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Last active December 12, 2015 09:49
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(* see *)
module XList
open NUnit.Framework
open FsCheck
let fsCheck testable =
Check.QuickThrowOnFailure testable
// shuffle an array (in-place)
let shuffle a =
let rand = new System.Random()
let swap (a: _[]) x y =
let tmp = a.[x]
a.[x] <- a.[y]
a.[y] <- tmp
Array.iteri (fun i _ -> swap a i (rand.Next(i, Array.length a))) a
let isEqualTo expected actual =
if expected <> actual then
failwithf "expected:\n%A\nactual:\n%A" expected actual
(* ('State -> 'T -> 'State) -> 'State -> 'T list -> 'State *)
let fold folder state list =
let rec loop xs state =
match xs with
| [] -> state
| h :: t -> loop t (folder state h)
loop list state
let ``test fold``() =
fsCheck <| fun x (list: int list) ->
fold (+) x list = List.fold (+) x list
(* ('T -> 'State -> 'State) -> 'T list -> 'State -> 'State *)
let foldBack folder list state =
let rec loop xs cont =
match xs with
| [] -> cont state
| h :: t -> loop t (fun state -> cont (folder h state))
loop list id
let ``test foldBack``() =
let folder = fun x s -> 2 * (x + s)
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) x ->
foldBack folder list x = List.foldBack folder list x
(* ('T -> 'T -> 'T) -> 'T list -> 'T *)
let reduce reduction list =
match list with
| [] -> invalidArg "list" "empty"
| h :: t -> fold reduction h t
let ``test reduce``() =
fsCheck <| fun (xs : int list) ->
not (List.isEmpty xs) ==> lazy (reduce (+) xs = List.reduce (+) xs)
(* ('T -> 'T -> 'T) -> 'T list -> 'T *)
let reduceBack reduction list =
let rec loop xs cont =
match xs with
| [] -> invalidArg "list" "empty"
| [x] -> cont x
| h :: t -> loop t (fun state -> cont (reduction h state))
loop list id
let ``test reduceBack``() =
let reduction = fun x s -> 2 * (x + s)
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
not (List.isEmpty list) ==> lazy (reduceBack reduction list = List.reduceBack reduction list)
(* 'T list -> 'T list -> 'T list *)
let append list1 list2 =
foldBack (fun x state -> x :: state) list1 list2
let ``test append``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list1: int list) (list2: int list) ->
append list1 list2 = List.append list1 list2
(* ('T -> ^U) -> 'T list -> ^U (requires ^U with static member (+) and ^U with static member DivideByInt and ^U with static member Zero) *)
let inline averageBy projection (list: 'T list) : ^U
when ^U : (static member ( + ) : ^U * ^U -> ^U)
and ^U : (static member DivideByInt : ^U * int -> ^U)
and ^U : (static member Zero : ^U) =
let rec loop xs sum count =
match xs with
| [] ->
if count = 0 then
invalidArg "list" "empty"
LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt sum count
| h :: t ->
loop t (sum + (projection h)) (count + 1)
loop list (LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero) 0
let ``test averageBy``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
not (List.isEmpty list) ==> lazy (averageBy decimal list = List.averageBy decimal list)
(* ^T list -> ^T (requires ^T with static member (+) and ^T with static member DivideByInt and ^T with static member Zero) *)
let inline average list =
averageBy id list
let ``test average``() =
(* TODO *)
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
not (List.isEmpty list) ==> lazy (average (list |> decimal) = List.average (list |> decimal))
(* ('T -> 'U option) -> 'T list -> 'U list *)
let choose chooser list =
let rec loop xs cont =
match xs with
| [] -> cont []
| h :: t ->
let x = chooser h
loop t (fun acc -> cont (match x with Some v -> v :: acc | _ -> acc))
loop list id
let ``test choose``() =
let chooser = fun x -> if x > 3 then Some x else None
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
choose chooser list = List.choose chooser list
(* ('T -> 'U list) -> 'T list -> 'U list *)
let collect mapping list =
let rec loop xs acc =
match xs with
| [] -> acc
| h :: t ->
let x = mapping h
loop t (match x with [] -> acc | ys -> append acc ys)
loop list []
let ``test collect``() =
let mapping = fun x -> if x > 3 then [x; -x] else []
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
collect mapping list = List.collect mapping list
(* list<'T list> -> 'T list *)
let concat lists =
collect id lists
let ``test concat``() =
fsCheck <| fun (lists: int list list) ->
concat lists = List.concat lists
(* 'T list *)
let empty<'T> : 'T list = []
let ``test empty``() =
empty |> isEqualTo (List.empty)
(* ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> bool *)
let exists predicate list =
let rec loop xs =
match xs with
| [] -> false
| h :: t -> if predicate h then true else loop t
loop list
let ``test exists``() =
let predicate = fun x -> x = 5
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
exists predicate list = List.exists predicate list
(* ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> 'T list *)
let filter predicate list =
let rec loop xs cont =
match xs with
| [] -> cont []
| h :: t ->
let x = predicate h
loop t (fun acc -> cont (if x then (h :: acc) else acc))
loop list id
let ``test filter``() =
let predicate = fun x -> x % 2 = 0
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
filter predicate xs = List.filter predicate xs
(* ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> 'T option *)
let tryFind predicate list =
let rec loop xs =
match xs with
| [] -> None
| h :: t -> if predicate h then Some h else loop t
loop list
let ``test tryFind``() =
let predicate = fun x -> x % 2 = 0
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
tryFind predicate xs = List.tryFind predicate xs
(* ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> 'T *)
let find predicate list =
match tryFind predicate list with
| Some v -> v
| _ -> raise <| System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException()
let ``test find``() =
let predicate = fun x -> x * x > 5
find predicate [0..6] |> isEqualTo (List.find predicate [0..6])
(* ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> int option *)
let tryFindIndex predicate list =
let rec loop xs i =
match xs with
| [] -> None
| h :: t ->
if predicate h then Some i else loop t (i + 1)
loop list 0
let ``test tryFindIndex``() =
let predicate = fun x -> x * x > 5
tryFindIndex predicate [1..6] |> isEqualTo (List.tryFindIndex predicate [1..6])
(* ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> int *)
let findIndex predicate list =
match tryFindIndex predicate list with
| Some i -> i
| _ -> raise <| new System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException()
let ``test findIndex``() =
let predicate = fun x -> x * x > 5
findIndex predicate [1..6] |> isEqualTo (List.findIndex predicate [1..6])
(* ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> bool *)
let forall predicate list =
let rec loop xs =
match xs with
| [] -> true
| h :: t -> if predicate h then loop t else false
loop list
let ``test forall``() =
let predicate = fun x -> x < 10
forall predicate [1..3] |> isEqualTo (List.forall predicate [1..3])
forall predicate [9..13] |> isEqualTo (List.forall predicate [9..13])
(* 'T list -> 'T *)
let head list =
match list with
| [] -> invalidArg "list" "empty"
| h :: t -> h
let ``test head``() =
head [1..3] |> isEqualTo 1
(* int -> (int -> 'T) -> 'T list *)
let init length initializer =
let rec loop i n cont =
if n <= 0 then
cont []
let x = initializer i
loop (i + 1) (n - 1) (fun acc -> cont (x :: acc))
loop 0 length id
let ``test init``() =
init 3 ((*) 2) |> isEqualTo (List.init 3 ((*) 2))
(* 'T list -> bool *)
let isEmpty list =
match list with
| [] -> true
| _ -> false
let ``test isEmpty``() =
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
isEmpty xs = List.isEmpty xs
(* (int -> 'T -> unit) -> 'T list -> unit *)
let iteri action list =
let rec loop xs i =
match xs with
| [] -> ()
| h :: t -> action i h; loop t (i + 1)
loop list 0
let ``test iteri``() =
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
let r1 = ref 0
let r2 = ref 0
iteri (fun i x -> r1 := !r1 + x + i) xs
List.iteri (fun i x -> r2 := !r2 + x + i) xs
!r1 = !r2
(* ('T -> unit) -> 'T list -> unit *)
let iter action list =
iteri (fun _ x -> action x) list
let ``test iter``() =
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
let r1 = ref 0
let r2 = ref 0
iter (fun x -> r1 := !r1 + x) xs
List.iter (fun x -> r2 := !r2 + x) xs
!r1 = !r2
(* 'T list -> init *)
let length list =
fold (fun state x -> state + 1) 0 list
let ``test length``() =
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
length xs = List.length xs
(* (int -> 'T -> 'U) -> 'T list -> 'U list *)
let mapi mapping list =
let rec loop xs i cont =
match xs with
| [] -> cont []
| h :: t ->
let x = mapping i h
loop t (i + 1) (fun acc -> cont (x :: acc))
loop list 0 id
let ``test mapi``() =
let mapping = fun i x -> x * i
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
mapi mapping xs = List.mapi mapping xs
(* ('T -> 'U) -> 'T list -> 'U list *)
let map mapping list =
mapi (fun _ x -> mapping x) list
let ``test map``() =
let mapping = (*) 2
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
map mapping xs = mapping xs
(* ('T -> 'U) -> 'T list -> 'T (requires comparison) *)
let maxBy projection list =
reduce (fun state x -> if projection state > projection x then state else x) list
let ``test maxBy``() =
let projection = fun x -> -x
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
not (List.isEmpty xs) ==> lazy (maxBy projection xs = List.maxBy projection xs)
(* 'T list -> 'T (requires comparison) *)
let max list =
maxBy id list
let ``test max``() =
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
not (List.isEmpty xs) ==> lazy (max xs = List.max xs)
(* ('T -> 'U) -> 'T list -> 'T (requires comparison) *)
let minBy projection list =
reduce (fun state x -> if projection state < projection x then state else x) list
let ``test minBy``() =
let projection = fun x -> -x
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
not (List.isEmpty xs) ==> lazy (minBy projection xs = List.minBy projection xs)
(* 'T list -> 'T (requires comparison) *)
let min list =
minBy id list
let ``test min``() =
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) ->
not (List.isEmpty xs) ==> lazy (min xs = List.min xs)
(* 'T list -> int -> 'T *)
let nth list index =
let rec loop xs n =
match xs with
| [] -> invalidArg "index" "index is outside"
| h :: t -> if n = 0 then h else loop t (n - 1)
loop list index
let ``test nth``() =
fsCheck <| fun (xs: int list) n ->
(not (List.isEmpty xs) && List.length xs > n && n > 0) ==> lazy (nth xs n = List.nth xs n)
(* ('T -> bool) -> 'T list -> 'T list * 'T list *)
let partition predicate list =
let rec loop list cont =
match list with
| [] -> cont ([], [])
| h :: t -> loop t (fun (xs, ys) ->
let x = predicate h
cont (if x then h :: xs, ys else xs, h :: ys))
loop list id
let ``test partition``() =
partition (fun x -> x < 3) [1;4;5;3;2] |> isEqualTo ([1;2], [4;5;3])
(* ('T -> 'U option) -> 'T list -> 'U option *)
let tryPick chooser list =
let rec loop xs =
match xs with
| [] -> None
| h :: t ->
match chooser h with
| Some v -> Some v
| _ -> loop t
loop list
let ``test tryPick``() =
let key = 3
let chooser = fun x -> if x = key then Some x else None
let arb() = Arb.fromGen (gen {
let! xs = Arb.generate<int list>
let a = List.toArray (key :: xs)
shuffle a
return List.ofArray a})
fsCheck <| fun () -> Prop.forAll (arb()) <| fun xs ->
tryPick chooser xs = List.tryPick chooser xs
(* ('T -> 'U option) -> 'T list -> 'U *)
let pick chooser list =
match tryPick chooser list with
| Some v -> v
| _ -> raise <| new System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException()
let ``test pick``() =
let key = 3
let chooser = fun x -> if x = key then Some x else None
let arb() = Arb.fromGen (gen {
let! xs = Arb.generate<int list>
let a = List.toArray (key :: xs)
shuffle a
return List.ofArray a})
fsCheck <| fun () -> Prop.forAll (arb()) <| fun xs ->
pick chooser xs = List.pick chooser xs
(* int -> 'T -> 'T list *)
let replicate count initial =
let rec loop n acc =
if n < 0 then invalidArg "count" "negative value"
elif n = 0 then acc
else loop (n - 1) (initial :: acc)
loop count []
let ``test replicate``() =
fsCheck <| fun (count: int) (initial: string) ->
count > 0 ==> lazy (replicate count initial = List.replicate count initial)
(* 'T list -> 'T list *)
let rev list =
fold (fun state x -> x :: state) [] list
let ``test rev``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
rev list = List.rev list
(* ('State -> 'T -> 'State) -> 'State -> 'T list -> 'State list *)
let scan folder state list =
let rec loop state xs acc =
match xs with
| [] -> rev acc
| h :: t ->
let s = folder state h
loop s t (s :: acc)
loop state list [state]
let ``test scan``() =
fsCheck <| fun state (list: int list) ->
scan (+) state list = List.scan (+) state list
(* ('T -> 'State -> 'State) -> 'T list -> 'State -> 'State list *)
let scanBack folder list state =
let rec loop xs cont =
match xs with
| [] -> cont (state, [state])
| h :: t ->
loop t (fun (state, states) ->
let s = folder h state
cont (s, s :: states))
loop list (fun (state, states) -> states)
let ``test scanBack``() =
let folder = fun x s -> 2 * (x + s)
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) state ->
scanBack folder list state = List.scanBack folder list state
(* ('T -> 'Key) -> 'T list -> 'T list (requires comparison) *)
let sortBy projection list =
let rec qsort xs =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
let lt y = projection y < projection x
let ge y = projection x <= projection y
qsort (filter lt xs) @ [x] @ qsort (filter ge xs)
qsort list
let ``test sortBy``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: (char * int) list) ->
sortBy fst list = List.sortBy fst list
(* 'T list -> 'T list (requires comparison) *)
let sort list =
sortBy id list
let ``test sort``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
sort list = List.sort list
(* ('T -> 'T -> int) -> 'T list -> 'T list *)
let sortWith comparer list=
let rec qsort xs =
match xs with
| [] -> []
| x :: xs ->
let lt y = comparer y x < 0
let ge y = comparer y x >= 0
qsort (filter lt xs) @ [x] @ qsort (filter ge xs)
qsort list
let ``test sortWith``() =
let comparer a b = if a < b then 1 elif a > b then -1 else 0
sortWith comparer [3;1;2;5;6] |> isEqualTo (List.sortWith comparer [3;1;2;5;6])
(* (int -> int) -> 'T list -> 'T list *)
let permute indexMap list =
let rec loop list i acc =
match list with
| [] -> acc
| h :: t ->
loop t (i + 1) ((indexMap i, h) :: acc)
(loop list 0 []) |> sortBy fst |> map snd
let ``test permute``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
let indexMap = fun i -> (i + 1) % length list
permute indexMap list = List.permute indexMap list
(* ('T -> ^U) -> 'T list -> ^U (requires ^U with static member (+) and ^U with static member Zero) *)
let inline sumBy projection (list: ^T list) : ^U
when ^U : (static member ( + ) : ^U * ^U -> ^U)
and ^U : (static member Zero : ^U) =
fold (fun state x -> state + projection x) (LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero<(^U)>) list
let ``test sumBy``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: (char * int) list) ->
lazy (sumBy snd list = List.sumBy snd list)
(* 'T list -> ^T (requires ^T with static member (+) and ^T with static member Zero) *)
let inline sum (list: ^T list) : ^T =
sumBy id list
let ``test sum``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
lazy (sum list = List.sum list)
(* 'T list -> 'T list *)
let tail list =
match list with
| [] -> invalidArg "list" "empty"
| _ :: t -> t
let ``test tail``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
not (List.isEmpty list) ==> lazy (tail list = List.tail list)
(* ('T1 * 'T2) list -> 'T1 list * 'T2 list *)
let unzip list =
let rec loop xs cont =
match xs with
| [] -> cont ([], [])
| (x, y) :: t ->
loop t (fun (xs, ys) -> cont (x :: xs, y :: ys))
loop list id
let ``test unzip``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: (int * string) list) ->
lazy (unzip list = List.unzip list)
(* 'T1 list -> 'T2 list -> ('T1 * 'T2) list *)
let zip list1 list2 =
let rec loop xs ys cont =
match xs, ys with
| [], [] -> cont []
| [], _ | _, [] -> invalidArg "list1 and list2" "different length"
| x :: xs, y :: ys ->
loop xs ys (fun acc -> cont ((x, y) :: acc))
loop list1 list2 id
let ``test zip``() =
fsCheck <| fun (list: int list) ->
lazy (zip list list = list list)
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