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Created November 11, 2013 04:37
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Save nairteashop/7407932 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple Motion JPEG server in python for creating "virtual cameras" from video sequences.
# A simple Motion JPEG server in python for creating "virtual cameras" from video sequences.
# The cameras will support MJPEG streaming over HTTP. The MJPEG streams are formed from static JPEG images.
# If you wish to stream a video file, use a tool like VirtualDub to break the video into a sequence of JPEGs.
# The list of cameras should be defined as a series of entries in a file named 'mjpeg-server.conf', with
# each entry having the following format:
# [Camera-1]
# images: /tmp/video-1/frames
# port: 8001
# maxfps: 10
# The above entry creates a virtual camera named "Camera-1" on local port 8001. The .jpg files found in the
# "/tmp/video-1/frames" directory will be served as an MJPEG stream with a max speed of 10 fps. You can access
# this stream from any MJPEG client (such as your browser) at: http://<server ip>:8001
# Copyright (c) 2013 Arun Nair (
# Licensed under the MIT license.
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
from threading import Thread
import ConfigParser
import logging
import time
import os
class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
# Get client info
client = self.client_address
# Get the port the client connected to
port = self.server.server_port
# Get the image files corresponding to this port
imageDir = SERVERS[port]["images"]
imageFiles = os.listdir( imageDir )
# Get the min intra frame delay
maxFPS = SERVERS[port]["maxfps"]
if maxFPS == 0:
minDelay = 0
minDelay = 1.0 / maxFPS "Serving client %s:%s from port %s at %s fps", client[0], client[1], port, maxFPS )
# Send headers
self.send_response( 200 )
self.send_header( "Cache-Control", "no-cache" )
self.send_header( "Pragma", "no-cache" )
self.send_header( "Connection", "close" )
self.send_header( "Content-Type", "multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=--myboundary" )
o = self.wfile
# Send image files in a loop
lastFrameTime = 0
while True:
for imageFile in imageFiles:
f = open( os.path.join(imageDir, imageFile) )
contents =
# Wait if required so we stay under the max FPS
if lastFrameTime != 0:
now = time.time()
delay = now - lastFrameTime
if delay < minDelay:
logging.debug( "Waiting for ", (minDelay - delay) )
time.sleep( minDelay - delay )
logging.debug( "Serving frame %s", imageFile )
o.write( "--myboundary\r\n" )
o.write( "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n" )
o.write( "Content-Length: %s\r\n" % len(contents) )
o.write( "\r\n" )
o.write( contents )
o.write( "\r\n" )
except: "Done serving client %s:%s from port %s", client[0], client[1], port )
lastFrameTime = time.time() "Re-looping for client %s:%s from port %s", client[0], client[1], port )
class ThreadingHTTPServer( ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer ):
def startServer( port ):
def target( port ):
server = ThreadingHTTPServer( ("",port), RequestHandler )
t = Thread( target=target, args=[port] )
if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(name)s] %(message)s" )
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() "mjpeg-server.conf" )
for section in config.sections():
images = config.get( section, "images" )
port = config.getint( section, "port" )
maxfps = config.getint( section, "maxfps" )
SERVERS[port] = { "images": images, "maxfps": maxfps }
startServer( port ) "Serving '%s' on port %s" % (section, port) )
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