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Created December 12, 2015 04:50
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(defn num-vec [str]
(map #(- (int %) (int \0)) (seq str)))
(defn num-vec-stringize [vec]
(clojure.string/join (map str vec)))
(defn binarize [vec]
(map #(if (= 0 %) 0 1) vec))
(defn time-pass-by' [status]
(= status 0) 0
(= status 1) 2
(= status 2) 3
(= status 3) 0))
(defn time-pass-by [table-lst]
(map time-pass-by' table-lst))
(defn double-table [table-lst]
[s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7]
-> [[s0 0] [s1 1] [s2 2] [s3 3] [s4 4] [s5 5] [s6 6] [s7 7]
[s0 0] [s1 1] [s2 2] [s3 3] [s4 4] [s5 5] [s6 6] [s7 7]]
(map vector
(take 16 (cycle table-lst))
(take 16 (cycle (range 0 8)))))
(defn select-seat-from-list [data grpnum]
[3 4] , 2 -> [3 4]
[5 6 7 0 1], 2 -> [0 1]
[5 6 7 0 1], 3 -> [5 6 7]
(let [lst (drop-while #(not= 0 %) data)]
(if (>= (count lst) grpnum)
(take grpnum (iterate inc 0))
(take grpnum data))))
(defn find-seats [table-lst grpnum]
着席できない場合は[99 0]を返す。
(->> (partition-by #(nth % 0) (double-table table-lst)) ; 同状態席のグルーピング
(filter #(and (= (nth (nth % 0) 0) 0) (>= (count %) grpnum))) ; グループ人数を満たす空席グループを取り出し候補とする
(map (fn [x] (map (fn [y] (nth y 1)) x))); 状態を捨てて座席番号のみのリストとする
(map #(select-seat-from-list % grpnum)); 仕様に合わせて絞る
(reduce #(if (< (nth %1 0) (nth %2 0)) %1 %2) '(99 0))))
(defn sitdown [table-lst seats]
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 1) (vec table-lst) seats))
(defn do-one-step [table-lst grpnum]
(let [table-lst' (time-pass-by table-lst)
seats (find-seats table-lst' grpnum)]
(if (= seats [99 0])
[table-lst' false]
[(sitdown table-lst' seats) true])))
(defn do-until-sitdown [table-lst grpnum]
(let [table (do-one-step table-lst grpnum)]
(if (nth table 1) (nth table 0)
(do-until-sitdown (nth table 0) grpnum))))
(defn process' [accum wait-line]
(if (empty? wait-line)
(process' (do-until-sitdown accum (first wait-line)) (rest wait-line))))
(defn process [wait-line]
(num-vec-stringize (binarize (process' [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] (num-vec wait-line)))))
(deftest senario-test
(testing "test...."
[waiting expected]
(= (process waiting) expected)
"3316" "11111110"
"3342153" "11111111"
"8" "11111111"
"232624" "11110110"
"1" "10000000"
"224673432" "11111000"
"123464334" "11111110"
"44372332" "11111111"
"2344" "11111111"
"6448476233" "11111100"
"4345174644" "11111111"
"77743" "11111110"
"2136524281" "10000000"
"344373" "11100000"
"434226" "11111111"
"7433223" "11111110"
"2246534" "11110111"
"634" "11111110"
"2222" "11111100"
"2442343238" "11111111"
"7243344" "11111111"
"26147234" "10111111"
"34424" "10011111"
"6334" "11011111"
"3828342" "11011110"
"4431" "11110000"
"2843212125" "11111111"
"333336482" "11000000"
"374" "11110000"
"4382333" "11100111")))
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