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Created June 15, 2022 20:49
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Meal Plan
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Drones
public class Airfield
public List<Drone> Drones { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Capacity { get; set; }
public double LandingStrip { get; set; }
public Airfield(string name, int capacity, double landingStrip)
this.Name = name;
this.Capacity = capacity;
this.LandingStrip = landingStrip;
this.Drones = new List<Drone>();
public int Count => this.Drones.Count(d => d.Available == true);
public string AddDrone(Drone drone)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(drone.Name) ||
string.IsNullOrEmpty(drone.Brand) ||
drone.Range < 5 || drone.Range > 15)
return "Invalid drone.";
if (this.Drones.Count >= this.Capacity)
return "Airfield is full.";
return $"Successfully added {drone.Name} to the airfield.";
public bool RemoveDrone(string name)
int count = this.Drones.RemoveAll(d => d.Name == name);
return count > 0;
//bool found = false;
//var newDrones = new List<Drone>();
//foreach (var d in this.Drones)
// if (d.Name != name)
// newDrones.Add(d);
// found = true;
//this.Drones = newDrones;
//return found;
public int RemoveDroneByBrand(string brand)
int count = this.Drones.RemoveAll(d => d.Brand == brand);
return count;
//int count = 0;
//var newDrones = new List<Drone>();
//foreach (var d in this.Drones)
// if (d.Brand != brand)
// newDrones.Add(d);
// count++;
//this.Drones = newDrones;
//return found;
public Drone FlyDrone(string name)
Drone drone = this.Drones.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name == name);
if (drone == null)
return null;
drone.Available = false;
return drone;
public List<Drone> FlyDronesByRange(int range)
List<Drone> matchingDrones =
this.Drones.Where(d => d.Range >= range).ToList();
foreach (var d in matchingDrones)
d.Available = false;
return matchingDrones;
public string Report()
var dronesAvailable = this.Drones.Where(d => d.Available == true);
$"Drones available at {this.Name}:" + Environment.NewLine +
string.Join(Environment.NewLine, dronesAvailable);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class BeaversAtWork
static void Main()
// Read the matrix
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
char[,] matrix = ReadMatrix(n);
(int row, int col) = FindBeaberLocation(matrix);
int totalBranchesCount = CalcTotalBranchesCount(matrix);
// Process the input commands
Stack<char> branches = new Stack<char>();
int branchesLeft = totalBranchesCount;
int branchesOnTheBeach = 0;
while (true)
if (branchesLeft == 0)
string command = Console.ReadLine();
if (command == "end")
if (command == "up")
MoveTo(row - 1, col, command);
else if (command == "down")
MoveTo(row + 1, col, command);
else if (command == "left")
MoveTo(row, col - 1, command);
else if (command == "right")
MoveTo(row, col + 1, command);
throw new Exception("Invalid command: " + command);
if (branchesLeft == 0)
string branchesList = string.Join(", ", branches.Reverse());
Console.WriteLine($"The Beaver successfully collect {branches.Count} wood branches: {branchesList}.");
Console.WriteLine($"The Beaver failed to collect every wood branch. There are {branchesLeft} branches left.");
void MoveTo(int newRow, int newCol, string dir)
// Outside of the pond
if (newRow < 0 || newRow >= n ||
newCol < 0 || newCol >= n)
// Move branch outside of the pond --> throw the last branch (if exists)
if (branches.Count > 0)
// On a branch
if (char.IsLower(matrix[newRow, newCol]))
// Collect the branch
branches.Push(matrix[newRow, newCol]);
matrix[row, col] = '-';
matrix[newRow, newCol] = 'B';
row = newRow;
col = newCol;
// On a fish
if (matrix[newRow, newCol] == 'F')
// Eat the fish, move to new location (and collect the branch if any)
matrix[newRow, newCol] = '-'; // Remove the fish
matrix[row, col] = '-'; // Remove the beaver
if (dir == "up")
if (newRow != 0)
newRow = 0;
newRow = n-1;
if (dir == "down")
if (newRow != n-1 )
newRow = n-1;
newRow = 0;
if (dir == "left")
if (newCol != 0)
newCol = 0;
newCol = n-1;
if (dir == "right")
if (newCol != n - 1)
newCol = n-1;
newCol = 0;
if (char.IsLower(matrix[newRow, newCol]))
// Collect the branch
branches.Push(matrix[newRow, newCol]);
matrix[newRow, newCol] = 'B';
row = newRow;
col = newCol;
// Otherwise
//if (matrix[newRow, newCol] == '-')
// Move to the new position
matrix[row, col] = '-';
matrix[newRow, newCol] = 'B';
row = newRow;
col = newCol;
static char[,] ReadMatrix(int n)
var matrix = new char[n, n];
for (int row = 0; row < n; row++)
string[] rowChars = Console.ReadLine().Split(" ").ToArray();
for (int col = 0; col < n; col++)
matrix[row, col] = rowChars[col][0];
return matrix;
static (int row, int col) FindBeaberLocation(char[,] matrix)
for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0); row++)
for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1); col++)
if (matrix[row, col] == 'B')
return (row, col);
throw new Exception("Bearber not found in the matrix!");
static int CalcTotalBranchesCount(char[,] matrix)
int branchesCount = 0;
for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0); row++)
for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1); col++)
if (char.IsLower(matrix[row, col]))
return branchesCount;
static void PrintMatrix(char[,] matrix)
for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0); row++)
for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1); col++)
if (col > 0)
Console.Write(" ");
Console.Write(matrix[row, col]);
using System;
namespace Drones
public class Drone
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Brand { get; set; }
public int Range { get; set; }
public bool Available { get; set; } = true;
public Drone(string name, string brand, int range)
Name = name;
Brand = brand;
Range = range;
public override string ToString()
$"Drone: {this.Name}" + Environment.NewLine +
$"Manufactured by: {this.Brand}" + Environment.NewLine +
$"Range: {this.Range} kilometers";
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class MealPlan
static void Main()
Dictionary<string, int> caloriesByMeal = new Dictionary<string, int>()
{ "salad", 350 },
{ "soup", 490 },
{ "pasta", 680 },
{ "steak", 790 },
string[] meals = Console.ReadLine().Split(" ");
int mealsSum = meals.Select(m => caloriesByMeal[m]).Sum();
Stack<int> daysStack =
new Stack<int>(Console.ReadLine().Split(" ").Select(int.Parse));
int daysSum = daysStack.Sum();
for (int mealIndex = 0; mealIndex < meals.Length; mealIndex++)
string meal = meals[mealIndex];
int mealCals = caloriesByMeal[meal];
var dayCals = daysStack.Pop();
int calsLeft = dayCals - mealCals;
if (calsLeft > 0)
else if (calsLeft < 0)
if (daysStack.Count == 0)
// All limits are eaten --> print the left meals
Console.WriteLine($"John ate enough, he had {mealIndex + 1} meals.");
var mealsLeft = new List<string>();
for (int i = mealIndex + 1; i < meals.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Meals left: {string.Join(", ", mealsLeft)}.");
var prevDayCals = daysStack.Pop();
calsLeft = prevDayCals + calsLeft;
// All meals are eaten --> print the days left
Console.WriteLine($"John had {meals.Length} meals.");
var daysLeft = string.Join(", ", daysStack);
Console.WriteLine($"For the next few days, he can eat {daysLeft} calories.");
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