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Created December 6, 2020 10:06
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Deep Linking Push Notifications with React Navigation #0
// Simple scenario without nested routes, without path parameters
function App() {
const navigation = useNavigation();
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const [initialRoute, setInitialRoute] = useState('Home');
useEffect(() => {
// Assume a message-notification contains a "type" property in the data payload of the screen to open
messaging().onNotificationOpenedApp(remoteMessage => {
'Notification caused app to open from background state:',
// Check whether an initial notification is available
.then(remoteMessage => {
if (remoteMessage) {
'Notification caused app to open from quit state:',
setInitialRoute(; // e.g. "Settings"
}, []);
if (loading) {
return null;
return (
<Stack.Navigator initialRouteName={initialRoute}>
<Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
<Stack.Screen name="Settings" component={SettingsScreen} />
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