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How to use KFServing on OpenShift

How to use KFServing on OpenShift

Step 1. Install OpenShift Service Mesh

NOTE: This instruction documentation does not use Istio. But KFServing controller controls VirtualService so we must install it. Please refer to kfserving/issues/1336 for the detail.

There is no special step to install OpenShift Service Mesh for KFServing. We just follow the servicemesh installation documentation.

Install each operator by following the sections:

After that, you can create a namespaace and Istio Control Plane.

e.g. create istio-system namespace and deploy control plane.

$ oc new-project istio-system

$ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: ServiceMeshControlPlane
  name: basic
  namespace: istio-system
  version: v2.0

The Istio pods are running.

$ oc get pod -n istio-system
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-588b445894-5cnps                2/2     Running   0          3m37s
istio-egressgateway-85fdc5b466-rw842    1/1     Running   0          3m37s
istio-ingressgateway-844f785b79-pznz6   1/1     Running   0          3m38s
istiod-basic-57487b4974-ghb7d           1/1     Running   0          4m49s
jaeger-7f9bbbff5f-xp6mg                 2/2     Running   0          3m38s
kiali-c64dcccd6-7q742                   1/1     Running   0          2m41s
prometheus-69555fcf46-l5lxp             3/3     Running   0          4m7s

Once again, Istio is not used in this instruction. So the installation of Istio is not important.

Step 2.Install OpenShift Serverless

Next we will install OpenShift serverless. OpenShift serverless also does not need any additional steps. We can follow the documentation.

Install serverless-operator by following the section:

Then, install Knative Serving by creating a simple CustomResource.

$ cat <<EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: KnativeServing
    name: knative-serving
    namespace: knative-serving

Once you created the KnativeServing CustomResource, Knative system pods start running in knative-serving namespace.

$ oc get pod -n knative-serving
NAME                                                     READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
activator-7b949bfc7d-p5z2g                               1/1     Running     0          57s
activator-7b949bfc7d-ppmlp                               1/1     Running     0          42s
autoscaler-699dff8cff-pg726                              1/1     Running     0          56s
autoscaler-hpa-68bfdb86ff-w5st2                          1/1     Running     0          54s
autoscaler-hpa-68bfdb86ff-xzf78                          1/1     Running     0          54s
controller-6d76c6cddb-6nhzs                              1/1     Running     0          55s
controller-6d76c6cddb-qksrb                              1/1     Running     0          37s
storage-version-migration-serving-serving-0.18.2-s7mkw   0/1     Completed   0          54s
webhook-7478668bc4-hbt46                                 1/1     Running     0          55s

Step 3. Install KFServing

Let's deploy KFServing now. This instruction uses the latest v0.5.0-rc2.

$ git clone
$ cd kfserving
$ oc apply -f install/v0.5.0-rc2/kfserving.yaml

oc apply command generates the following errors because we did not install cert-manager. You can ignore the error as we don't use it.

unable to recognize "install/v0.5.0-rc2/kfserving.yaml": no matches for kind "Certificate" in version ""
unable to recognize "install/v0.5.0-rc2/kfserving.yaml": no matches for kind "Issuer" in version ""

After deployed, kfserving-controller-manager pod is deployed with ContainerCreating status. ContainerCreating could be fixed by deploying certificate in the next step.

$ oc get pod -n kfserving-system
NAME                             READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
kfserving-controller-manager-0   0/2     ContainerCreating   0          82s

Step 4. Generate certificates

cert-manager is one of the requirement of KFServing but OpenShift have an altenative feature to generate certificates. We will add annotation to generate the certificates.

First create certificates for kfserving-controller-manager.

$ oc annotate svc -n kfserving-system kfserving-webhook-server-service

Above annotation crate kfserving-webhook-server-cert secret so kfserving-controller-manager-0 pod should start running. It may take a few minutes so please be patient or recreate the pod.

$ oc get pod -n kfserving-system
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kfserving-controller-manager-0   2/2     Running   0          2m37s

Then you also need to add annotation to custom resource and webhookconfiguration to inject CA.

$ oc annotate crd
$ oc annotate mutatingwebhookconfiguration
$ oc annotate validatingwebhookconfiguration

This is an OpenShift magic. Please refer to Securing service traffic using service serving certificate secrets for the detail.

Step 5. Test KFServing samples

Finally you can use KFServing. KFServing has some samples so let's play with it.

$ oc new-project demo

For example, let's use lightgbm.

$ cd docs/samples/v1beta1/lightgbm

$ oc apply -f lightgbm.yaml

$ oc get ksvc
NAME                              URL                                                                                       LATESTCREATED                           LATESTREADY                             READY   REASON
lightgbm-iris-predictor-default   lightgbm-iris-predictor-default-00002   lightgbm-iris-predictor-default-00002   True

We can access to the ksvc URL.

$ MODEL_NAME=lightgbm-iris
$ INPUT_PATH=@./iris-input.json
$ URL=`oc get ksvc lightgbm-iris-predictor-default -o jsonpath='{.status.url}'`
$ curl $URL/v1/models/$MODEL_NAME:predict -d $INPUT_PATH
{"predictions": [[0.9999378629898321, 4.415799218835629e-05, 1.797901797954119e-05]]}

NOTE We cannot access the URL in isvc because we don't use Istio.

$ oc get isvc
NAME            URL                                                                     READY   PREV   LATEST   PREVROLLEDOUTREVISION   LATESTREADYREVISION                     AGE
lightgbm-iris   True           100                              lightgbm-iris-predictor-default-00002   2m30s
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