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Last active July 3, 2020 13:42
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The plugin 11936 of Nessus doesn't give a structured format to be able to go through large number of hosts. This script helps to parse the data, and convert it in to a new CSV file. It also categories operating systems.
# Version 1.0
# Copyleft
# Ali Nikouei
# July 2020
# this script parses the CSV output of the plugin 11936 of Nessus professional
## How to use it:
# 1. Filter the report based on "Plugin ID" where it "is equal to" the plugin ID "11936"
# 2. Export the report into a CSV file
# 3. Define the list of your devices in the list 'excluded_hosts'
# 3. Use the script to parse it
# see also the other Gist parses the other format of host enumerations:
import csv, sys, getopt
# list of operating systems and their families
OSes = [('linux', 'Linux'), ('windows', 'Windows'), ('microsoft', 'Windows'), ('win', 'Windows'), ('bsd', 'Linux'), ('unix', 'Linux'), ('iphone', 'iOS'), ('ipad', 'iOS')]
# list of hosts should be excluded; e.g. the probe or the tester machine
excluded_hosts = ['my_device_1', 'my_device_2', 'my_device_3']
# empty array to store list of hosts
hosts = []
# read the arguments
def arg_reader(argv):
input_file = ''
output_file = ''
options, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:o:", ["input=", "output="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print(' -i <input_file> -o <output_file>')
for option, value in options:
if option == '-h':
print(' -i <input_file> -o <output_file>')
elif option in ("-i", "--input"):
if not value:
sys.exit('ERROR: the input file should be defined')
input_file = value
elif option in ("-o", "--output"):
if not value:
sys.exit('ERROR: the output file should be defined')
output_file = value
return input_file, output_file
if __name__ == "__main__":
input_file , output_file = arg_reader(sys.argv[1:])
if not input_file or not output_file:
sys.exit('ERROR: please follow define the input and output\n\ -i <input_file> -o <output_file>')
# open the file
with open(input_file) as csv_file:
# open the file as a dict
dict = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
# count the number of rows
line = 0
for row in dict:
if line == 0:
line += 1
# if the host is the excluded one, ignore it
if row["Host"] in excluded_hosts:
print(f'The host {row["Host"]} is excluded')
temp = row["Plugin Output"].split('\n')
# iterate over the output of each host
for l in temp:
# if the line contains "Remote ..."
if "Remote operating system :" in l:
# get the OS
os = l.split(':')[1]
category = ''
# iterate over the list of defined OSes
for o in OSes:
if o[0] in os.lower():
category = o[1]
# if os is not listed
if not category:
category = 'Other'
# if the line contains "confidence ..."
elif "Confidence level :" in l:
confidence = l.split(':')[1]
# if the line contains "Method ..."
elif "Method :" in l:
method = l.split(':')[1]
# create a dictionay of findings
host = {
'Host': row["Host"],
'Operating System': os,
'Confidence': confidence,
'Category': category,
'Method': method
# append to the list of hosts
# increase the line number
line += 1
# print out the statistics
print(f'In total {line} host are enumerated.')
# create the output file
output = open(output_file, 'w')
# open the file
with output:
writer = csv.DictWriter(output, fieldnames=list(host.keys()))
# write the header of the file
# write all hosts into the file
for h in hosts:
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