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Last active November 7, 2022 15:32
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Kotlin ternary operator


Kotlin is very expressive language, but like Scala it lacks of ternary operator. Currently language provided alternative if looks a bit verbose.

val result = if (myExpression) 1 else 2

Compared to a classical Java or C++ variant

int result = myExpression ? 1 : 2

Unlike Scala, Kotlin allows only fixed names for operators, so we cant fully reproduce classic syntax, but we can have something similar

val result = myExpression % 1 / 2

If you want to use complex boolean expression, you can wrap it in braces

val result = (a == null && b > 5) % 1 / 2

The impcat I see here is temporaty object creation, probably inline can't help.

class Ternary<T>(private val expr: Boolean, private val then: T) {
infix operator fun div(elze: T): T = if (expr) then else elze
infix operator fun <T> Boolean.rem(a: T): Ternary<T> = Ternary(this, a)
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