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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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IF debug THEN PERFORM summary_v2.debug_loger(run_id, function_name, 'CREATE INDEX on TEMPORARY TABLE'); END IF;
CREATE INDEX tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_idx on tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_table (report_date, site_id, placement_id, creative_group_id, creative_id) ;
IF debug THEN PERFORM summary_v2.debug_loger(run_id, function_name, 'Join AK data with _3pas data'); END IF;
INSERT INTO tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_table_rez
COALESCE(ak.report_date, _3pas.report_date) AS report_date,
COALESCE(ak.site_id, _3pas.site_id::bigint) AS site_id,
COALESCE(ak.placement_id, _3pas.placement_id::bigint) AS placement_id,
COALESCE(ak.creative_id, _3pas.creative_id::bigint) AS creative_id,
COALESCE(ak.creative_group_id, _3pas.creative_group_id::bigint) AS creative_group_id,
COALESCE(ak.impressions,0)::bigint AS impressions,
COALESCE(ak.clicks,0)::bigint AS clicks,
COALESCE(ak.view_actions,0)::bigint AS view_actions,
COALESCE(ak.click_actions,0)::bigint AS click_actions,
COALESCE(ak.view_action_revenue,0)::double precision AS view_revenue,
COALESCE(ak.click_action_revenue,0)::double precision AS click_revenue,
COALESCE(_3pas.impressions,0)::bigint AS _3pas_impressions,
COALESCE(_3pas.clicks,0)::bigint AS _3pas_clicks,
COALESCE(_3pas.view_actions,0)::bigint AS _3pas_view_actions,
COALESCE(_3pas.click_actions,0)::bigint AS _3pas_click_actions,
COALESCE(_3pas.view_revenue,0)::double precision AS _3pas_view_revenue,
COALESCE(_3pas.click_revenue,0)::double precision AS _3pas_click_revenue
FROM tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_table ak
case when (trim(site_id) ~ E'^\\d+$') then trim(site_id) else '-1' end as site_id,
case when (trim(placement_id) ~ E'^\\d+$') then trim(placement_id) else '-1' end as placement_id,
case when (trim(creative_id) ~ E'^\\d+$') then trim(creative_id) else '-1' end as creative_id,
case when (trim(creative_group_id) ~ E'^\\d+$') then trim(creative_group_id) else '-1' end as creative_group_id,
(SELECT COALESCE(SUM((item::summary_v2.engagement_by_flavor).raw_count),0)
FROM (SELECT unnest(engagements_by_flavor) AS item) AS items WHERE (item::summary_v2.engagement_by_flavor).flavor_id = ANY(codes)
) AS clicks,
FROM summary_v2.third_party_campaign_details_report
WHERE report_date BETWEEN from_date[j] AND to_date[j] AND campaign_id = campaign_ids_in[j]
) AS _3pas
ON ak.report_date = _3pas.report_date
AND ak.site_id = _3pas.site_id::bigint
AND ak.placement_id = _3pas.placement_id::bigint
AND ak.creative_id = _3pas.creative_id::bigint
AND ak.creative_group_id = _3pas.creative_group_id::bigint
-- Clear temporary table for SUMMARY data
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_idx;
TRUNCATE tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_table;
-- creating index for performance
IF debug THEN PERFORM summary_v2.debug_loger(run_id, function_name, 'CREATE INDEX on TEMPORARY TABLE'); END IF;
CREATE INDEX tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_table_rez_idx on tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_table_rez(report_date) ;
IF debug THEN PERFORM summary_v2.debug_loger(run_id, function_name, 'Add empty rows'); END IF;
INSERT INTO tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_table_rez
dt.all_days AS report_date,
0::bigint AS impressions,
0::bigint AS clicks,
0::bigint AS view_actions,
0::bigint AS click_actions,
0::double precision AS view_revenue,
0::double precision AS click_revenue,
0::bigint AS _3pas_impressions,
0::bigint AS _3pas_clicks,
0::bigint AS _3pas_view_actions,
0::bigint AS _3pas_click_actions,
0::double precision AS _3pas_view_revenue,
0::double precision AS _3pas_click_revenue
FROM ( SELECT from_date[j]::date + x AS all_days FROM generate_series(0, to_date[j]::date - from_date[j]::date) AS s(x) ) AS dt
LEFT JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT report_date FROM tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_table_rez) AS rd
ON dt.all_days=rd.report_date WHERE rd.report_date is null
IF debug THEN PERFORM summary_v2.debug_loger(run_id, function_name, 'RETURN QUERY for campaign '||campaign_ids_in[j]); END IF;
RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM tracking_campaign_details_raw_report_table_rez ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;
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