2-p1)[1:]
m = m[:, :-1]
rhs = (p2-p1)[:-1]
if np.linalg.det(m) == 0:
min_pt, max_pt = [np.array(
[f([x[i] for x in [a, b, c]]) for i in range(3)]) for f in [np.min, np.max]]
return list((min_pt+max_pt)/2)
xy = np.linalg.solve(m.transpose(), rhs)
return list(xy[0]*d1+p1)
def _s2_to_r3(theta, phi, r=1, phi_theta_in_degrees=False):
if phi_theta_in_degrees:
phi, theta = [x*np.pi/180.0 for x in [phi, theta]]
assert 0 <= theta <= np.pi
assert 0 <= phi <= 2*np.pi
assert r >= 0
# formula taken from
return (r*np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi), r*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi), r*np.cos(theta))
def _r3_to_s2(x, y, z, phi_theta_in_degrees=False):
return (theta,phi,r)
r = np.linalg.norm(np.array([x, y, z]))
assert r > 0
theta, phi = (np.arccos(z/r), np.arctan2(y, x))
if phi_theta_in_degrees:
theta, phi = [x*180.0/np.pi for x in [theta, phi]]
logger = logging.getLogger("_r3_to_s2")"{(x,y,z)} => {theta,phi,r}")
return (theta, phi, r)
def _circumscribed_triangle_on_s2(a, b, c, phi_theta_in_degrees=False):
input: a,b,c points on $\\mathbb{S}^2$, each as a 2-tuple (theta,phi) in radians or degrees
return (theta,phi)
if phi_theta_in_degrees:
a, b, c = [np.deg2rad(x) for x in [a, b, c]]
res = _circumscribed_triangle(*[_s2_to_r3(*x) for x in [a, b, c]])
theta, phi, _ = _r3_to_s2(*res)
if phi_theta_in_degrees:
theta, phi = [np.rad2deg(x) for x in [theta, phi]]
return (theta, phi)
def __pseudo_s2_distance(a, b):
p1, p2 = [np.array(_s2_to_r3(*x)) for x in [a, b]]
return np.linalg.norm(p1-p2)
def _welzl(P, R):
if len(P) == 0:
if len(R) == 0:
return None, -1
elif len(R) == 1:
return R[0], 0
elif len(R) == 2:
p1, p2 = [np.array(_s2_to_r3(theta, phi)) for theta, phi in R]
res = _r3_to_s2(*((p1+p2)/2))[:2]
return res, __pseudo_s2_distance(res, R[0])
res = _circumscribed_triangle_on_s2(*R[:3])
# FIXME: need to check other points?
return res, __pseudo_s2_distance(res, R[0])
pt_i = random.choice(range(len(P)))
P_ = [pt for i, pt in enumerate(P) if i != pt_i]
c, r = _welzl(P_, R)
pt = P[pt_i]
if c is not None and __pseudo_s2_distance(pt, c) <= r:
return c, r
return _welzl(P_, R+[pt])
def minimal_circle_on_s2(pts, phi_theta_in_degrees=False):
input: pts=[pt1,pt2,...ptN], where ptI=(theta,phi)
return: (theta,phi)
remark: lat = 90-theta, lon = phi
if phi_theta_in_degrees:
pts = [np.deg2rad(pt) for pt in pts]
(theta, phi), _ = _welzl(pts, [])
if phi_theta_in_degrees:
theta, phi = [np.rad2deg(x) for x in [theta, phi]]
return theta, phi
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