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Created August 31, 2016 08:45
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Azure Cloud Backupの実行結果確認通知(メール)
# Azure Cloud Backupの実行結果確認通知(メール)
# 基本設定
$from = ""
$to = ""
$password = "xxxx"
$smtp = ""
$port = "587"
# 当日のイベントログ取得
$events = Get-WinEvent CloudBackup | ?{ $_.TimeCreated.ToString("yyyyMMdd") -eq [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")}
# 件名の編集
$status = "正常"
$events | ?{ $_.LevelDisplayName -eq "警告" } | %{ $status="警告" }
$events | ?{ $_.LevelDisplayName -eq "エラー" } | %{ $status="エラー" }
$subject = "【${status}】AzureBackup結果通知"
# 本文の編集
$body = "{0,-19} {1,2} {2,-16} {3}`n" -f "TimeCreated","Id","LevelDisplayName","Message"
$events | %{ $body += "{0,-19} {1,2} {2,-16} {3}`n" -f $_.TimeCreated,$_.Id,$_.LevelDisplayName,$_.Message }
# メール送信
$sc = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($smtp, $port)
$sc.Credentials = New-Object Net.NetworkCredential($from, $password)
$sc.Send($from, $to, $subject, $body)
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