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Last active September 15, 2022 07:49
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Redis Configuration
Follow this instractions
1. Install usig WSL (This step only for windows machine)
Windows Subsystem Linux:
2. check distribution
3. install redis
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis
4. run redis server
5. open new terminal, access the redis cli
1. open new terminal, access the redis cli
Handling with strings - SET / GET
SET name najathi
GET name
SET aga 25
get age
# delete
DEL age
# check
# list all keys
# flush all keys
expiration - TTL
# check expiration, -1 means no expiration
ttl name
# make expire 10 seconds
SET name najathi
expire name 10
ttl name
setex name 10 najathi
ttl name
Handling with array - LPUSH / RPUSH
# create friends array
lpush friends programming
lpush friends DSA
rpush friends computer
# get
lrange friends 0 -1
# remove item by FIFO
LPOP friends
# remove item by LILO
RPOP friends
Handling with unique array - SADD
# add
SADD hobbies "weight lifting"
# list
SMEMBERS hobbies
# remove
SREM hobbies "weight lifting"
Handling with object - HSET
# add
HSET person name najathi
HSET person age 25
# list
HGETALL person
# delete
HDEL person age
#exsists, it returns 1 is true, otherwise false.
HEXISTS person name
HEXISTS person age
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