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Created July 7, 2013 18:54
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this function will take emails objects and loop through them to create html page listing.
function EmailLogReport ($mails, $filepath)
$file = $filepath
$mails = $mails | sort ReceivedTime -Descending
$hHeader = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><link href='screenLog.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /></head><body>"
$hHeader >> $file
"<div class='mails'>" >> $file
foreach($mail in $mails)
$divC = "</div>"
$mH = "<div class='mail'><div class= 'head'>"
$bodyh = "<div class='message'>"
$mH >> $file
$counter = ($counter + 1)
$counterH = "<p class='counter hItem'>#" + $counter + ". </p>"
write-host $counterH
$counterH >> $file
$subject = "<p class='hItem subject'>subject = " + $mail.subject + "</p>"
write-host $subject
$subject >> $file
$from = "<p class='hItem from'>From = " + $mail.SenderEmailAddress + "</p>"
write-host $from
$from >> $file
$received = "<p class='hItem ReceivedTime'>Received at = " + $mail.ReceivedTime + "</p>"
write-host $received
$received >> $file
$to = "<p class='hItem to'>To = " + $mail.To + "</p>"
write-host $to
$to >> $file
$cc = "<p class='hItem cc'>CC = " + $ + "</p>"
write-host $cc
$cc >> $file
$bcc = "<p class='hItem bcc'>BCC = " + $mail.bcc + "</p>"
write-host $bcc
$bcc >> $file
$divC >> $file
write-host "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
write-host ""
$bodyh >> $file
#$body = "<div class='body'>" + $mail.body + "</div>"
#write-host $body
#$body >> $file
$body = "<div class='body'>" + $mail.HTMLBody + "</div>"
write-host $body
$body >> $file
$divc >> $file
$divc >> $file
write-host ""
write-host "**************************************************************************************************************"
write-host ""
"</div>" >> $file
$hfooter = "</html></body>"
write-host "end"
EmailLogReport $myLog "d:\jul13.html"
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