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Last active April 10, 2024 16:28
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What it does

It enables an MGLMapView (from the Mapbox Maps iOS SDK) to display MBTiles.

How it works

It adds an extension to MGLMapView for adding MBTiles sources. When an MBTiles source is added to an MGLMapView, it starts a web server within your app and points the map's style to localhost.


  1. Add MGLMapView+MBTiles.swift (from this Gist) to your app.
  2. Add the GCDWebServer library to your app.
  3. Add the SQLite.swift library to your app.
  4. Add the following to your app's Info.plist:


Add a source to mapView
let path = "/path/to/source.mbtiles"
if let source = try? MBTilesSource(filePath: path),
   let index = {
    try? mapView.insertMBTilesSource(source, at: index)
Remove a source from mapView
mapView.remove(MBTilesSource: source)

Known Limitations

• Only MBTiles that contain raster data sources (jpg, png) are currently supported. Vector sources (i.e. pbf) are not (yet) supported.


I created this for my app, Forest Maps.

import Foundation
import Mapbox
import SQLite
// MARK: MbtilesSource
enum MBTilesSourceError: Error {
case CouldNotReadFileError
case UnknownFormatError
case UnsupportedFormatError
class MBTilesSource: NSObject {
// MBTiles spec, including details about vector tiles:
// MARK: Properties
var filePath: String
fileprivate var isVector = false
fileprivate var tileSize: Int?
fileprivate var layersJson: String?
fileprivate var attribution: String?
var minZoom: Float?
var maxZoom: Float?
var bounds: MGLCoordinateBounds?
fileprivate var mglTileSource: MGLTileSource?
fileprivate var mglStyleLayer: MGLForegroundStyleLayer?
var isVisible: Bool {
get {
return mglStyleLayer == nil ? false : mglStyleLayer!.isVisible
set {
mglStyleLayer?.isVisible = newValue
private var database: Connection?
private let validRasterFormats = ["jpg", "png"]
private let validVectorFormats = ["pbf", "mvt"]
// MARK: Functions
init(filePath: String) throws {
self.filePath = filePath
do {
self.database = try Connection(filePath, readonly: true)
guard let anyTile = try database?.scalar("SELECT tile_data FROM tiles LIMIT 1") as? Blob else {
throw MBTilesSourceError.CouldNotReadFileError
let tileData = Data(bytes: anyTile.bytes)
var format: String?
let headerData = [UInt8](tileData)[0]
if headerData == 0x89 {
format = "png"
} else if headerData == 0xFF {
format = "jpg"
} else {
format = getMetadata(fieldName: "format")
if format == nil {
throw MBTilesSourceError.UnknownFormatError
} else if validRasterFormats.contains(format!) {
isVector = false
} else if validVectorFormats.contains(format!) {
isVector = true
} else {
throw MBTilesSourceError.UnsupportedFormatError
if let tileImage = UIImage(data: tileData) {
let screenScale = UIScreen.main.scale > 1 ? 2 : 1
self.tileSize = Int(tileImage.size.height / CGFloat(screenScale))
if let minString = getMetadata(fieldName: "minzoom") {
minZoom = Float(minString)
if let maxString = getMetadata(fieldName: "maxzoom") {
maxZoom = Float(maxString)
if let boundsString = getMetadata(fieldName: "bounds") {
let coordinates = boundsString.split(separator: ",")
if let west = CLLocationDegrees(coordinates[0]),
let south = CLLocationDegrees(coordinates[1]),
let east = CLLocationDegrees(coordinates[2]),
let north = CLLocationDegrees(coordinates[3]) {
bounds = MGLCoordinateBoundsMake(CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(south, west),
CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(north, east))
attribution = getMetadata(fieldName: "attribution")
layersJson = getMetadata(fieldName: "json")
} catch {
throw MBTilesSourceError.CouldNotReadFileError
deinit {
database = nil
private func getMetadata(fieldName: String) -> String? {
let query = "SELECT value FROM metadata WHERE name=\"\(fieldName)\""
if let binding = try? database?.scalar(query) {
return binding as? String
return nil
fileprivate func getTile(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) -> Data? {
let query = "SELECT tile_data FROM tiles WHERE tile_column=\(x) AND tile_row=\(y) AND zoom_level=\(z)"
if let binding = try? database?.scalar(query),
let blob = binding as? Blob {
return Data(bytes: blob.bytes)
return nil
// MARK: - MGLMapView Extension
extension MGLMapView {
func insertMBTilesSource(_ source: MBTilesSource, at index: UInt, tileSize: Int? = nil) throws {
remove(MBTilesSource: source)
let port: UInt = 54321
MbtilesServer.shared.start(port: port)
MbtilesServer.shared.sources[source.filePath] = source
let filePath = source.filePath as NSString
guard let escapedPath = filePath.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: NSCharacterSet.urlPathAllowed) else {
let id = filePath.lastPathComponent
let urlTemplate = "http://localhost:\(port)\(escapedPath)?x={x}&y={y}&z={z}"
var options = [MGLTileSourceOption : Any]()
options[MGLTileSourceOption.tileCoordinateSystem] = MGLTileCoordinateSystem.TMS.rawValue
options[MGLTileSourceOption.tileSize] = tileSize ?? source.tileSize
options[MGLTileSourceOption.minimumZoomLevel] = source.minZoom
options[MGLTileSourceOption.maximumZoomLevel] = source.maxZoom
if let bounds = source.bounds {
options[MGLTileSourceOption.coordinateBounds] = NSValue(mglCoordinateBounds: bounds)
if let attributionString = source.attribution {
options[MGLTileSourceOption.attributionInfos] = [MGLAttributionInfo(title: NSAttributedString(string: attributionString) , url: nil)]
if source.isVector {
// Only raster data (jpg, png) is currently supported.
// Raster data (i.e. pbf) is not (yet) supported.
throw MBTilesSourceError.UnsupportedFormatError
} else {
source.mglTileSource = MGLRasterTileSource(identifier: id, tileURLTemplates: [urlTemplate], options: options)
source.mglStyleLayer = MGLRasterStyleLayer(identifier: id, source: source.mglTileSource!)
if source.minZoom != nil {
source.mglStyleLayer!.minimumZoomLevel = source.minZoom!
if source.maxZoom != nil {
source.mglStyleLayer!.maximumZoomLevel = source.maxZoom!
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
self?.style?.insertLayer(source.mglStyleLayer!, at: index)
func remove(MBTilesSource source: MBTilesSource) {
let filePath = source.filePath
let id = (filePath as NSString).lastPathComponent
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
if let layer = self?.style?.layer(withIdentifier: id) {
if let source = self?.style?.source(withIdentifier: id) {
MbtilesServer.shared.sources[filePath] = nil
// MARK: - Server
fileprivate class MbtilesServer: NSObject {
// MARK: Properties
static let shared = MbtilesServer()
var sources = [String : MBTilesSource]()
private var webServer: GCDWebServer? = nil
// MARK: Functions
func start(port: UInt) {
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
DispatchQueue.main.sync { [weak self] in
self?.start(port: port)
if webServer == nil {
webServer = GCDWebServer()
guard !webServer!.isRunning else {
webServer?.addDefaultHandler(forMethod: "GET", request: GCDWebServerRequest.self, processBlock: { [weak self] (request: GCDWebServerRequest) -> GCDWebServerResponse? in
return self?.handleGetRequest(request)
webServer?.start(withPort: port, bonjourName: nil)
func stop() {
guard Thread.isMainThread else {
DispatchQueue.main.sync { [weak self] in
private func handleGetRequest(_ request: GCDWebServerRequest) -> GCDWebServerResponse? {
if (request.path as NSString).pathExtension == "mbtiles",
let source = sources[request.path],
let query = request.query,
let xString = query["x"] as? String,
let yString = query["y"] as? String,
let zString = query["z"] as? String,
let x = Int(xString),
let y = Int(yString),
let z = Int(zString),
let tileData = source.getTile(x: x, y: y, z: z) {
return GCDWebServerDataResponse(data: tileData, contentType: "")
} else {
return GCDWebServerResponse(statusCode: 404)
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hi @namannik
About Mapbox initialization. If I'm using offline, I also have to have a custom white space source and then add it to styleURL?
I wonder how you handled it?

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namannik commented Sep 18, 2020

@songyuyang0918 My app uses a hybrid of an online tile sours and multiple offline tile source. I'm not sure what you mean about "white space source".

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songyuyang0918 commented Oct 25, 2020

@ namannik
Forgive me for not describing it clearly, I just want to show the source of the block multiple offline tile source.
But MapBox requires that I have the online tile sours to use the offline tile source.
Do you have any good ideas?

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My app works with a styleURL that references a style.json file contained locally within the app and tiles hosted online. The user can download tiles for offline use if they want. I'm not aware that having an online tile source is a requirement of MapBox. As far as I know, you can set the styleURL to get tiles from anywhere, including locally on the device.

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songyuyang0918 commented Oct 26, 2020

StyleUrl can indeed be accessed from a.JSON file or an online hosting tile.
Because I'm using the Mapbox-based extended offline function MBTilesSource that you developed.
If I only show the offline map, then only show MBTilesSource without showing the styleUrl?
In fact, if styleUrl = nil, Then MBTilesSource will not work.

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hey, any suggestions on how to implement this approach with Mapbox V10.10.0?

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folsze commented Apr 10, 2024

@hjhimanshu01 @namannik

Do you know whether this is possible with for hybrid web wrapper native apps?

If not:
I am thinking of developing a plugin. How hard would that be, to get that to work? What is standing in the way currently?

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