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Last active December 10, 2015 19:48
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チューリングを読む p.129
// .01000000...
type Symbol =
| None
| Str of string
| Num of int
type Op =
| P of Symbol
| R
type state =
| B
| C
| D
| E
| F
let P0 = P(Num 0)
let P1 = P(Num 1)
let states =
Map.ofList [
(B, None), ([P0; R], C)
(C, None), ([R], D)
(D, None), ([P1; R], E)
(E, None), ([R], F)
(F, None), ([P0; R], E)]
let tapeSize = 20
let tape = Array.create tapeSize None
let mutable pos = 0
let showTape() =
|> (function
| None -> "_"
| Str x -> x
| Num x -> string x)
|> Array.iter (printf "%s")
printfn ""
let readSymbol() =
if pos < 0 || pos >= tape.Length then
pos |> string |> failwith
let writeSymbol symbol =
if pos < 0 || pos >= tape.Length then
pos |> string |> failwith
tape.[pos] <- symbol
let rec run state =
if pos < tape.Length then
let symbol = readSymbol()
match Map.tryFind (state, symbol) states with
| Some(opList, newState) ->
for op in opList do
match op with
| P symbol -> writeSymbol symbol
| R -> pos <- pos + 1
run newState
| _ ->
failwith (string state)
run B
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