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Last active December 18, 2015 17:09
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Comparing execution time of in-place and immutable implementation of insertion sort in Python 3
import random
import timeit
import json
def insertion_sort(items):
"""Insertion Sort: In place list modification"""
for i in range(1, len(items)):
key = items[i]
j = i - 1
while j >= 0:
if items[j] > key:
items[j+1] = items[j]
j -= 1
items[j+1] = key
return items
def insertion_sort2(items):
"""Insertion Sort: Returning copies of list and using recursion"""
def insert(key, sorted_items):
for i, x in enumerate(sorted_items):
if key < x:
return sorted_items[:i] + [key] + sorted_items[i:]
return sorted_items + [key]
def iterate(i, result):
if i == (len(items)-1):
return insert(items[i], result)
return iterate(i+1, insert(items[i], result))
return iterate(1, items[:1])
def shuffled(items):
items = list(items)
return items
def compare_timit(f):
nums = [10] + list(range(50, 1000, 50)) + [990] # > 990 results in max recursion depth exceeded...
timings = {}
for i in nums:
stmt = '{func}(shuffled(range({size})))'.format(func=f.__name__, size=i)
setup = 'from __main__ import shuffled, {func}'.format(func=f.__name__)
time = timeit.timeit(stmt, setup=setup, number=1000)
timings[i] = time
return timings
if __name__ == '__main__':
inplace = compare_timit(insertion_sort)
immutable = compare_timit(insertion_sort2)
with open('timings.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump({'inplace': inplace, 'immutable': immutable}, f, indent=4)
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot():
with open('timings.json') as f:
timings = json.load(f)
inplace = OrderedDict(sorted((int(k), float(v)) for k, v in timings['inplace'].iteritems()))
immutable = OrderedDict(sorted((int(k), float(v)) for k, v in timings['immutable'].iteritems()))
plt.title('Insertion Sort')
plt.plot(inplace.keys(), inplace.values(), 'b-', immutable.keys(), immutable.values(), 'r-')
plt.legend(('By inplace list modification', 'By returning copies of list'), 'upper left')
plt.axis([0, 990, 0, 80])
plt.ylabel('Python timeit with n=1000 (sec)')
plt.xlabel('Length of list')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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